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Applying Building Material Checking

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Presentasi berjudul: "Applying Building Material Checking"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Applying Building Material Checking
Making an Object Test on the spot for foce tesr, concrere Accident By : SMK NEGERI 5 SURAKARTA

2 Goals of Learning Student can use Rudolf container.
Student can use Riffle sample device.Siswa dapat menggunakan alat Riffle Sample Teknologi dan Rekayasa

3 Water Container of Rudolf
Test device of Rudolf water container 40 cm Teknologi dan Rekayasa

4 Riffle Sample Device Water container of Riffle Sample Work Step :
Taking sand for sample Sand is grouped and mixed by Riffle Sample device It is dried untill dty of air Weighing untill 2,5 kg Filtering with standard sifter Weghing the result of sifter. Taking the result of sintering 500 gram, and it is filtered in sifter up to escape from sifter 4,8 mm, and so on Record the result of sifter Recording sifter process which is done for 50 minute, Teknologi dan Rekayasa

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