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2 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
HAIR STYLING Styling and Personality There are 4 classification of individu in the society which has specific personality in facing mode : a. high fashion b. quietly elegant c. casual d. Conservatif 2. Technique of Hair Setting In hair setting, the one required is an appropriateness shape. Things need to consider are : a. The shape of face b. The shape of neck c. Texture d. The thickness of hair e. The type of body Kelompok yang berkepribadian keras, bersikap tegas,sedikit tinggi hati, sangat perasa dan senantiasa menyesuaikan segala sesuatu dg mode terbaru. Kelompok yang menyukai mode tata rambut, tata rias, busana yang mampu menonjolkan kesan keanggunan dalam segala kesederhanaan. Kelompok yang berkepribadian sederhana, lebih menitik beratkan pada kepraktisan dalam menentukan penampilan. Kelompok yang patuh terhadap mode, biasanya terdiri dari mereka yang berusia setengah baya. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

3 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
HAIR STYLING Source : Puspoyo Widjanarko, Endang (1995) The shape of face : 1). Oval, This is the most ideal shape of face with the ratio of the length is 1.5 x the width of the face. 2). Oblong, This face has length 1,5 x more than the width of the face, so that the face look narrow. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

4 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
HAIR STYLING Sour ce : Puspoyo Widjanarko, Endang (1995) 3). Round, The shape of face which has length almost the same as the wide. 4). Square, the shape of face with hair line on the forehead align with the square jaw. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

5 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
5). Heart, The shape of face which is wide on the temples and the forehead is narrow, and the chin is sharp. 6). Rhombus shape, This face has narrow chin and forehead, the sides are wide Source : Puspoyo Widjanarko, Endang (1995) Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

6 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Source : Puspoyo Widjanarko, Endang (1995) 7). Pearl The shape of the face is narrow between the temples and forehead with high cheek bones and big on the chin Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

1). Small face, to make the face doesn’t look small. 2). Wide Face, to give impression of the face doesn’t look smaller. Source : Puspoyo Widjanarko, Endang (1995) Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

8 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
3). Long, the face and the neck are long, to give the impression of not too long, it is suggested to use bangs (poni) and the length of the hair is as long as neck and blowing at the bottom. 4). Fat Face, hair should be long at both sides to cover the forehead (kening) and the cheeks. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

5). Square jaw, the hair on forehead should let without bangs. The Smoot curl at the sides image of will reduce the square. 6). Jaw stick out, to hide this is by changing the attention on another side of the face Source : Puspoyo Widjanarko, Endang (1995) Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

10 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
7). The cheek bones stick out, setting is made full blow at upper part and bellow the ears and using bangs (poni). 8). Small chin, Hair is drawn up with the thickness at that part, at the back mess is blowing. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

11 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
9. Wide forehead, bangs are made ling and thick to cover eyelids and the length of hair is as long as shoulder. 10. Narrow forehead, bangs is made short and high above the eyelids separately or without the bangs. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

12 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Source : Puspoyo Widjanarko, Endang (1995) 11. Big nose, direct the hair upward of the head and tight (ekor kuda) or pinned. 12. Long neck, With medium length of hair and set to cover the neck. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

13 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
13. Short neck, Hair is drawn up or back. Avoid the hair cover the neck, 14. Round cheeks, Avoid the setting of blowing at the sides and also thick bangs (poni) at the front. Source : Puspoyo Widjanarko, Endang (1995) Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

14 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
15. Ears are big or small, Hair is set to cover the ears which are not perfect 16. Wearing glasses, Hair setting is directed out of the face with blowing at the sides. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

15 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
TOOLS The tools used are : Bouffant comb Bouffant smoothen 3. Pincurls-small pincurls Straight pins, small hair pin Hairnet (Jaring halus) Hair bounding Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

16 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
9. Hand hair dryer 10. Curling iron heated 11. Styling brushes 12. Crimping iron Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

17 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
COSMETIC 1. Hairspray Styling spray Hair shine 4. Color spray Styling foam Hair jelly Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

Things need to consider : Analysis of customer characteristic by : a. Interview b. Observation c. The result of analysis is used to determine the design of setting 2. Determine the design setting 3. Hair condition determine the result of setting, therefore if : a. We will make the face looks longer, back comb the hair high and slim at the sides b. We will make the face look wide, the back comb is aside left and right c. The forehead is wide, then hair is let down to cover the forehead. d. The neck is long, is covered with long hair. e. Short neck, the hair is cut short so that the neck is appeared. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

19 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
TECHNIQUE OF SETTING Direction of hair setting Division of hair (belahan rambut) : a. Center division, to make the face look oval or song b. Side division, to make the face look round and square. c. Without division, to make all types of face Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

20 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
TECHNIQUE OF SETTING 3. Back combing : a. Weaving, taking hair (blocking) is layer by layer. b. Propping, taking hair (blocking) is layer by layer with the same amount, the ends of hair is let without back combing Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

21 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
TECHNIQUE OF SETTING 4. The last of setting is by applying the setting tools : a. Curling iron, is a tool for making curls. b. Heated styling brushes is a roller which is heated Source : Puspoyo Widjanarko, Endang (1995) Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

22 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
TEKNIK PENATAAN c. Hot roller (penggulung panas), roller which has smooth teeth on the surface to make easier for rolling. d. Crimping iron, is a curl maker in broken wave shape . Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

23 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Thank-you Thank-you Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

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