RELATIVE CLAUSE Relative Pronoun Use Who Which Whose Whom That

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1 RELATIVE CLAUSE Relative Pronoun Use Who Which Whose Whom That Subject or Object pronoun for people

2 Examples: The teacher is responsible for the computer centre The teacher has just arrived  The teacher who is responsible for the computer centre has just arrived The microprocessor is a chip The chip processes the information provided by the software  The microprocessor is a chip which processes the information provided by the software That man’s hair is curly That man is my father  That man whose curly is my father He is taught by that teacher I taught that teacher before  He is taught by the teacher whom I taught before I know some information The information is very crucial  I know some information that is very crucial

3 COMPARE! Relative Pronoun can be left out when:
1. They are not the subject of the relative clause e.g. - The computer which we saw at the exhibition runs at 2.5 GHz The computer we saw at the exhibition runs at 2.5 GHz The relative is in progressive form e.g. - Someone who is standing there is my uncle Someone standing there is my uncle The relative is in past participle (passive form) e.g. - I want to see the mosque that was designed by my brother last year I want to see the mosque designed by my brother last year

4 Translate into English!
CPU adalah otaknya komputer. CPU berfungsi untuk mengeksekusi program dan mengkordinasi semuat aktifitas-aktifitas unit lainnya 2. Dia adalah seorang anak kecil Dia bisa berbicara empat bahasa asing Saya tau sebuah rahasia Rahasia ini bisa membuat citra kampus itu jatuh. Saya diundang oleh seorang professor Saya menemui profesor itu di campus dua hari yang lalu Apakah kamu kenal seorang dosen? Istrinya seorang dokter

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