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DIPLOMACY “the application of independent tactics to conduct official relations between government of independent states” (Harold K. Nicolson, 1972, 475).

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Presentasi berjudul: "DIPLOMACY “the application of independent tactics to conduct official relations between government of independent states” (Harold K. Nicolson, 1972, 475)."— Transcript presentasi:

1 DIPLOMACY “the application of independent tactics to conduct official relations between government of independent states” (Harold K. Nicolson, 1972, 475).

2 “..Means of the employment of tact, shrewdness, and skill in any negotiation or transaction”
Quincy Wright (1955,25-30) * “the business of communicating between government”.

3 The emphasis in diplomacy is on communication skills;
as the art of resolving disputes between state by highly skilled communication between the trained representative of governments. The emphasis in diplomacy is on communication skills; David W. Ziegler (1984, )

4 Tugas-tugas pokok sebagai berikut:
Melaksanakan kebijakan/politik negaranya; Melindungi kepentingan negara dan warganya Memberikan informasi, bahan-bahan keterangan, laporan-laporan kepada pemerintahnya tentang perkembangan yang terjadi di dunia.

5 Lima fungsi pokok yang melekat dalam tugas sebagai seorang diplomat antara lain yaitu:
a. Conflict management; b. Solving problem between nations; c. Improving communications between governments concerning issues; d. Negotiations of international agreements; e. Overall program management. (Poullanda, 1974, ).

6 Sumber-sumber (Input) Kebijakan LN

7 Sumber-sumber (Input) Kebijakan LN :
Sumber Masyarakat (societal source) - Berasal dari lingkungan internal - Mencakup faktor sejarah suatu bangsa/ pengalaman historis, ideologi/cita-cita, tingkat pendidikan, struktur sosial, kestabilitasan, kualitas hidup, opini publik/ sentimen atas isu LN tt, media massa

8 2. Sumber Pemerintahan (governmental sources)
Stabilisasi politik (adanya legitimasi) Keberhasilan pemilu Kapasitas pejabat pemerintah Kemampuan kerjasama /networking Efektifitas kelembagaan (administrative performance) Diskresi

9 3. Sumber Idiosinkratik (idiosyncratic source)
Bakat, keahlian, kecakapan, kepribadian elit politik (pemimpin), kharisma, popularitas Persepsi pemimpin atas politik inernasional

10 4. Sumber Sistemik (systemic sources)
Suatu keadaan dilingkungan eksternal yg mempengaruhi kebijakan LN suatu negara Misal. Pertumbuhan/degradasi ekonomi regional, dominasi politik negara maju, pengaruh mata uang asing

Motivasi para pembuat keputusan Arus informasi yang masuk di lingkaran elit (implisit mauput eksplisit) Pengaruh tekanan internasional Situasi dan kondisi saat membuat keputusan

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