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Fisika Dasar I Fundamental Physics I Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika

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Presentasi berjudul: "Fisika Dasar I Fundamental Physics I Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Fisika Dasar I Fundamental Physics I Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
Drs. Ishafit, M.Si. UNIVERSITAS AHMAD DAHLAN Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika

2 Physics

3 Syllabus Introduction Motion in 1D Vector & 2D Motion
The Laws of Motion Energy Momentum & Collisions Rotational Motion & Gravity Rotational Equilibrium & Rotational Dynamics Solids & Fluids Vibration and Waves Sound Thermal Physics Energy in Thermal Physics The Law of Thermodynamics

4 University Physics Books

5 Textbooks and Software
University Physics Books Raymond A. Serway & John W. Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers. David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jearl Walker, Fundamentals of Physics Extended. Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman and Lewis Ford, University Physics with Modern Physics with MasteringPhysics Educational Software Physics Education Technology (PhET) Modellus (Modelling Software) Tracker (Video Analysis Software) Encarta Encyclopedia

6 Concept Map of Mechanics

7 Heat and Thermodynamics

8 Sound and Hearing

9 FISIKA (PHYSICS ) FISIKA adalah ilmu yang tujuannya mempelajari struktur materi dan interaksi antar materi. Objek telaah fisika meliputi materi berukuran makroskopik (orde panjang 109 m dan orde massa 1030 kg) sampai dengan berukuran mikroskopik (orde panjang m dan orde massa kg).


11 Struktur Materi dan Interaksi
Struktur Materi dan Interaksi Mikroskopik Struktur Materi dan Interaksi Makroskopik

12 Struktur Keilmuan Fisika
Kajian Keilmuan Fisika Struktur Materi, Gejala Alam, Sistem Alam, Sistem Rekayasa, dan Interaksi Fundamental Perangkat Pengamatan dan Analisis Elektronika Fisika Matematika Metode Eksperimen Perangkat Keilmuan Fisika Deskripsi Keadaan dan Interaksi, dan Model Interaksi

13 Struktur Materi Zat Padat Molekul Atom Inti Partikel Elementer

14 Model Interaksi Interaksi Gravitasi Interaksi Elektromagnetik
Interaksi Kuat Interaksi Lemah

15 Gejala Alam Cahaya Akustik, dll Sistem Alam Bumi Atmosfer

16 Deskripsi Makroskopik
Mekanika Termodinamika Gelombang Deskripsi Mikroskopik Mekanika Kuantum Mekanika Statistik





21 General Problem-Solving Strategy

22 General Problem-Solving Strategy
Read the problem carefully at least twice. Be sure you understand the nature of the problem before proceeding further. Draw a diagram while rereading the problem. Label all physical quantities in the diagram, using letters that remind you what the quantity is (e.g., m for mass). Choose a coordinate system and label it. Identify physical principles, the knowns and unknowns, and list them. Put circles around the unknowns. Equations, the relationships between the labeled physical quantities, should be written down next. Naturally, the selected equations should be consistent with the physical principles identified in the previous step. Solve the set of equations for the unknown quantities in terms of the known. Do this algebraically, without substituting values until the next step, except where terms are zero. Substitute the known values, together with their units. Obtain a numerical value with units for each unknown. Check your answer. Do the units match? Is the answer reasonable? Does the plus or minus sign make sense? Is your answer consistent with an order of magnitude estimate? This same procedure, with minor variations, should be followed throughout the

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