Pertemuan #1 The Sentence

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1 Pertemuan #1 The Sentence
Matakuliah : Writing I Tahun : Versi : Revisi 5 Pertemuan #1 The Sentence

2 Mendefinisikan kalimat
Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mendefinisikan kalimat Mengenal yg mana kalimat dan yang mana bukan kalimat Membuat kalimat sederhana

3 Apa yang harus dimiliki kalimat? Bagaimana menentukannya?
Outline Materi Definisi kalimat Apa yang harus dimiliki kalimat? Bagaimana menentukannya?

4 A sentence should convey one meaningful idea or message;
Definition A sentence is a string of words which begins with a capital letter and end with a period; A sentence should convey one meaningful idea or message; In general, a sentence should have at least a subject and a verb. It should be grammatically correct.

5 Each of these is a sentence:
Examples Each of these is a sentence: Children cried. The sun shines. Mary has a little lamb. We went on a picnic yesterday afternoon. He said that he was very hungry. Despite being tired and lacking some sleep, he answered all the students’ questions. How are you?

6 While he was doing his homework. Whence?
Is this a sentence? Mary While he was doing his homework. Whence? Carol grasses limit boring school. But he does everyday washing dishes.

7 Styles In some writing styles, the definition of a sentence can sometime be violated. For example, in poetry or prose sometimes the “complete sentence” rule can be ignored. However, for formal writing a sentence should at least have one subject and one main verb.

8 Conclusion A sentence should Begin with a capital letter
End with a period Have at least a subject and a verb Convey one meaningful idea completely

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