Pelayanan kesehatan.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Pelayanan kesehatan."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Pelayanan kesehatan

2 Pelayanan kesehatan

3 Sehat menurut World Health Organisation : adalah keadaan sempurna baik fisik, mental, sosial, bukan hanya bebas dari penyakit, cacat dan kelemahan

4 Sehat itu dinamis Pencegahan Primer – sebelum sakit, dengan menjaga kesehatan melalui pola hidup sehat Pencegahan Sekunder – mulai sakit, diagnosis dini, pengobatan segera untuk mencegah penyebaran, menyembuhkan, mencegah komplikasi Pencegahan Tertier – rehabilitasi supaya berfungsi optimal

5 Kuman ditemukan 150 tahun lalu louis pasteur

6 Penemuan medis abad 20 Teknik Bedah Anestesi Transfusi darah Antibiotik Teknologi Diagnostik

7 Usia lanjut United States – umur lebih 60 thn lebih banyak dari di bawah umur 15 thn

8 How Long We Live How Well We Live We may Live 142 years Not Fear of Dying But Joy of Living

9 Lifestyle medicine Diet Plant Based - eat well Exercise - move more Stress Management - stress less Social Support - love more

10 86 % of the $ 3 trillion spend each year on health care in the US is for Chronic Diseases that can be treated through lower cost interventions.

11 Married people live longer If you stay married, is wonderful social support People who never married were more than twice as likely to die early as people in stable marriages Married people have better prognoses in cardiac events, cancer detected early, less likely to die early from it. Broken heart syndrome – because of stress hormones that cause the heart to temporarily expand, limiting its ability to pump.

12 Couples who are hostile toward each other tend to have more stress hormones in their blood, less adaptive immune systems, and slower metabolic rates after eating high fat meals.

13 Why Presidents live so long
Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford years John Adams - 90 years 19th century – average man died at 47, US President at 69 Jimmy Carter (90) – 31 years after President (Jan 1981), teach, paint, write poetry and 21 books, win Nobel Prize, lari tiap hari George Bush (90) – terjun payung pada umur 80, 85, 90

14 Aerobic Exercise instead of Brain Games

15 Challenges and setbacks and even tragedies are nonnegotiable parts of life, but what is negotiable is how you face them.

16 Timeline EYES 40 MUSCLES 40 BONES 35 LUNGS 30 SKIN 18 BRAIN 70 EARS 60 HEART 65 KIDNEYS 50 GUT 60

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