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Social Stratification
Traditional Societies Modern Societies
Homogenous societies Little stratification If you have the same sex, you have the same occupation If there is stratification, it is based on sex, age, power Complex strata (layers) Specialization in skills because of education Some professions are valued more than others (we see the evidence in salary, prestige, wealth)
Group work on the 4 strata
Highlight/take notes on page 42-43 Decide which of the handouts matches with: wealth, power, heredity, education
4 identities of social stratification
Education: Formal or informal schooling that provided knowledge and skills Power: having control or authority Heredity: A caste system based on what bloodline (clan) you are from. Wealth: Money, income and possessions Generational wealth is the wealth that is passed down from grandparents to parents to children
3 ”Berbahagialah mereka yang sadar akan kebutuhan rohani mereka,+ karena kerajaan surga milik mereka.+4 ”Berbahagialah mereka yang berkabung, karena mereka akan dihibur.+5 ”Berbahagialah orang-orang yang berwatak lembut,+ karena mereka akan mewarisi bumi.+6 ”Berbahagialah mereka yang lapar dan haus+akan keadilbenaran, karena mereka akan dikenyangkan.+7 ”Berbahagialah yang berbelaskasihan,+ karena mereka akan mendapat belas kasihan. 8 ”Berbahagialah yang murni hatinya,+ karena mereka akan melihat Allah.+9 ”Berbahagialah yang suka damai,+ karena mereka akan disebut ’putra- putra+ Allah’.10 ”Berbahagialah mereka yang telah dianiaya+demi keadilbenaran, karena kerajaan surga milik mereka.
Presentations next week on Thursday (45-minute class)
For term 1, this is what makes up your grade: Assignment = 20% Performance = 20% Quiz = 25% Teacher observations = 5% Mid semester test = 30%
Details of the performance
Pick a famous person from anywhere in the world Tell the class a little about his/her statuses and roles The presentation will be 2-3 minutes long You can work with one other person if you would like You may not use notes but you will have cue cards
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