Pengantar & Pengertian Perkembangan

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1 Pengantar & Pengertian Perkembangan
Pertemuan 1 Pengantar & Pengertian Perkembangan wien/perkemb1-t.a11.12

2 Definition of Developmental Psychology
Developmental Psychology is : the branch of psychology which traces changes in behavior and in mental process which occur through the life-span from conception to death. (MORGAN, KING, ROBINSON). a division of psychology that investigates the growth, maturation and aging processes of human organism and personality as well as cognitive, social and other functions through out the span of life. (J. PIKUNAS). the scientific study of how individuals change over time and the factors that produce these change. (DAVID R. SCAEFFER). wien/perkemb1-t.a11.12

3 4. the scientific study of growth, development and behavioral changes of human from conception to death. Developmental psychology is also referred to as life span development or human development. (TURNER, JS & HELMS, DB). 5. the traditional approach of development emphasizes extreme change from birth to adolescence, little or no change in adulthood and decline in old age. By contrast, the life span approach emphasizes that development change occures during adulthood as well as during childhood. (BALTES, et al dalam SANTROCK, 1992). wien/perkemb1-t.a11.12

4 Psychological Social Biological wien/perkemb1-t.a11.12

5 Jadi, apa itu perkembangan ??
Perkembangan adalah rangkaian perubahan sepanjang rentang kehidupan manusia, yang bersifat progresif, teratur, berkesinambungan dan akumulatif, yang menyangkut segi kuantitatif dan kualitatif, sebagai hasil interaksi antara maturasi dan proses belajar. wien/perkemb1-t.a11.12

6 wien/perkemb1-t.a11.12

Prenatal (konsepsi – lahir) Infancy (lahir – 2 minggu) Babyhood / Toodlerhood (2 minggu – 2 tahun) Early childhood (2 – 6 tahun) Late childhood (6 – 10 / 12 tahun) Pubertas (10/12 – 13/14 tahun) Early Adolescence (13/14 – 17 th) Late Adolescence (17 – 21 tahun) Early Adulthood (21 – 40 tahun) Middle Adulthood (40 – 60 tahun) Late Adulthood ( 60 tahun ke atas) wien/perkemb1-t.a11.12

Cross Sectional Meneliti kelompok sampel dg usia tertentu. Keuntungan Sampel banyak Biaya lebih murah Waktu singkat Menggambarkan karakteristik pd usia yg berbeda Kerugian Hanya menggambarkan tipe Perbedaan individual tdk dapat diamati Tdk memperhitungkan perubahan lingkungan yg dpt terjadi setiap saat. Longitudinal Meneliti untuk jangka waktu tertentu (panjang). Keuntungan Sampel sedikit Dapat menganalisa proses Memberi kesempatan untuk analisa efek lingkungan thd perubahan t.l dan kepribadian anak. Kerugian Biaya mahal Sampel sulit dicari Waktu lama Perlu banyak peneliti Data luas  sulit dipegang wien/perkemb1-t.a11.12

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