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2 Pentingnya Customer Satisfaction
Industri minuman ringan di dunia, COCA COLA, sudah lama memimpin industri minuman ringan dengan memenuhi janji yang sederhana tetapi bertahan lama, “always coca cola” selalu menghilangkan dahaga selalu nyaman diminum ketika makan, selalu dingin dan selalu menjadi bagian hidup anda, perusahaan ini mampu mencari laba yang besar. Exp. Coca-Cola, Roti Boy, Teh Botol Sosro, Yakult, KFC, Redbull, McD, Ma’icih, Ny Suharti, Richeese Factory, Kampung Coklat, etc make a difference....

3 Evolusi Peran “Marketing”


5 ....make a difference....

6 Produk: Unilever

7 Definisi MARKETING? Marketing adalah proses sosial dan manajerial yang membuat individu dan kelompok memperoleh apa yang mereka butuhkan dan inginkan lewat penempatan dan pertukaran timbal balik produk dan nilai dengan orang lain.

8 marketing....

9 Definisi MARKETING? Marketing is more than a mere physical process of distributing goods and services. It is the process of discovering and translating consumer wants into products and services. It begins with the customer (by finding their needs) and ends with the customer (by satisfying their needs).

10 Scope – What do we market
Goods Services Events Experiences Personalities Place Organizations Properties Information Ideas and concepts


12 Alternative business philosophies

13 The subsystems of a marketing system

14 Conflict of interest in agricultural/food marketing systems

15 Marketing functions

16 The exchange function

17 The facilitating functions

18 The Scope Of Marketing The scope of marketing can be understood in terms of functions that an entrepreneur has to perform. These include the following: a. FUNCTIONS OF EXCHANGE: which include buying and assembling and selling? b. FUNCTIONS OF PHYSICAL SUPPLY: include transportation, storage and warehousing c. FUNCTIONS OF FACILITATION: Product Planning and Development, Marketing Research, Standardisation, Grading, Packaging, Branding, Sales Promotion, Financing

19 THE MARKETING CONCEPT The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists in determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors. Under marketing concept, the emphasis is on selling satisfaction and not merely on the selling a product.

20 The Objective Of Marketing
The objective of marketing is not the maximization of profitable sales volume, but profits through the satisfaction of customers. The consumer is the pivot point and all marketing activities operate around this central point. It is, therefore, essential that the entrepreneurs identify the customers, establish a rapport with them, identify their needs and deliver the goods and services that would meet their requirements.

21 The components of marketing concept are:
a. SATISFACTION OF CUSTOMERS: In the modern era, the customer is the focus of the organization. The organization should aim at producing those goods and services, which will lead to satisfaction of customers. b. INTEGRATED MARKETING: The functions of production, finance and marketing should be integrated to satisfy the needs and expectations of customers. c. PROFITABLE SALES VOLUME: Marketing is successful only when it is capable of maximizing profitable sales and achieves long-run customer satisfaction.

The basic difference between marketing and selling lies in the attitude towards business. THE SELLING CONCEPT takes an inside-out perspective. It starts with the factory, focuses on the company’s existing products, and calls for heavy selling and promoting to produce profitable sales. THE MARKETING CONCEPT takes an outside-in perspective. It starts with a well-defined market, focuses on customer needs, coordinates all the activities that will affect customers, and produces profits through creating customer satisfaction.

23 Marketing Versus Selling




27 Marketing Creates Utility
Marketing transactions create utility, which refers to the sum of the benefits we receive when we use a good or service. When it ensures that people have the type of product they want, where and when they want it, the marketing system makes our lives easier.

28 Utility is what creates value
Utility is what creates value. Marketing processes create several different kinds of utility to provide value to consumers: Form Utility is the benefit marketing provides by transforming raw materials into finished products. Place Utility is the benefit marketing provides by making products available where customers want them.

29 Time Utility is the benefit marketing provides by storing products until they are needed.
Possession Utility is the benefit marketing provides by allowing the consumer to own, use, and enjoy the product.

