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Pembelajaran Hasil Kajian Technology Need Assessments (TNA) untuk Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim Widiatmini Sih Winanti Pusat Teknologi Lingkungan Badan Pengkajian.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Pembelajaran Hasil Kajian Technology Need Assessments (TNA) untuk Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim Widiatmini Sih Winanti Pusat Teknologi Lingkungan Badan Pengkajian."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Pembelajaran Hasil Kajian Technology Need Assessments (TNA) untuk Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim
Widiatmini Sih Winanti Pusat Teknologi Lingkungan Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)

2 Outline Technology Needs Assessments (TNA) 1 Transfer Technology 2
3 Implementasi TNA untuk Transfer Technology 4 Ringkasan Implementasi TNA

3 Outline 1 Technology Needs Assessments (TNA)

4 Technology Needs Assessment (TNA)
TNA adalah suatu hasil kajian dan prioritasi kebutuhan teknologi untuk mitigasi dan adaptasi perubahan iklim Sebagai dasar implementasi kegiatan alih teknologi, dimana negara berkembang diminta membuat TNA, sesuai artikel 4, paragraf 5 dari Konvensi UNFCCC Indonesia sudah membuat 2 dokumen, yaitu TNA Mitigasi 2010 dan TNA Adaptasi + Mitigasi 2012. TNA 2010 tediri dari 7 sektor (energi, industri, transportasi, kehutanan, pertanian, limbah dan kelautan) TNA 2012 terdiri dari; Mitigasi: energi, kehutanan , limbah Adaptasi: ketahanan pangan, kerentanan pesisir dan manajemen sumber daya air

5 TNA Proses Identifikasi prioritas teknologi di berbagai sektor
Prioritasi teknologi - Rencana Aksi Teknologi - Ide proyek/ proposal Analisis hambatan, market mapping, dll

6 Stakeholder Process Stakeholder engagement processes are as follows:
Serial technical discussions among the experts in the working groups Conducting focus group discussions (FGDs), workshops and meetings with related sectors. Involving reviewers to check the content of the TNA study. Inter- sectoral meetings for cross cutting issues and consultation meeting with the related policy makers of Indonesia. TNA technical team meetings and Steering Committee meetings.

7 Daftar dari 10 Technology Needs untuk Mitigation
Rank Technology for Forestry Sector Technology for Energy Sector Technology for Waste Sector 1. Carbon sequestration measurement and monitoring for reducing emission Photo Voltaic (PV) Mechanical biological treatment 2. Peat re-mapping Regenerative burner combustion system (RBCS) In-vessel composting 3. Water Management on Peatland Improvement of public transportation Low-solid anaerobic digestion 4. Best cultivation practices compliant with < 3m peat Wind Power High solid anaerobic digestion 5. Intensive Silviculture Technology Geothermal Vertical fixed bed gasification 6. Zero burning technology (for forest conversion) and fire management Advanced coal power plant RDF-fired combustion 7. Reduced logging impact in production forest Biomass power plant Fluidized bed combustion 8. Site species matching Efficient electric motor Horizontal fixed bed gasification 9. Advanced Tree Improvement Intelligent transport system Mass-fired combustion 10. Molecular biology for log tracking Efficient pump system

8 Teknologi Prioritas untuk Mitigation dan Adaptation
Sector Technology Mitigation Technology Adaptation Energy Photovoltaic Food Security Crop (rice) tolerance to drought and flood RBCS Mariculture development MRT Beef cattle farming technology Forestry Measurement and monitoring of carbon sequestration and emission Water Resources Technologies for rain water harvesting (well and infiltration pond), Peat re-mapping Domestic water recycling Water management Modeling for water resource potential projection Waste Mechanical biological treatment Coastal Vulnerability Groin technology In-vessel composting Technology for coral reef and seagrass restoration Low-solid anaerobic digestion Fish aggregating device (rumpon) technology

9 Outline 2 Transfer Technology

10 Transfer Teknologi Tidak hanya hardware saja Regulation Manufacturing
Raw materials Transport Manufacturing Knowledge Skills Innovation

11 Technology Transfer Flows
11 Ockwell et al, 2008

12 Technology Transfer Flows
12 Ockwell et al, 2008

13 Strategi Implementasi Transfer Teknologi
Implementation of Technology Transfer Financial Mechanism Developing of financial schemes Involving financial institutions Access to domestic and international financial sources Technology transfer arrangements Empowering Policy and Regulation Required policies and regulations that support the implementation, locally and nationally Demonstration Project Technology Support Mapping existing condition Knowledge transfer (technology, design, installation, operational and monitoring) Innovation (R&D, difution, deployment, transfer technology) Laboratorium (testing, standaritation and certification) Lesson learn for implementation and capacity building to local expert on design, installation, operational and monitoring. Institutional Supports Institution for standarization and certification Collaboration and coordination between national and international stakeholder 13

