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Rational Appeals
Rational Appeal Aims to focus on the individual’s functional, utilitarian or practical needs for particular products and services . Emphasize the characteristics and features of the product and the service and how it would be beneficial to own or use the particular brand.
RATIONAL APPEAL More emphasis is placed on providing factual information and specific details about product benefits. LOGICAL &/ SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE often Used by small businesses to fend off competition.
RATIONAL APPEAL LOGICAL APPEALS “ If I give enough good reasons I can’t possibly be wrong”
SCIENTIFIC EVINDENCE : Facts , Figures, and Statistics..(1)
RATIONAL APPEAL SCIENTIFIC EVINDENCE : Facts , Figures, and Statistics..(1) In this persuasive technique, numbers, tables,and graphs are used toshow statistics of bothsides.
SCIENTIFIC EFINDENCE : Fact, Figures and statistics..(2)
RATIONAL APPEAL SCIENTIFIC EFINDENCE : Fact, Figures and statistics..(2) Advertisements also use statistics and figures to display aspects of the product and its popularity in particular. using proven facts and numbers (ex: statistics)
Emotional Appeals
EMOTIONAL APPEALS Emotional Appeal Personal Appeal Social Appeal Fear Appeal Humor Appeal etc Related to an individual’s psychological and social needs for purchasing certain products and services. attempts to create positive or negative emotions in the viewer (ex: joy, jealousy, sadness, rage, etc.)
PERSONAL APPEALS Some personal emotions that can drive individuals to purchase products include safety, fear, love, humor, joy, happiness, sentiment, stimulation, pride, self esteem, pleasure, comfort, ambition, nostalgia etc.
Social Appeals Social factors cause people to make purchases and include such aspects as recognition, respect, involvement, affiliation, rejection, acceptance, status and approval.
HUMOR APPEALS..(1) the reality of the ad would be a ridiculous concept to viewers Humor is an element that is used in around 30% of the advertisements
This is also masculin or sex appeal
HUMOR APPEALS..(2) . Humor can be an excellent tool to catch the viewer’s attention and help in achieving instant recall which can work well for the sale of the product. Humor can be used effectively when it is related to some benefit that the customer can derive without which the joke might overpower the message. This is also masculin or sex appeal
This is also humour appeal
FEAR APPEALS..(1) Advertising that attempts to create fear to sell products. You should “buy” or “adopt” this product or something bad could happen to us, our families and friends, or country Contain : fear, Hidden fear, less than perfect, guilty, problem solver audiens sering dihadapkan pada hal yang menyebutkan: a. adanya konsekuensi negatif bila tidak menggunakan produk yang diiklankan misal bila tidak menggunakan produk pembalut Charm maka tidur tidak nyenyak b. adanya konsekuensi negatif dari perilaku yang tidak baik (seperti mabuk saat mengemudi, dan merokok). Misal : contoh ILM bebas narkoba yg menunjukkan pengguna narkoba berakhir di peti mati, paru-paru menghitam karena merokok; mabuk bisa jadi kecelakaan This is also humour appeal
FEAR APPEALS..(2) Fear is also an important factor that can have incredible influence on individuals. Fear is often used to good effect in advertising and marketing campaigns of beauty and health products including insurance. Advertising experts indicate that using moderate levels of fear in advertising can prove to be effective.
This is also less than perfect appeal
HIDDEN FEAR.. playing upon the individual’s insecurities This is also less than perfect appeal
LESS THAN PERFECT Advertisements often try to influence people to make certain purchases by pointing out their inadequacies or making them feel less perfect and more dissatisfied with their present condition. These types of advertising appeals are used in cosmetic and health industries.
Ex : tootache – coolgate
GUILTY APPEALS .. Equal with fear appeals Remind the target market of how hurt or scare of the past event – and the future if you don’t adopt/ use the product Ex : tootache – coolgate Pada dasarnya daya pikat rasa bersalah hampir sama dengan rasa takut, hanya lebih ditekankan pada menunjukkan kesalahan yang dilakukan dan konsekuensinya. daya tarik rasa bersalah memfokuskan pada pelanggaran atau kegagalan di masa lalu atau di masa depan dan menyuguhkan satu daya tarik lainnya, yaitu daya tarik antisipasi terhadap rasa bersalah itu sendiri. Contoh : iklan pasta gigi coolgate,, nyeri gigi karena tidak menggunakan pasta gigi yg cocok untuk gigi sensitive, setelah ganti menggunakan coolgate nyeri gigi hilang (orang dengan gigi sensitif telah merasakan nyeri yang tidak enak tsb dan berpikir bahwa pmnggunakan pasta gigi sembarangan hanya akan membuat gigi sakit sehingga beralih ke coolgate
PROBLEM SOLVER States a problem (whether real or imaginary) and offers their product as the solution.
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