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Pakaian Clothing.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Pakaian Clothing."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Pakaian Clothing

2 Berbelanja di Jakarta

3 Berbelanja di Yogyakarta

4 Berbelanja di Kalimantan

5 Berbelanja di Bali

6 Berbelanja di Sumatra

7 Topi

8 Singlet

9 Ikat Pinggang

10 Kaca mata hitam

11 Kaca mata

12 Sepatu

13 Kaus kaki

14 Syal

15 Pakaian dalam

16 Kaos

17 kemeja

18 rok

19 Seragam sepak bola

20 Seragam sekolah

21 gaun

22 Celana jean

23 Celana panjang

24 Celana pendek

25 Celana ketat

26 jaket

27 Baju hangat

28 Sarung tangan

29 dasi

30 Tas

31 Baju tidur

32 Baju renang

33 Memakai apa?

34 Memakai apa?

35 Memakai apa?

36 Memakai apa?

37 Memakai apa?

38 Your task Label your washing line by writing the name of the clothing on the first line underneath the clothing. Use neat handwriting. Listen for your teacher to tell you which colour the clothes are. Colour the item in and write the Indonesian word for that colour underneath the label. Listen for the price of the clothing and write that with an Rp. on the last line under the clothes. Make sure your room number and name is on your work.

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