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Pemrograman Berbasis WEB
Tugas 3
Tugas 3 Membuat splash page (dalam HTML) untuk website group:
Tentukan jenis website apa yang akan dibuat oleh group. Buat design awal dalam HTML Letakkan nama group dan logo Berikan informasi yang perlu ada pada splash page (mengacu pada slide di belakang) Kirimkan file HTML (tanpa file CSS terpisah) termasuk gambar yang digunakan dalam 1 folder sesuai dengan nama group (di-zip), ke
Tugas 3 Batas akhir penerimaan tugas:
4KA11: Senin, 25 April ‘16 pukul 23.59 4KA12: Jumat, 22 April ‘16 pukul 23.59 4KA21: Kamis, 28 April ‘16 pukul 23.59
GROUP Anggota group sama dengan pada tugas sebelumnya
Buat nama group Buat logo group Hanya ketua group yang mengirim tugas
Information on Splash Page
Create a site overview using icons, a navigation bar, or hotlinked text at the top of your page. Include a visually appealing graphic of appropriate size relative to your audience. Include an address hotlink so people can contact you. Provide additional methods of contacting you (address, phone, and so on). Plan a hotlink for a text-only version of your page. (taken from Graphics & Web Page Design, Laura Lemay’s Web Workshop Series)
Information on Splash Page
Organization name is placed prominently. Organization name is fairly self-explanatory. Brief textual summary of the organization's purpose is presented. Picture(s) illustrate the organization's product or service. Labels of links to other pages provide good overview of site contents. (taken from Web Bloopers: 60 Common Web Design Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, Bloopers 1, Jeff Johnson, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003)
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