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Pertemuan #1 The Sentence
Matakuliah : Writing I Tahun : Versi : Revisi 5 Pertemuan #1 The Sentence
Mendefinisikan kalimat
Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mendefinisikan kalimat Mengenal yg mana kalimat dan yang mana bukan kalimat Membuat kalimat sederhana
Apa yang harus dimiliki kalimat? Bagaimana menentukannya?
Outline Materi Definisi kalimat Apa yang harus dimiliki kalimat? Bagaimana menentukannya?
A sentence should convey one meaningful idea or message;
Definition A sentence is a string of words which begins with a capital letter and end with a period; A sentence should convey one meaningful idea or message; In general, a sentence should have at least a subject and a verb. It should be grammatically correct.
Each of these is a sentence:
Examples Each of these is a sentence: Children cried. The sun shines. Mary has a little lamb. We went on a picnic yesterday afternoon. He said that he was very hungry. Despite being tired and lacking some sleep, he answered all the students’ questions. How are you?
While he was doing his homework. Whence?
Is this a sentence? Mary While he was doing his homework. Whence? Carol grasses limit boring school. But he does everyday washing dishes.
Styles In some writing styles, the definition of a sentence can sometime be violated. For example, in poetry or prose sometimes the “complete sentence” rule can be ignored. However, for formal writing a sentence should at least have one subject and one main verb.
Conclusion A sentence should Begin with a capital letter
End with a period Have at least a subject and a verb Convey one meaningful idea completely
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