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By, Maya Umi Hajar (120210153050) M. Roy Fayzal (120210153069)
Lichenes is mutualism symbiosis from 2 organism that are algae and fungi and form one morphology and physiology that show as single organism. Lichenes pioneer organism. That can growth in very dry condition. Fungi component in lichenes called mikrobion and alga component called fikobion or gonidium Generally algae that have lichenes symbiosis are Cyanophyceae (blue algae), Cholorophyceae (green algae). Generally fungi that have symbiosis in lichenes are Ascomycotes, deuteomycotes and Basiodiomycotes.
1. Upper korteks: dense braided that from pseudopharenchym of hypa fungi. As the protector. 2. Algae area : under of upper korteks, consist of loose braided of hypa with algae that spreadly. As photosynthesis part. 3. Medulla, hifa that braided make one center part that large and loose. 4. Lower korteks, dense hypa. Generally there is rhizines that to attached on the place.
1. Vegetatif development : vegetatif development or asexsual development, can occur by : Spore of Fungi : development with fungus spore that can form new lichenes if found the siutable algae. Soredia : algae that in cleaving stage and covering by micelium of fungi. Fragmentasi : separated the old body and develop become new organism.
2. Generative development : Generative development generally occur in basidiolichen. Its development occur by spore that forming by fungus hypa and meet the suitable algae and can occur sexual fusion and meiosis.
Based on the form of lichenes Based on fungus composer Based on algae composer
Krustosa Lichenes that have form flatted in substrat, and like as encrustation. Its lichenes difficult to separated with the substrat. Gowth in skin of tree and died tree Example : Garfis sp.
Foliosa Lichnes that have thalus like as leaf and flattened, wided, have wave. Its thalus easy to separated with subsrat. Form sopt in stone, walls and skin of treaa. Example :Parmelia sp.
3. Frutikosa Lichenes that have form like as ribbon and have many branched. Its lichenes growth up or hanging.attached on the subsrate with more than one rhizines. Live hanging in air and in treea. Example : Usnea sp.
4. Squamulose Its lichnes that lobus form like as scales and have small size and intersect. example : Squamulose sp.
a. Ascolichens Lichenss that forming by Ascomycota fungus. Contoh : Usnea sp. dan Parmelia sp. b. Basidiolichens Lichenss that forming by Basidiomycetes and algae Mycophyceae. That classified into family Thelephoraceae, with 3 genus :Cora, Corella and Dyctionema. Example : Scytonema sp., Chrococcus sp. c. Lichnes imperfecti Lichenss that forming by Deuteromycetes fungus. example: Deutromycetes fungi, steril. Contoh : Cystocoleus sp., Lepraria sp., Leprocanlon sp., Normandia sp.,
a. Homoimerus : algae that compose is Mycophyceae algae And have gelatin form in its lichenes. Ex: Ephebe sp., Collema sp.
b. Heteromerous : algae that compose its liches are in class Chlorophyceae.and not forming gelatin. Ex: Parmelia.
Lichenes as medicine : certain lichenes can use as medicine. Example: Lobaria pulmonaria can use as medicine of lungs. Because can make thin layer in lungs. Lichnes as antibiotic : certain lichenes that can block mycobacterium growth.example : Cladonia
Lichenes as indicator of pollution. All lichens can use as indicators of pollution. Lichenes helping the nitrogen cycle. Lichenes that consist of Chlorophyta algae use nitrogen in air and change become organic nitrogen (amino acid and protein)
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