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Presentasi berjudul: "PERSPECTIVE OF ANIMAL NUTRITION"— Transcript presentasi:

The primary purposes of keepings animals is transform feed into substances usable by humans: meats, milk, eggs, wool, and work (running). But, the conversion of feed to these uses must be done efficiently and economically. To do this, the principles of nutrition must be applied and they must be augmented by superior breed, good health, and competent management.

2 Glossary / istilah2. Ilmu Pakan Ternak (Feed science)
a dicipline scoped an animal food related to feed and nutrient contents to the condition of animal physiologic Bahan Pakan Ternak (Feedstuff) any material made into or used as feed, which is edible, digestible and palatable for such animal. Food : is an edible material than provides nutrients Feed : refer to food but it commonly applied to animal food than human food.

3 Zat Makanan (Nutrient) : any chemical element or compound in the diet (or given parenterally in special case) that support normal growth, reproduction, lactation or maintenance of life processes. The 6 classes of nutrients are : water, KH, protein and amino acids, lipids, vitamins and inorganic elements. Diet : is a mixture of feed stuff used to supply nutrients to an animal. Ransum: Pakan yang terdiri satu atau lebih bahan pakan yang diberikan kepada ternak sekali atau beberapa kali selama 24 jam. Ration : is a daily supply of feed (or food) Ransum Sempurna: Ransum yg mengandung semua zat pakan yg diperlukan ternak, dalam keadaan cukup, dimana antara zat pakan satu dan lainnya dlm keadaan seimbang dan sesuai kebutuhan.

4 Nilai nutrisi menyangkut: Kandungan nutrien, kecernaan, Konsumsi, Efisiensi pakan dll.
Enzim: Suatu biokatalisator yg berupa protein gabungan yg dihasilkan oleh sel hdp.yg menyebabkan perubh.kimia dlm.tbh. Katabolisme: Proses perombakan substansi kompleks menjadi substansi sederhana. Anabolisme: Proses pembentukan substansi kompleks dari substansi sederhana.

5 Ad libitum: Pemberian pakan tdk. terbatas tetapi terkontrol (terukur)
Absorbsi: Proses penyerapan zat pakan melalui dinding usus. Kecernaan: Persentase dari pakan yg dikonsumsi dan diserap ke dalam tubuh dari pakan yg tidak diekskresikan. Hidrolisis: Reaksi kimia yg terjadi karena adanya air.

6 Tujuan mempelajari Ilmu Nutrisi Non Ruminansia: Untuk mengetahui cara pemberian pakan ternak Non Ruminansia secara baik dan memenuhi kebutuhan dengan biaya semurah-murahnya, shg diperoleh keuntungan yg sebesar-besarnya. u

7 > Factors affecting Maintenance
Irfan djunaidi

8 Setting Nutritional Standards
NRC, ARC etc Take into account current scientific development Bioassay experiment Consider vit. & min recommendation from various suppliers Evaluate field problems to adjust

9 Nutrient needs : Maintenance : to keep its body functioning without any gain or loss in body weight or any productive activity Growth : increase in size of bones, muscles, internal organs and other part of the body. Reproduction

10 Factors affecting Maintenance Nutrient Requirement
Exercise & stress Weather & climate Health Body size Temperament Individual variation Level of production

11 1. Exercise Exercise lots are provided for confined animal help keep their muscle in better condition and to reduced injury to feet and leg In restricted lots have a smaller maintenance requirement Stress (race, show, transport, weaning etc.) increase maintenance requirements Greater stress, the more exacting nutrient req. Prepared to reduced stress by proper precondition.

12 2. Weathers Maintenace req. increase as t, RH, and air movement. Its related to heat loss In summer need less nutrient compared to winter nutrient convert to heat < comfort zone < nutrient keep animal cool. Optimum t : max. production rate, feed eficiency and reproduction

13 2. Sex 3. Health Differences in nutrient requirement
Male requirement higher than female : hormonal and gain rate were higher 3. Health Paracite and disease caused poor feed eficiency

14 4. Body size As the basis for determining maintenance requirement (less accurate than body surface) Body surface expressed as metabolic size : BW 0.67 and BW 0.75 Temperament Nervous animal require more nutrient Estrus animal require more energy

15 Energy Feed Utilization
EVAPORATIVE NON EVAPORATIVE Feed Consumption (100%MEN ) Excreta (~29%) Heat Increament ~ 34%) TERTAHAN (37% MEN OR ~25% NE EFF) PROTEIN, FAT, MINERAL, CARBOHYDRATE 5/21/2018 8:29 PM

16 Factors affecting Growth Nutrient Requirement
Breed Sex Age Rate of growth

17 Age a. Younger animal: - consume more feed/unit BW
- utilize feed more efficiently - higher requirement for protein, EM etc per unit BW - req. more digested diet b. As the animal grows, its capacity to use other type of feed increase

18 2. breed Larger breed grow more rapidly and have a higher nutrient requirement At same age : faster gaining animal more efficient Different feed efficiency

19 3. Sex Male gain more rapidly than female and have higher requirement
Castrated males use feed more efficiently for BWG (high water and protein, and low fat in BWG) Mature average size is larger in males Maturity faster in female

20 4. Growth rate Fast gains may be fat gains
Rapid gains may impair reproduction in female Fleshy feeder animal may not desirable : reach market weight before desirable market weight

21 Factors affecting reproduction Nutrient Requirement
flushing Sexual maturity Nutritional reproductive failure

22 Flushing Practice of having female gain in weight just prior to breeding Feeding 15-30% more 2 -3 weeks prior to breeding After breeding put on limited feed to prevent embryo mortality

23 Nutritional reproductive failure (partly on the last third pregnancy)
Over feeding or under feeding Low energy and protein level Low P decrease number of young born Low Iodine cause impair and reprod. Low Vit A. cause weak and blind young birth.



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