14 Outline 3 Implementasi TNA untuk Transfer Technology

15 Implementasi Teknologi prioritas TNA
Sector Technology Mitigation Technology Adaptation Energy Photovoltaic (PV) Food Security Crop (rice) tolerance to drought and flood Mariculture development Regenerative burner Combustion System (RBCS) Beef cattle farming technology Forestry Measurement and monitoring of carbon sequestration and emission Water Resources Technologies for rain water harvesting (well and infiltration pond), Peat re-mapping Domestic water recycling Water management Modeling for water resource potential projection Waste Mechanical biological treatment Coastal Vulnerability Coastal Protector Building Technology (Seawall or Revetment) In-vessel composting Coastal Reclamation Technology Low-solid anaerobic digestion

16 Diimplementasikan oleh
Implementasi TNA melalui Progran FIRM Dukungan Diimplementasikan oleh Berkoordinasi dengan Program: Berdasarkan TNA 2012 Penyusunan dokumen NAMAs untuk implementasi teknologi Solar PV Rooftop Penyusunan dokumen NAMAs untuk implementasi teknologi RBCS (Regenerative Burner Combustion System) Pengembangan kerangka MRV untuk sektor Energi

17 Kajian Detail Teknologi RBCS
Energy Efficiency in Steel Industries Program Supported by UNEP Regional Offices Bangkok under CTNFC Program Implemented by Coordinated by Tujuan: Mendukung aspek teknis untuk program FIRM untuk NAMAs RBCS Program Kegiatan: Kajian detail pada 4 industri baja (PT. Krakatau Wajatama, PT. Hanil Jaya Steel, Bhirawa Steel, PT. Java Pacific) Kajian detail penerapan teknologi RBCS pada industri baja di Indonesia Sekaligus untuk mencari alternatif lain penyelesaian dan penerapan teknologi ramah lingkungan untuk efisiensi energi di industri baja di Indonesia.

18 Implementasi TNA melalu Climete Technology Center and Nerwork (CTCN)-UNFCCC
CTCN adalah institusi dibawah UNFCCC yang mengelola program pengembangan dan alih teknologi Misinya adalah untuk menstimulasi kerjasama teknologi dan meningkatkan progran pengembangan dan alih teknologi untuk negara berkembang sesuai dengan permintaan negara berkembang. Fungsi Utama: Mengelola dan merespon permintaan negara berkembang melalui Designated Entities (NDEs) Mengembangkan kerjasama dan akses kepada informasi dan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan alih teknologi perubahan iklim Meningkatkan jejaring, partnership dan peningkatan kapasitas untuk alih teknologi perubahan iklim

19 Implementasi TNA melalu Climete Technology Center and Nerwork (CTCN)-UNFCCC
Kriteria Proposal Alih Teknologi dari Indonesia ke CTCN Berasal dari prioritas TNA tahun 2010 dan 2012 atau prioritas lain Sesuai dengan prioritas dan kebijakan Nasional atau sektor Berkontribusi pada pembangunan berkelanjutan dan rendah karbon Mendukung kemandirian teknologi 5 proposal telah diajukan ke CTCN dan 2 telah disetujui, dan 1 proposal telah diimplementasikan (No. 1). Integrated River and Coastal Management toward Sustainable Giant Sea Wall Jakarta; Developing the Ciliwung Watershed Management; Biomass to Energy (Development of Anaerobic Digester for palm oil solid waste treatment) Ocean Current Energy Development in Seram, Maluku; Water management for Ciliwung Watershed Methodology of Carbon Measurement in Peatland

20 Outline 4 Ringkasan Implementasi TNA

21 Teknologi Regenerative Burner Combustion System
Potensi Dapat dikembangkan ke 72 industri baja (yang menggunakan reheating furnace) dan industri lain seperti keramik, kaca, semen dan lain-lain. Keuntungan (berdasarkan implementasi di PT.Gunung Garuda) Menurunkan konsumsi energi sebesar 34,92% dengan jumlah Nm3 gas/tahun Menurunkan emisi sebesar 12,764.4 ton CO2/tahun Meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas (save 1,38% materials) Return of investments dalam waktu 13 bulan Cost of Upgrade = 6,500,000 USD Fuel Savings = 1,292,944 USD/year Scale Savings = 2,223,378 USD / Year Increase Production= 2,443,950 USD/Year Total Savings + Increase Earnings= 5,960,272 USD/Year Permasalahan Investasi mahal 4 juta USD + down time untuk instalasi 3 bulan dengan nilai 2,5 juta USD Teknologinya masih harus import 21

