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Gangguan mental berasal dari konflik intrapsikis yang bersifat UNCONSCIOUS dengan figur signifikan di MASA DINI. Sigmund Freud Documentary

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3 Gangguan mental berasal dari konflik intrapsikis yang bersifat UNCONSCIOUS dengan figur signifikan di MASA DINI. Sigmund Freud Documentary

4 The goal of psychoanalytic therapy is to make the unconsciousness conscious. 

5 Counter-transference checklist http://www. psychologytoday

6 fMRI responses to Jung’s Word Association Test: implications for theory, treatment and research



9 Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Do psychologists still listen to Freud? psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic therapy (insight-oriented therapy) Alliance of Psychoanalytic Organizations. (2006). Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM). The efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy

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