30 Organisational objectives and their measurement





35 Value, Satisfction & Quality
Konsep Pemasaran Produk Value, Satisfction & Quality Transaksi & Hubungan Pertukaran, Pasar Want, Needs & Demand

36 Want, Needs & Demand Wants : psikologis Needs : fisiologis Demands: keinginan manusia yang didukung oleh daya beli

37 Produk Adalah segala sesuatu yang dapat ditawarkan kepada pasar untuk diperhatikan, dimiliki, digunakan atau dikonsumsi sehingga dapat memuaskan keinginan dan kebutuhan Produk mencakup obyek fisik & non-fisik (atribut)

38 Nilai, Kepuasan & Mutu Nilai bagi pelanggan merupakan perbedaan antara nilai yang dinikmati pelanggan karena memiliki dan menggunakan produk dan biaya untuk memiliki produk tsb (exp. generic & branded) Kepuasan pelanggan: sejauh mana anggapan kinerja produk memenuhi harapan pembeli Tidak puas: bila kinerja produk lebih rendah ketimbang harapan pelanggan. Bila prestasi sesuai atau melebihi harapan, pembeli merasa puas atau amat gembira. Total Quality Manajemen: program yg dirancang untuk memperbaiki mutu produk, jasa dan proses pemasaran secara terus-menerus. Mutu dalam arti sempit “tanpa cacat” orientasi produk Mutu merupakan customer satisfaction orientasi customer

39 Value & Satisfaction In terms of marketing, the product or offering will be successful if it delivers value & satisfaction to the target buyer. The buyer chooses between different offerings on the basis of which is perceived to deliver the most value. We define value as a ratio between what the customer gets & what he gives.

40 The customer gets benefits & assumes costs, as shown in this equation:
Based on this equation, the marketer can increase the value of the customer offering by (1) raising benefits, (2) reducing costs, (3) raising benefits and reducing costs, (4) raising benefits by more than the raise in costs, or (5) lowering benefits by less than the reduction in costs.

41 Pertukaran, Transaksi & Hubungan
Pertukaran: Tindakan untuk memperoleh obyek yg didambakan dari seseorang dgn menawarkan sesuatu sbg penggantinya. Transaksi: perdagangan antara dua pihak yg paling sedikit melibatkan dua macam nilai, persetujuan mengenai kondisi, waktu dan tempat. Hubungan pemasaran: proses menciptakan, memelihara dan meningkatkan hubungan erat yg semakin lama semakin bernilai dengan pelanggan dan pihak berkepentingan yang lain.

42 PASAR Perangkat dari semua pembeli aktual dan potensial suatu produk atau jasa Pasar terdiri dari semua pelanggan potensial yg memiliki kebutuhan atau keinginan tertentu yg sama yg mungkin bersedia dan mampu melaksanakan pertukaran untuk memuaskan kebutuhan dan keinginan itu Manajemen pemasaran: Proses perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pemikiran, penetapan harga, promosi serta penyaluran gagasan, barang dan jasa untuk menciptakan pertukaran yg memuaskan tujuan-tujuan individu dan organisasi

43 Proses Pemasaran Sederhana

44 Konsumen: Target Pemasaran
1. Pengukuran permintaan dan peramalan a. Mengenali semua produk yang bersaing b. Memperkirakan penjualan saat ini dari semua produk c. Menetapkan apakah pasar cukup besar untuk mendukung produk lain dan masih memberikan laba

45 2. Segmentasi pasar, yaitu membagi-bagi pasar secara jelas menjadi kelompok pembeli yang jelas dengan kebutuhan, karakteristik, atau tingkah laku berbeda yang membutuhkan produk atau bauran pemasaran terpisah. Segmen pasar: kelompok konsumen yang memberikan reaksi serupa terhadap seperangkat usaha pemasaran.

46 3. Membidik pasar, merupakan proses mengevaluasi daya tarik setiap segmen pasar dan memilih satu atau beberapa segmen untuk dimasuki. 4. Memposisikan diri di pasar, pengaturan agar suatu produk menduduki tempat yang jelas, terbedakan dan didambakan dalam benak konsumen sasaran berhadapan dengan produk pesaing.

47 Merumuskan penempatan posisi suatu produk atau bauran pemasaran terinci untuk bersaing. Mengembangkan Marketing Mix Marketing mix adalah perangkat alat pemasaran taktis yang dikendalikan produk, harga, distribusi dan promosi yang dipadukan oleh perusahaan untuk menghasilkan respon yang diinginkan dalam pasar sasaran.


Daftar harga Diskon Potongan Periode pembayaran Syarat kredit PRODUK: Keragaman produk Mutu Rancangan Sifat-sifat Nama merek Kemasan Ukuran Pelayanan Jaminan keuntungan Pelanggan sasaran Pemosisian yang dikehendaki DISTRIBUSI: Saluran Cakupan Jenis Sediaan Transportasi logistik PROMOSI: Periklanan Penjualan perorangan Promosi penjualan Hubungan masyarakat

50 4 P & 4 C Perusahaan harus memandang empat P dalam arti empat C 4 P 4 C Product Customer needs and wants Price Cost to the customer Place Convenience (kenyamanan) Promotion Communication


52 Thank YOU

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