LANGUAGE SENTENCE (The Unity of words that has a pattern and the function is to express an activity that we do)

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1 LANGUAGE SENTENCE (The Unity of words that has a pattern and the function is to express an activity that we do)

2 ENGLISH & INDONESIA (That two sentence have the same PATTERN)
I think that SBY is a good President of Indonesia. (English) Saya berpikir bahwa SBY adalah Presiden Indonesia yang baik. (Indonesia) Andi buys a fried rice every morning. (English) Andi membeli nasi goreng setiap pagi. (Indonesia)

3 But They have a differences in the phrase
English Indonesia Saya pikir bahwa SBY adalah presiden Indonesia yang baik Andi membeli nasi goreng setiap pagi STIKOM masih membuka pendaftaran bagi mahasiswa baru. I think that SBY is a good President of Indonesia Andi buys a fried rice every morning. STIKOM still opens a registration for new student.

4 THE RULE OF SENTENCE There are the rule of the sentence:
The SUBJECT and OBJECTst must be a noun (clause, phrase, gerund, and noun). The sentence must be “S + P(verb) + O + Adv/Adj”. “PREDICATE” must be after subject. Put object or adv/adj.

5 In making a sentence, we must look up the time
In our life condition, we have 3 kind of time: Present Past Future Past Future Present / now

6 TENSES / TIME We have a many tenses that we know before, like; 16 TENSES

7 A SENTENCE Active Passive Verbal Non-verbal Verbal
- Positive - Positive Positive - Negative - Negative Negative - Interrogative - Interrogative Interrogative

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