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As If/As Though.

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Presentasi berjudul: "As If/As Though."— Transcript presentasi:

1 As If/As Though

2 As If/As Though Is used to declare a state which is not true in reality or fact. As if dan as though diikuti tenses bentuk present atau past tense tergantung makna yang dimaksud oleh si pembuat berita (speaker). Jika yang dimaksud adalah sesuatu hal yang kemungkinan besar terjadi atau nyata, maka kalimat yang mengikutinya adalah dalam bentuk present continuous atau future tense. Namun jika yang dimaksud adalah sesuatu yang tidak nyata (untrue), maka kalimat yang mengikuti nya adalah past future atau simple past tense.

3 As If/As Though We use as if and as though to make comparisons. They have a similar meaning. We use as if and as though to talk about an imaginary situation or a situation that may not be true but that is likely or possible. As if is more common than as though.

4 Subject + Verb(present) + As if/As though + Subject + Verb(past)
Present Subjunctive Subject + Verb(present) + As if/As though + Subject + Verb(past) The girl dresses as if it were summer now. She looks as if she knew the answer.

5 Subject + Verb(past) + As if/As though + Subject + Past perfect
Past Subjunctive Subject + Verb(past) + As if/As though + Subject + Past perfect Jane talked as if she had known everything. She looked as though she had been a rich woman.

6 They were shouting as though in panic.
As If/As Though We can use both as if and as though followed by a non-finite clause or a prepositional phrase ` Example: She moved her lips as if to smile They were shouting as though in panic.

7 As If/As Though In informal English, like can be used in a similar way to as if, though it is not always considered correct in formal contexts. Ex: It felt like it could snow at any minute

8 Exersices Henry talks to his dog as if it………(understand) him.
Jane says as if she……..(be) my superior. Jack feels as if today……..(be) Sunday. Tim acts as if he……..(not, have) a car. Sean told me about the accident as though he……..(see) it himself.

9 Max acted as though he……..(meet) her
She talks to me as if she……..(be) my mother. Alec told me about my father as if he……..(know) my father very well. Izzy says as if she really……..(enjoy) living in this tiny village. The man delivered his speech as if he……..(become) a real president.

10 Jim looked as if he……..(take) a shower with his clothes on
Leslie looks as if she……..(see) a ghost Sometimes he acts as if he……..(not, do) have a brain in his head She talks as though she……..(not, be) a teacher Rip seems as if he……..(not, sleep) for days


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