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2 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETIC TEACHING MATERIAL : Cosmetic which cure scalp and hair besides give color to the hair Cosmetic for shaving Cosmetic for hair setting Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

3 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETIC Cosmetic which cure scalp and hair besides giving color to the hair, they are : a. Lemon shampoo is shampoo which consist lemon. The use of lemon : 1). Decrease oil which accumulate on the scalp 2). Make easy for hair setting b. Dandruff shampoo is shampoo for hair with dandruff. The function : 1). remove dandruff which is sticky on the scalp 2). grown hair c. Tonic anti dandruff is tonic which can grow hair and this consist alcohol, tintuur, allanton, omdine. The use is for : a. removing dandruff and white hair b. stimulate hair growth Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

4 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETIC d). Wave solution is cosmetic for hair pirming. The use : - for breaking hair dissolvent bound, make straight hair to be curly. - example of the product : lanolin permette, duart, helen permette, mayon, valore, good, kadus, vitawellw e). Cosmetic for Warm pirming. - side effect : red hair and breaking - balance it with natural matter : avocado, wrinkled cotton leaves, coconut milk - example of the product : nupat or temprol f). Cosmetic for hair dye which is mix with cold water. example of the product : bigen, tancho, hitop, peacock → in powder. - stir it thoroughly and avoid placing it in metal bowl g). Cream Hair Dye. - this hair dye is not suitable for dry hair - mix it with H2O2C - example of the product : poly color, koleston, wella h). Liquid hair dye . cosmetic which is ready to use. - example of the product : quicktink and Loreal 1. Mengaduk cat warna dengan bahan logam akan memberikan reaksi rambut dan kulit kepala menjadi merah berbintik-bintik. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

5 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETIC i). Cosmetic for straightening curly/pirmed hair. j). Policolour shampoo is cosmetic which contain hair dye. - the form is cream k). Rinse colour is cosmetic in the form of shampoo which contain many kids of color. The use : - neutralize the shampoo, temporary only. l). Cream, the use : - give food to hair after dying or pirming. 5. Cosmetic for shaving is cosmetic which is used before, during and after shaving hair, moustache, whisker, and beards Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

6 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETIC Classification of supplies for shaving : a). Supplies before shaving. is supplies of cosmetic which is used before shaving hair. The purpose : to prepare hair and its skin to be more perfect and effective b). Supplies while shaving. is supplies of cosmetic which is used for wet shaving. The form is cream / emulsion, aerosol, sabun, and liquid. c). Supplies after shaving. is cosmetic which is used to give comfort and antiseptic. Antiseptika : (bahan yang membebaskan kulit dari infeksi bakteri yang disebabkan kulit tergores selama pencukuran) Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

7 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETIC 6). Cosmetic for hair setting classified into 2, i.e. : a). Cosmetic with limited decoration work : 1). Hair briliantine, is cosmetic in the form of light / sticky solution, soft and solid so that the hair become shinny and smooth. 2). Hair spray, is cosmetic which is used to maintain hair setting so that looks more beautiful. 3). Hair cream, is cosmetic which is used to soften and smoothen hair so that easy to set, smooth, shinny and looks healthy. ialah kosmetika berupa larutan encer/kental, lembek dan padat sehingga rambut menjadi berkilau dan licin. 2). Hair spray, ialah kosmetika yang digunakan untuk mempertahankan bentuk tataan rambut supaya lebih indah 3). Hair cream, ialah kosmetika yang digunakan untuk melemaskan dan melicinkan rambut sehingga mudah diatur, lembut, berkilau dan Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

8 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETIC b). Cosmetic with depper decoration work. 1). Hair setting lotion, is supplies of cosmetic which is used in order the hair setting can be maintained on its setting in some hours. The engridience consist of : - antiseptic, to kill virus - substance stimulate blood stream, scalp, and the distribution of f ood to the skin surface. - substance for scalp and hair cleaning. 2). Lotion which contains alcohol, has power to dry scalp and hair. 3). Hair waving pened wave is supplies of cosmetic which is used to curl hair without heating. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

9 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETIC There are 2 processes of cold pirming chemically : - Processing : using pirming chemical to soften hair and break hair disulfide bound → reducsion. - Neutralizer : stop processing / neutralize the work of pirming chemical and reform hair disulfide bound. - Storing : in a tight closed container, at a cool place. 4). Hair bleaching, is supplies of cosmetic which is used to pale / light up or whiten the color of hair. 5). Hair dyes, is cosmetic which is used to color hair. Consist of 3 kinds : a). Temporary hair dye (Azo dye) b). Semi permanent hair dye (Nitro dye) c). Permanent hair dye (Para dye) Ada 2 tindakan proses keriting dingin secara kimia : - Processing : pemakaian obat keriting untuk melunakkan rambut dan memutuskan ikatan disulfida rambut → reduksi. - Netralisir : menghentikan processing/menetralkan kerja obat keriting dan membentuk kembali ikatan disulfida rambut. - Penyimpanan : wadah tertutup rapat. Ditempat sejuk 4). Hair bleaching, ialah sediaan kosmetika yang digunakan untuk memucatkan/mencerahkan atau memutihkan warna rambut. 5). Hair dyes, ialah kosmetika yang digunakan untuk mewarnai rambut. Terbagi dalam 3 golongan : a). Pewarnaan rambut temporer/sementara (Azo dye) b). Pewarnaan rambut semi permanen (Nitro dye) c). Pewarnaan rambut permanen (Para dye) Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

10 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETIC 6). Hair straigthener, is supplies of cosmetic which is used to straighten curl hair There are 2 kinds of hair straighter : a). Hair straighter b). Hair neutralizer There are 2 techniques of hair straighter : a). Physically (temporary) b). Chemically (permanent) Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

11 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Daftar Pustaka Dalimartha, Setiawan dkk. (1998). Perawatan Rambut Dengan Tumbuhan Obat dan Diet Suplemen. Gramedia. Jakarta yellow_flower.jpg Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata


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