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Presentasi berjudul: "ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURES"— Transcript presentasi:

Ahmad Jaka Priadi ( ) Madinna Ramadhani ( )

2 ELEMENTS Values Shared Values Shared Assumptions Espoused Values
of Organizational Cultures Values Shared Values Shared Assumptions Espoused Values Enacted Values

3 Content Employee-friendly and creative Performance-oriented
of Organizational Cultures Employee-friendly and creative Performance-oriented Efficiency and humility

4 Organizational Culture Dimension
Characteristics Innovation Experimenting, opportunity seeking, risk taking, few rules, low cautiousness Stability Predictability, security, rule oriented Respect for People Fairness, tolerance Outcome Orientation Action oriented, high expectations, results oriented Attention to detail Precise, analytic Team Orientation Collaboration, people oriented Aggressiveness Competitive, low emphasis on social responsibility

5 Organizational Subcultures
Dominant Cultures Subcultures Counter Cultures

6 Deciphering Organizational Culture through artifacts
Suatu simbol atau tanda sebuah budaya organisasi seperti jalur pengunjung yang telah bagus sebelumnya, tata letak fisik organisasi, dan bagaimana anggota mendapatkan hadiah. ARTIFACTS: Organizational Stories and Legends Ritual and Ceremonies Language Physical Structures and Symbols CATEGORIES:

7 Potential Benefits and Contingencies of Culture Strength
Benefits of Culture Strength depend on: Whether culture content fits the environment Moderate, not cutlike, strength An adaptive Culture Function of Strong Cultures: Control system Social glue Sense Making Organizational Outcomes: Organizational Performance Employee well-being

8 Contingencies of Organizational Culture and Effectiveness
Dalam pembelajaran hanya menemukan suatu hubungan positif sederhana antara culture strength (kekuatan budaya) dengan organizational effectiveness (efektifitas organisasi) karena 3 kontinjensi perlu dipertimbangkan, seperti: Whether the culture content is aligned with environment - Culture Content Alignment with Environment 2. Whether the culture is not so strong that it becomes cutlike - Avoiding a Corporate Cult 3. Whether the culture incorporates an adaptive culture - Culture is an Adaptive Culture

9 Organizational Culture and Business Ethics.
Pengaruh sebuah budaya organisasi lebih dari hanya intinya; hal ini juga dapat mempengaruhi perilaku etis para anggota organisasi. Hal ini masuk akal karena perilaku yang baik dikendalikan oleh nilai etik dan nilai etik dapat tertanam dalam suatu budaya dominan organisasi.

10 Merging Organizational Cultures
(Penggabungan budaya organisasi) Bicultural Audit: Proses mendiagnosa hubungan budaya antara perusahaan dan menentukan sejauh mana bentrokan budaya akan terjadi.

11 Strategies for Merging Different Organizational Cultures
Merger strategy Description Works best when Assimilation Acquired company embraces acquiring firm’s culture. Acquired firm has a weak culture Deculturation Acquired firm imposes its culture on an unwilling acquired firm Rarely works– may be necessary only when acquired firm’s culture doesn’t work but employees don’t realize it Integration Merging companies combine the two or more cultures into a new composite culture. Existing cultures can be improved Separation Merging companies remain distinct entities with minimal exchange of culture or organizational practices Firms operate successfully in different businesses requiring different cultures

12 Changing and Strengthening Organizational Culture
Is it possible to change an organization’s culture? Yes, but it’s not easy!

13 Strengthening Organizational Culture
Attracting, selecting, and socializing employees Actions of founders and leaders Introducing culturally consistent rewards Aligning artifacts

14 Organizational Socialization
Proses di mana individu belajar nilai-nilai, perilaku yang diharapkan, dan pengetahuan sosial yang diperlukan untuk mengetahui peran mereka dalam organisasi.

15 Socialization as a Learning and Adjustment Process
Memahami tempat kerja, dinamika sosial, dan lingkungan budaya, ekspektasi kinerja, dinamika kekuasaan, budaya perusahaan, sejarah perusahaan. LEARNING Mengembangkan peran baru yang mengkonfigurasi ulang identitas sosial mereka, mengadopsi norma-norma kelompok baru, dan menunjukkan perilaku baru. ADJUSTMENT

16 Stages of Organizational Socialization
Preemployment Socialization (outsider) Learn about the organization and job Form employment relationship expectations Encounter (newcomer) Test expectations against perceived realities Role management Strengthen work relationships Practice new role behavior Resolve work-nonwork conflicts Socialization outcomes Higher motivation Higher loyalty Higher satisfaction Lower stress Lower turnover

17 Improving the Socialization Process
Realistic Job Preview (RJP): Metode untuk meningkatkan sosialisasi organisasi di mana pelamar kerja diberikan informasi positif dan negatif yang seimbang tentang pekerjaan dan konteks kerjanya.



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