Marketing Management, 14th ed

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1 Marketing Management, 14th ed
9 Creating Brand Equity Marketing Management, 14th ed

2 What is a Brand? Nama, istilah, logo, simbol, slogans, karakter atau kombinasi dari semuanya ; dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi barang atau jasa dari satu penjual atau kelompok penjual dan untuk membedakannya dari para pesaing. 9-2

3 Brand Elements Brand names Terms Character Elements Logos Slogan
Symbols 9-3

4 The Role of Brands1 Identifikasi Pembuat & Diferensiasi Competitor
Memudahkan Penanganan Produk/Jasa Mengorganisir Akuntansi / Pembukuan Memberi Pelindungan Hukum 9-5

5 The Role of Brands2 Menunjukkan Kualitas
Menjadi Penghalang Competitior Kemampuan dalam Competitive Advantage Mempertahankan Harga Premium 9-6

6 Corporate name-individual name combo
Brand Naming Individual names Blanket family names Separate family names Corporate name-individual name combo Unilever ; P&G Bakrie Telecom Farley from Heinz Honda CRV 9-7

7 Evaluation of Alternatives Post-Purchase Behavior
What is Brand Equity? Brand equity is Nilai tambah (value added) yang ada pada suatu produk atau jasa, yang dapat terlihat pada cara konsumen berpikir, merasa, dan bertindak terhadap merek. Problem Recognition Information Search Evaluation of Alternatives Purchase Decision Post-Purchase Behavior Where’s Brand Purchase? Where’s Brand Role? 9-8

8 Dimensi Brand Equity by David Aaker
Brand Awareness Perceived Quality Brand Association Brand Loyalty

9 What is a Brand Promise? A brand promise is the marketer’s vision of what the brand must be and do for consumers/customers. 9-13

10 Brand Roles in a Brand Portfolio
Flankers Cash Cows Low-end Entry-level High-end Prestige 9-14

11 Crafting the Brand Positioning
10 Crafting the Brand Positioning Marketing Management, 13th ed

12 Marketing Strategy Segmentation Targeting Positioning 10-17

13 Differentiation Strategies
Product New Brand vs Brand New Channel Image Personnel 10-20

14 Product Differentiation
Product form Features Performance Conformance Durability Reliability Reparability Style & Design Ordering ease Delivery Installation Customer training Customer consulting Maintenance 10-21

15 Personnel Differentiation: Singapore Airlines
SERVQUAL Tangible Empathy Responsiveness Reliability Assurance 10-23

16 Channel Differentiation

17 Figure 17.1 IMC Builds Brands
Awareness Brand Association Perceived Quality Brand Loyalty

18 Image Differentiation

19 Figure 10.1 Sales and Product Life Cycle

20 Summary of Product Life-Cycle Characteristics, Objectives, and Strategies
Introduction Growth Maturity Characteristics Sales Low sales Rapidly rising sales Peak sales Costs High cost per customer Average cost per customer Low cost per customer Profits Negative Rising profits High profits Customers Few Growing Number Stable number beginning to decline Samsung Galaxy S3 Pepsi 10-29

21 Movie Brand Positioning

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