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Perspektif dan Tanggapan Legislatif Terhadap Sinkronisasi Multisektoral untuk Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim Dialog Nasional Perubahan Iklim Kementerian.

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1 Perspektif dan Tanggapan Legislatif Terhadap Sinkronisasi Multisektoral untuk Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim Dialog Nasional Perubahan Iklim Kementerian LHK — 17 Januari 2018 Ir. Satya Widya Yudha, M.Sc, Ph.D (Cand.) Wakil Ketua Komisi VII & Ketua Kaukus Ekonomi Hijau DPR RI

2 Agenda Sinkronisasi SDGs-Kebijakan Nasional How Do We Move Forward?
SDG 13: Climate Action Pernyataan pemerintah di COP 23 Climate-related hazards, natural disasters National policies, strategies, planning Education, awareness, capacity Funding climate action Women, youth, local, marginalized How Do We Move Forward? Tanggapan terhadap materi RPP Perubahan Iklim Menggarisbawahi sinkronisasi multisektoral Menata ulang produk hukum Lessons learned dari AS dan Tiongkok Kapitalisasi potensi pasar teknologi lingkungan Mendorong green budgeting

3 Sinkronisasi SDGs–kebijakan nasional SDG 13: Climate Action
Terdapat 17 sektor Sustainable Development Goals yang hendak dicapai pada tahun 2030 yang diperinci menjadi 169 target. Dari 17 tersebut, SDG yang menjadi fokus perhatian COP23 adalah SDG nomor 13, yakni Climate Action: Mengambil langkah penting untuk melawan perubahan iklim dan dampak-dampaknya (Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts). DPR RI dan Pemerintah berkomitmen untuk mengintegrasikan SDG 13 ke dalam aksi nasional untuk perubahan iklim yang bersifat lintas sektoral (Bappenas sebagai national focal point untuk SDGs, KLHK untuk iklim)

4 Sinkronisasi SDGs–kebijakan nasional Pernyataan pemerintah di COP 23
6 Poin Pernyataan Menteri LHK di COP 23 Mentapkan Kerangka Transparansi Nasional sesuai dengan Perjanjian Paris; Pengakuan negara untuk hutan adat; Memulihkan hektar lahan gambut dari target 2 juta hektar pada tahun 2020; Mengesahkan Konvesi Minamata; Berkomitmen untuk mengurangi 70% puing plastik pada tahun 2025 dari tingkat 2017; Bantuan lanjutan untuk upaya negara-negara berkembang lainnya dalam tindakan iklim melalui South-South and Triangular Cooperation di bidang pengelolaan petanian, kehutanan dan kawasan pesisir. 3 Poin Pernyataan Menteri Bappenas di COP 23 Sedang disusun perpres tentang "low carbon development planning" yang membahas pertumbuhan ekonomi, penanggulangan kemiskinan, dan stabilitas sosial bersamaan dengan isu-isu lingkungan. Rencana Aksi Nasional-Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim (RAN-API) sudah terintegrasi ke dalam RPJMN 2015–2019, melibatkan 17 kementerian teknis. Pemerintah sedang siapkan National Resilience Index sebagai review process untuk langkah-langkah adaptasi yang akan digunakan sebagai referensi untuk menyiapkan RPJMN 2020–2024.

5 Sinkronisasi SDGs–kebijakan nasional Climate-related hazards, natural disasters
13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries 13.1.1 Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100,000 population 13.1.2 Number of countries that adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 13.1.3 Proportion of local governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national disaster risk reduction strategies Disaster management is handled by the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), overseen by Commission VIII. Lessons learned: from September to October 2015, daily estimated GHG emissions from fires in Indonesia surpassed average daily emissions from the entire US economy (approximately Mt CO2 per day). Anticipating future crises: BNPB reported that per 22 August 2017, 538 hotspots (fires) have been detected (medium to high confidence), particularly escalating in West Kalimantan (193 spots) and Papua (143 spots). Haze is a prime example of how climate change engenders cross-sectoral ramifications (disaster management, geopolitics, environment, forestry and land use, law enforcement, etc.), which in turn necessitates cross-sectoral action.

6 SDG 13  NDC  National policy, legislation
Sinkronisasi SDGs–kebijakan nasional National policies, strategies, planning 13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning 13.2.1 Number of countries that have communicated the establishment or operationalization of an integrated policy/strategy/plan which increases their ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change, and foster climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions development in a manner that does not threaten food production (including a national adaptation plan, nationally determined contribution, national communication, biennial update report or other) SDG 13  NDC  National policy, legislation Outline of Indonesia’s energy policy framework Improving energy mix  23% renewables by 2025, 31% by 2030. Energy conservation. Acceleration of power plants. PP No. 79/2014 National Energy Policy (KEN) UU No. 30/2007 Energy Law UU No. 22/2001 Oil and Gas Law UU No. 30/2009 Electricity Law General Plan for National Energy (RUEN) Elaboration of targets of KEN. Policies and strategies to achieve KEN. UU No. 4/2009 Mineral and Coal Mining Law UU No. 21/2014 Geothermal Law General Plan for Regional Energy (RUED) Breakdown and synchronization of RUEN and KEN at regional jurisdictions and spatial plans.

