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Understanding Profession Ethics
Theoriticaly, there’s definition of ethics:
Definitions of Ethics Theoriticaly, there’s definition of ethics: Come from Greeks ethos, in a plural term ta etha that mean is custom and traditions, or habit kebiasaan hidup yang baik, dianut dan diwariskan secara turun temurun, perilaku berpola yg menjadi kebiasaan = moralitas, berasal dari bhs Latin, mos (dlm bentuk jamak mores), yg berarti adat istiadat atau kebiasaan
Conception of Ethics In our daily life, we know 2 kind of norms, that is specific norms and general norms. Specific Norm: aturan yg berlaku dlm bidang kegiatan atau kehidupan khusus, misal aturan olah raga, aturan pendidikan, aturan sekolah, dll General Norm: bersifat umum dan universal, ada tiga norma umum, yaitu: norma sopan santun (etiket) adl norma yg mengatur perilaku dan sikap lahiriah manusia ( misal cara bertamu, cara duduk, cara berpakaian, dll) norma hukum adl norma yg keberlakuannya dituntut secara tegas oleh masyarakat demi keselamatan dan kesejahteraan manusia dlm hidup bermasyarakat norma moral adl aturan mengenai sikap dan perilaku manusia sbg manusia
Applied Ethics Etika Umum (etika deontologi)
berasal dari bhs Yunani, Deon yg berarti kewajiban menekankan kewajiban manusia untuk bertindak secara baik, bukan karena akibat atau tujuan baik dari tindakan tsb tetapi karena memang tingkah laku tersebut wajib dilakukan sgt menekankan motivasi, kemauan baik dan watak yg kuat dari pelaku Beri contoh Perilakunya diskusikan!
Applied Ethics Etika Khusus (etika teleologi), mengukur baik buruknya suatu tindakan berdasarkan tujuan yang mau dicapai dari tindakan itu, atau berdasarkan akibat yg ditimbulkan oleh tindakan tsb Beri Contoh Perilakunya diskusikan!
What is Profession? The work that: carried out for living
by relying on the expertise and skills involving the high and the deep personal commitment (moral)
Who is Professional? People who doing a job, and a life time of the fulltime work by relying on the expertise and high skill and have a deep personal commitment to their work A person who does a job because his expert in the field and take the whole time, effort, and attention to the job
Characteristic of Professional
Expertise and special skill High moral commitment Usually living from their profession
Principle of Profession Ethics
Responsibility responsible to their work and the result Justice do not harm the right and interest of certain people, especially who relate with their profession Autonomy given complete freedom in their profession Moral integrity personal integrity and moral high ground nobility, reputation, and interest of other public
Task Find any profession that relate with your education background today, and will be your future profession Determined the ethical code of that profession above Do it in group
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