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Gerund adalah bentuk verb- ing dari kata kerja yang di fungsikan sebagai kata benda ( noun ).
Gerund berbentuk sama dengan present participle, tetapi mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda, dan juga bukan berarti sedang.
THE USING OF GERUND 1. As the subject of the sentence. Examples : 1. Reading is my hobby. 2. Smoking is bad for your health. 3. Running is good for your health
2. As The object of the sentence. Examples : 1. He loves hunting. 2
2. As The object of the sentence. Examples : 1. He loves hunting. 2. They finish speaking. 3. I don’t like smoking
3. As the Subject of Compliment. Examples : 1
3. As the Subject of Compliment. Examples : 1. One of his worst habit is telling lies. 2. What she like is watching the children play. 3. My favorite spare time is singing.
4. Digunakan dibelakang “ No …
4. Digunakan dibelakang “ No …. “ membentuk kalimat pendek yang menyatakan larangan atau peringatan. Examples : 1. No parking ! 2. No smoking ! 3. No loitering ! 4. No spitting !
5. Digunakan sebagai Appositive (keterangan tambahan) dalam suatu kalimat. Examples : 1. He has a bad habit, gambling. the pool,makes her body strong. 2. That difficult work, sawing hard wood makes him exhausted. 3. Do you mind my making suggestion. 4. I am annoyed about John’s forgetting to Adjective atau Possessive Noun
6. Di gunakan dibelakang Possessive Examples : 1
6. Di gunakan dibelakang Possessive Examples : 1. I don’t mind your living here. pay. 2. You can understand his feeling angry.
7. Digunakan setelah kata sambung ( preposition), seperti : without, after, before, about, by etc. Examples : 1. Before leaving the house, I locked the door. 2. After washing the rice, Mary cook it.
Verb + Preposition 8. Digunakan setelah 9. Digunakan setelah kata depan accused of insist on worry about approve of keep on think of count on put off etc. depend on rely on give up succeed in go on dream about
10. Digunakan setelah Adjective + Preposition accustomed to capable of sucsessful in afraid of intent on sorry for fond of interested in tired of
Examples : 1. I am tired of doing the work again. 2
Examples : 1. I am tired of doing the work again. 2. He goes out without saying anything. 3. Mary is fond of dancing. 4. We are interested in reading this book. 5. Ali is intent on finishing school next year. 6. I am sorry for waking you up.
10. Digunakan setelah berikut : Noun + Preposition choice of intention of reason for excuse of possibility of honour of method of art of habit of idea of importance of chance of
Examples : There’s a reason for living so early. John has no excuse for dropping out of school. I don’t like the idea of spending so much money. She is glad to have this opportunity of coming to visit your country
11. Di gunakan setelah kata kerja (verb) tertentu, berikut ini :
admit advise keep discuss mention stop mind suggest avoid enjoy miss complete finish remember understand etc.
Examples : 1. They enjoy playing football. 2
Examples : 1. They enjoy playing football. 2. I can’t stop falling in love with you. 3. Would you mind opening the window? 4. She avoids answering my question. 5. I wanted to go to Mexico. But Sally suggested going to Hawaii.
12. Digunakan untuk menyatakan ungkapan tertentu ( idiomatic expression )yang menunjukan kegiatan rekreasi dengan pola Go + Gerund Go camping go hiking go dancing Go fishing go swimming go hunting Go sailing go shopping go skiing
Examples : 1. Do you go shopping on Sunday ?
2. We went fishing yesterday. 3. Did you go sailing last week ? 4. She will go camping next week.
Exercises : 1. My sister is interested in……………. choreography. a. learn b. learns c. learning d. to learn
Key : C My sister is interested in learning choreography.
Using gerund as the object of preposition.
2. The police kept on……..questions to the witnesses to find out the truth. a. ask b. to ask c. asked d. asking
Key : D The police kept on asking question to the witnesses to find out the report. Using gerund as the object of preposition.
3. Bagas : What kind of activities do you like to do
3. Bagas : What kind of activities do you like to do ? Sita : …… is my favourite activity. Bagas : That’s wonderful a. be cooked b. cook c. cooked d. cooking
Key : D cooking is a gerund. It is used as the subject of the sentences.
4. The chairman always minds to answer A B his phone when the secretary is out. C D
Key : B . Answering. Use the gerund form after the verb mind.
5. The committee postpone……. until tomorrow. a. to vote b. voted c
5. The committee postpone…….until tomorrow. a. to vote b. voted c. vote d. voting
Key : D. Voting Use the gerund form after the verb postponed
6. The president considered ……a train instead of a plain. a. taking b
6. The president considered ……a train instead of a plain. a. taking b. will take c. taken d. to take
Key : A . The president considered taking a train instead of a plane. Considered is followed by the gerund.
7. Although Mr. Arief could not attend, he A B appreciated to receive an invitation C D
Key : C . Receiving. Appreciated is followed by gerund .
8. Mr. Jauhari suggested to illustrate the
presentation with charts and graph B C D Key : A Illustrating
Key : A illustrating. Suggested is followed by gerund
9. Andri : ” May I smoke here. ” Ita : ” I’m sorry,……
9. Andri : ” May I smoke here ?” Ita : ” I’m sorry,…….is not allowed in this room” a. smoke b. smoking c. smoked d. to smoke
Key : B Smoking is not allowed in this room. Using gerund as the subject of the sentence.
10. Have you thought about to look for a A B new job that offers opportunities for C advancement and a better salary. D
Key : B. looking Use gerund after verb + preposition.
11. Mr. Hendro was responsible for …. the data. a. organization b
11. Mr. Hendro was responsible for …. the data. a. organization b. organizing c. organized d. organized
Adjective + preposition, responsible for is followed by gerund.
Key : B Organizing Adjective + preposition, responsible for is followed by gerund.
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