22 Program NAMAs Teknologi RBCS
Potency to implement Regenerative Burner Combustion System (RBCS) in 74 steel industry in Indonesia that could reduce energy consumption about 35%, reduce the production cost and reduce the GHG emission Outcome 1: Institutional arrangements for knowledge management and technical support for energy efficiency Knowledge management Technical support Scope: Develop policy and regulatory framework. Develop the action plans to disseminate technical specification and operation norms for the RBSC technology. Demonstration project that will be used as lesson learnt and capacity building in design, installation and operation of RBCS Program. Develop financial scheme to support adoption of RBSC technology i Objective: Dissemination and implementation of RBCS technology in Indonesia. Technology transfer for enhancing national capabilities in RBCS technology innovation and implementation, including preparation on standards and certification. Preparation of a funding scheme that is specific for RBCS technology implementation in Indonesia. Outcome 2. RBCS Demonstration Project Program development Program Execution Monitoring and Evaluation Activity Outcome 3: Financial Mechanism Financial scheme establishment Financial Institution Support 4

23 Action Plan Program NAMAs untuk RBCS Program
Institutional arrangements for Technology Transfer Demonstration Project Financial Mechanism Demonstration project for lesson lesson learnt and capacity building in design, installation and operation of RBCS Program with the following step: Development program Execution program Monitoring and Evaluation Financial mechanism needed because: RBCS Technology is feasible but for investation still very high For international funds as a funding source Knowledge Management Technical Support Mapping Collect Information Capacity Building Regional Collaboration Technical Assistance for Industry to Install RBCS Technology Innovation R&D (Regenerator, Control System and Burner System) Laboratory (Testing, Standardization, and Certification) Highlight the key outputs of the NAMA.

24 Kajian aspek teknis implementasi RBCS di Indonesia
RBCS bisa diterapkan di industri baja di Indonesia, dengan perhitungan Cost Benefit sebagai berikut: 4

25 NAMAs Solar PV rooftop Latar Belakang
Mendukung kontribusi Energi Baru Terbarukan dalam bauran energi nasional sebesar 17% (Perpres 05/2006) Pelanggan listrik nasional lebih dari 60% berada di pulau Jawa. Sistem Kelistrikan Jawa-Bali-Madura mampu menerima listrik PV dalam jumlah besar. Mayoritas pembangkit listrik ( MW, 89%, th 2013) berbahan bakar fosil (batubara, BBM, dan Gas) Market potensial Lebih dari 900 ribu pelanggan daya besar (>3.3 kVA, th 2013) di JAMALI 1 – 10 kW sistem PV tiap pelanggan Potensi manfaat Menghasilkan tambahan daya listrik sebesar 400 MW pertahun (10% tingkat partisipasi, 5 kWp instalasi PV rata-rata) Menghasilkan tambahan pertumbuhan suplai energi 584 GWh per tahun (4 sun-hour/day, 365 hari) Menurunkan emisi sebesar ton CO2/tahun Menciptakan nilai ekonomi pemanfaatan solar PV 25

26 Solar PV rooftop Hambatan Insufficient Policies and Regulations
Lack of the financial mechanism for financing Insufficient Technical Know How of Solar PV Rooftop/ Lack of Technical Capacity Lack of Sufficient Standard, Qualified Testing Laboratory and Certification Body Lack of PV rooftop Market Lack of the financial mechanism for financing Lack of Sufficient Standard, Qualified Testing Laboratory and Certification Body Insufficient Technical Know How of Solar PV Rooftop Insufficient Policies and Regulations Lack of Technical Capacity 26

27 Konsep Pengembangan dan Alih Teknologi Solar PV Rooftop
Solar PV rooftop financial program Solar PV policy improvement and empowering program Solar PV rooftop demonstration program Solar PV technology support program Perlu dibangun mekanisme pendanaan untuk: Inisiasi pasar Mendorong partisipasi lembaga keuangan Menumbuhkan minat investasi solar pv rooftop Perlu peningkatan kapasitas pada: Lembaga keuangan Prospektif developer /investor Perlu ditinjau dan diperbarui secara menyeluruh terakit kebijakan dan regulasi: Perizinan Harmonisasi antar perizinan Kontrak sederhana Tingkat harga jual Perlu peningkatan kapasitas pada tingkat: Instansi pusat Instansi daerah Perlu sarana pembelajaran dan showcase best practice dalam mekanisme pendanaan dan penguatan kebijakan terkait solar PV rooftop dalam bentuk demo project dengan tahapan sebagai berikut: Program Development Program execution Monitoring dan Evaluasi Capacity Building Peningkatan kualitas produk melalui Program untuk dukungan teknis peningkatan kualitas laboratorium PV Penguatan standarisasi dan sertifikasi Alih teknologi dalam riset pendukung industri Peningkatan kapasitas tenaga teknis, perekayasa, dan akademik 27

28 Lesson Learnt dari Implementasi TNA
For Sustainable Technology Diffusion: Sustainable of Pilot Project, the problem: Expensive maintenance and components Limited of local spare parts and components Lack of experts From pilot project to technology diffusion and replication High investment Lack of experts (on design, construction, operation, maintenance) Specific support for technology diffusion Transfer technology to localize the technology: lower technology investment Availability of local components Capacity buildings for local experts Financial supports for technology investment Strategy for affordable investment of commercial implementation on low carbon technology 28

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