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Presentasi berjudul: "FOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION"— Transcript presentasi:

Given in Class X Semester 1 Created by: Dra. Ummi Rosydiana SMK N 6 Semarang

Food is considered damaged if there is a deviation beyond the limit that received by the human senses. Damage can be marked by the change in shape, color, smell, taste, texture, or signs of misuse Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

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TYPES OF DAMAGE Mechanical damage Mechanical damage is a damage that is caused by the impact of material that occurred during harvesting transportation, or storing. Example: at the time of harvest fruit, fruit that will fall or stumble into damaged Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

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B. Physical Damage The physical damage is a damage because of the physical treatment that is not appropriate For examples : the color and texture damage in the frozen meat, the flour is crusted because that is stored on a humid Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

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Physiological and biological damage a. Physiological damage occurs because of dissociation reaction during the process of metabolism that occur naturally in material. Example : The ripped fruit is followed by the natural damage b. Biological damage caused by activities of animals such as worm, rat, and insect that damage the food during storage Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

6 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
D. Chemical Damage Chemical damage is damage that occurs because of reactions that occur in food. For example, the emergence of rust reaction in some types of fruit and vegetables, such as bananas, eggplant, apples. Rancid taste in the oil and so forth Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

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E. Microbiologist damage Microbiologist damage is a damage because of the activities of microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast and fungi that contaminate the food Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

8 Food that is not even beneficial or can kill bacteria
Tamarind and acid food with strong acid taste Sugar and food with strong sweet taste. Salt and salty food with a strong salty sense Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

9 Food that is very good and profitable to breed bacteria
Food that is very good and profitable to breed bacteria contain lots of protein and carbohydrate, For examples : 1. Meat and its results. 2. Milk and its results (cheese, butter). 3. Egg and its results. 4. Fish and other seafood 5. Poultry Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

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Food damage signs High-protein food damage Food that contains lots of protein, when it is damaged, microbiology will produce proteins characteristic smell. In addition to smell, high protein food that is damaged, also showed malaise. Other marks may be a conglomeration of protein (especially milk) and the protein network to be liquid so that the material be watery Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

11 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
2. High-carbohydrate food damage High-carbohydrate food get a chemical changes because of activity of yeast, bacteria and fungi. Yeast can ferment carbohydrates, especially glucose, to be alcohol. High-carbohydrate food that was damaged by the yeast will cause specific smell and taste of alcohol Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata


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