Psychological Services To The Customer

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1 Psychological Services To The Customer

2 Psychological Services to the Customer
Customer Motives To Influence Customer: give a customer freedom to choose without pushing or teaching them Proactive anticipate customer’s needs Knowing customers motive: Bangkitkan motif pelanggan agar tertarik dengan jasa yang kita tawarkan  memberi informasi yg menjadi nilai tambah jasa kita tanpa menjelek-jelekkan produk/jasa lain.

3 Customer’s perfomance and self esteem
Do not under estimate and jugde customer’s personality based on their bad perfomance Customer can be a potential customer or repeat bussiness for us To maintance customer’s self esteem: bina hubungan yg baik dan harmonis, selalu siap membantu pelanggan yg kesulitan, mengingat hari-hari istimewa pelanggan (i.e: birth day or anniversary)

4 Female Mature Customer Teenage Customer Old Customer Children Customer
Customer Types Male Customer Female Mature Customer Teenage Customer Old Customer Children Customer Marriage Customer Engage Customer Pregnant Customer Abnormal Customer Foreign Customer Determine how to approach and treat differently according to their conditions

5 How to Build a Relationship with Customer
Developing Positive Image First impression is very important. Don’t make anybody to wait Always Nice to other people Treat all customer as if they are the first customer that day Eye contact Smile Don’t judge the customer Speak Clearly Focus Positive and Sincere acknowledgement

6 Seven Habit of Highly Effective People
Proactive Saat memulai suatu perbuatan, usahakan utk sudah mendapatkan gambaran mengenai dampak dari perbuatan tersebut First thing first (dahulukan yang perlu didahulukan) Berpikir dan bertindak menang-menang (win-win solution) Understand instead of being understood (Mengerti terlebih dahulu, baru dimengerti) Synergy Wujudkan sinergi Sharpen your saw (Asah terus kemampuan)

7 Free Trade Vision at the Globalization Era
Faktor-faktor yang perlu dipenuhi oleh jasa pelayanan: SDM handal yg mampu bersaing secara global Peningkatan mutu pelayanan shg setara dgn pesaing Pemahaman ttg lintas budaya agar dapat memenangkan persaingan Kesetaraan mentalitas dengan negara lain Kualitas pelayanan jasa yang prima memberi manfaat sebagai berikut: Loyalitas pelanggan Pangsa pasar yang lebih besar Harga jual yang lebih tinggi Produktivitas yang lebih tinggi

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