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Diterbitkan olehSri Sudirman Telah diubah "6 tahun yang lalu
TERMINOLOGI PLANKTON Viktor Hensen (abad 19, ilmuwan Jerman): Organisme mikroskopis baik hewan maupun tumbuhan yang hidup melayang bebas tidak dapat melawan arus, serta tidak terikat dengan pantai dan dasar plankton plank·ton [plángktən] noun mass of tiny floating organisms: a mass of tiny animals and plants floating in the sea or in lakes, usually near the surface, and eaten by fish and other water animals -plank·ton·ic [plangk tónnik], , adjective Microsoft® Encarta® © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
ZOOPLANKTON Rotifera Cladocera
Harpacticoida Cyclopoida Calanoida Jellyfish Asplanchna
Kenapa dipelajari Sumber makanan bagi ikan dan organisme air lainnya, bahkan manusia Penyedia oksigen terpenting di perairan Sebagai indikator tingkat kesuburan Sebagai indikator tingkat pencemaran Sebagai pengawet
Ponds food Chain
Linkages of algae, macrophytes, and fisheries in lakes
Pengelompokan Berdasarkan kemampuan membuat makanan:
Fitoplankton (Seluruhnya termasuk algae) Zooplankton
Phytoplankton Diversity
More than 4000 species Size ranges from <0.002 to >1mm Sexual – asexual reproduction Motile – non-motile forms
Phytoplankton Diversity
morphology pigments Physiology (storage products) Cell covering Polygenetic (widely seperated in evolutionary development) Pro- and eucaryotic taxa
Zooplankton Extremely Diverse 2 Kingdoms 1) Protozoans 2) Metazoans
Smaller microzooplankton Nano and Pico zooplanters 2) Metazoans Larger Net zooplankton
Who are the zooplankters?
Berdasarkan lama hidup sbg plankton
Holoplankton (seluruh siklus hidup sbg plankton) Examples of holoplankton include diatoms, radiolarians, dinoflagellates, foraminifera, amphipods, krill, copepods, and Meroplankton (satu/bbrapa stadia sbg plankton)
Major heterotrophic Protists
Ciliates (many subdivisions) -Tintinnid lorica is protein, some with particles stuck on Sarcodina (“Amoebas” - Naked & shelled amoeba are FW) -Forminifera (calcite= calcium carbonate) -Radiolaria (silica) -Acantharia (strombidium sulfate) -Heliozoan (silica – rare in marine waters) Dinoflagellates (autotrophic, mixotrophic or strict heterotrophic species) -Thecate (cellulose) & athecate (naked) Heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) -Mixture of groups that are difficult to distinguish taxonomically because they generally lack “shells”
Meroplankton: Planktonic Organisms that spend only part of their life cycle in the plankton
Sea urchin Starfish Starfish Sea Cucumber Bryozoan Phoronida Annelida (polychaete) Mollusca (gastropod) Arthropoda (decopod) Crustacea (barnacle) Nemertea
Berdasarkan ukuran Nannoplankton/ultraplankton/ mikroplankton (<10µ, <30µ, <50µ) Netplankton/mesoplankton (<1mm>60µ) Makroplankton/megaplankton/ megaloplankton (> 1mm) Plankton are also often described in terms of size. Usually the following divisions are used: However, some of these terms may be used with very different boundaries, especially on the larger end of the scale. The existence and importance of nano- and even smaller plankton was only discovered during the 1980s, but they are thought to make up the largest proportion of all plankton in number and diversity.
Group Size range (ESD) Major organisms Megaplankton 2×10-1 and above (20+ cm) metazoans; e.g. jellyfish Macroplankton 2×10-2 →2×10-1 m (2-20 cm) metazoans; e.g. pteropods; chaetognaths Mesoplankton 2×10-4→2×10-2 m (0.2 mm-2 cm) metazoans; e.g. copepods Microplankton 2×10-5→2×10-4 m ( µm) large eukaryotic protists; juvenile/small metazoans Nanoplankton 2×10-6→2×10-5 m (2-20 µm) small eukaryotic protists Picoplankton 2×10-7→2×10-6 m (0.2-2 µm) small eukaryotic protists; bacteria Femtoplankton < 2×10-7 m (< 0.2 µm) marine viruses
Berdasarkan habitat Limnoplankton (di danau) Heleoplankton (di kolam) Potamoplankton (di sungai) Hipalmiroplankton (di air payau) Haliplankton (di laut)
Menurut Nybakken (1988) ada beberapa mekanisme mengapung yang dilakukan plankton untuk dapat mempertahankan diri tetap melayang dalam kolom air yaitu antara lain: Mengubah komposisi cairan-cairan tubuh sehingga densitasnya menjadi lebih kecil dibandingkan densitas air laut. Mekanisme ini biasa dilakukan oleh Noctiluca dengan memasukkan amonium klorida (NH4Cl) kedalam cairan tubuhnya.
Membentuk pelampung berisi gas, sehingga densitasnya menjadi lebih kecil dari densitas air. Contoh untuk jenis ini adalah ubur ubur Menghasilkan cairan yang densitasnya lebih rendah dari air laut. Cairan tersebut biasanya berupa minyak dan lemak. Mekanisme ini banyak dilakukan oleh diatom maupun zoolankton dari jenis copepoda Memperbesar hambatan permukaan. Mekanisme ini dilakukan dengan mengubah bentuk tubuh atau membentu semacam tonjolan/duri pada permukaan tubuhnya.
Plankton Flotation Tend to be denser than salt water: Sink
SR = (W1-W2)/(R*Vw) w1 is the density of an organism, w2 is the density of seawater, R is the surface resistance and Vw is the viscosity of water (related to temperature and salinity) Reduce Density of Organism: Decrease W1 Exclude Heavy Ions – Form body fluids less dense than seawater Floats Increase Surface area R=Surface of resistance Small size: reduce SA/Volume Flat Body Shape or spines
Plankton and Water Movements Langmuir convection cells
Plankton Reproduction
Aseksual Pembelahan Sel Seksual Sperm and Eggs
Alat tangkap/pengumpul
Gayung Ember Water sampler Plankton net
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