7 Sinkronisasi SDGs–kebijakan nasional National policies, strategies, planning
INDONESIA’S NDC -29% (UNCONDITIONAL) -41% (CONDITIONAL) 2030 Sector GHG Emissions in 2010 (Million Tons of CO2e) GHG Emissions in 2030 (MtCO2e) GHG Emissions Reduction Average Annual Growth BAU (2010–2030) Average Growth 2000–2012* MtCO2e % of total BAU BAU CM1 CM2 1 Energy 453.2 (33.97%) 1,669 (58.17%) 1,355 (66.61%) 1,271 (71.12%) 314 398 11% 14% 6.7% 4.5% 2 Waste 88 (6.59%) 296 (10.31%) 285 (14.01%) 270 (15.10%) 11 26 0.38% 1% 6.3% 4% 3 IPPU 36 (2.69%) 69.6 (2.42%) 66.85 (3.28%) 66.35 (3.71%) 2.75 3.25 0.10% 0.11% 3.4% 0.1% 4 Agriculture 110.5 (8.28%) 119.66 (4.17%) 110.39 (5.42%) 115.86 (6.48%) 9 0.32% 0.13% 0.4% 1.3% 5 LULUCF** 647 (48.50%) 714 (24.88%) 217 (10.66%) 64 (3.58%) 497 650 17.2% 23% 0.5% 2.7% TOTAL 1,334 2,869 2,034 1,787 834 1,081 29% 38% 3.9% 3.2% ** Including peatland fire * Including fugitive CM1 = Counter Measure 1 (unconditional) CM2 = Counter Measure 2 (conditional)

Sinkronisasi SDGs–kebijakan nasional Dasar penyusunan KEN, RUEN, RUED, RUKN, RUPTL PERMEN ESDM KEBIJAKAN ENERGI NASIONAL (KEN) PP No. 79 Tahun 2014 RUEN RUED Provinsi RUKN RUPTL Renstra K/L UU NO. 30/2007 TENTANG ENERGI PERPRES 22/2017 PERMEN K/L PERDA PEPRES 1/2014 PEDOMAN PENYUSUNAN RUEN KEN merupakan kebijakan pengelolaan energi yang berdasarkan prinsip berkeadilan, berkelanjutan, dan berwawasan lingkungan guna terciptanya kemandirian energi dan ketahanan energi nasional. Rencana pelaksanaan KEN dijabarkan melalui RUEN RUEN disusun berdasarkan Pedoman Penyusunan RUEN Sistem ketenagalistrikan nasional dijabarkan dalam RUKN yang disusun berdasarkan KEN dan sejalan dengan RUEN Terjemahan dari RUEN/RUKN pada setiap daerah dengan memanfaatkan potensi di daerah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan daerah dilihat dari kepentingan nasional Terjemahan dari RUEN diprogramkan pada Renstra K/L terkait. Source: DEN

9 Sinkronisasi SDGs–kebijakan nasional Sinergi perencanaan energi nasional & daerah

10 Sinkronisasi SDGs–kebijakan nasional Target EBTKE dalam bauran energi nasional
The Indonesian government is pursuing policies and strategies to increase investment appetite for renewable energy and its portion in the national energy mix. 2016 2025 2050 Role of energy Commodity Prime mover of economy Renewables mix 7% 23% 31% Energy provision 169 MTOE 400 MTOE 1.012 MTOE Power capacity 55 GW (renewables 8 GW) 136 GW (renewables > 45 GW) 443 GW (renewables > 167 GW) Energy elasticity > 1 < 1 Elec./capita/year 865 KWh 2.500 kWh 7.000 kWh Electrification ratio 88% 100% Renewables Coal Crude Oil Natural Gas Source: National Energy Council 2017

11 Sinkronisasi SDGs–kebijakan nasional Education, awareness, capacity
13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning 13.3.1 Number of countries that have integrated mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning into primary, secondary and tertiary curricula 13.3.2 Number of countries that have communicated the strengthening of institutional, systemic and individual capacity-building to implement adaptation, mitigation and technology transfer, and development actions In 2012, the Ministry of Environment issued a supplement for climate change education to teachers, integrating into curriculums in science, social science, civics, and language. The supplement also outlined practical steps for climate mitigation and adaptation within the schoolyard. Collaborative involvement in formal and non-formal sectors: Hans Seidel Foundation’s “Handbook for Climate Change” for junior high school; the British Council’s C4C (Climate For Classrooms) program for primary and secondary education; the Department of Agriculture’s Climate Field School for farmers; the Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG)’s guideline for climate change integration into curriculums; numerous programs and curriculum additions by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

12 Sinkronisasi SDGs–kebijakan nasional Funding climate action
Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation and fully operationalize the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization as soon as possible 13.a.1 Mobilized amount of United States dollars per year between 2020 and 2025 accountable towards the $100 billion commitment Objective & Period Amount Needed IDR trillion US$ billion Estimated resource envelope for emission reduction effort (per 2014) 37.8 3.7 List of Available Funds Administered by Type Global Environment Facility (GEF) UNFCCC Multilateral Adaptation Fund UN Green Climate Fund (GCF) Clean Technology Fund (CTF) The World Bank Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) Forest Investment Programme Tropical Landscapes Finance Facility (TLFF) National Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) UK and Germany Bilateral Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) Bappenas Multi-donors National Channel

13 Sinkronisasi SDGs–kebijakan nasional Funding climate action
Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation and fully operationalize the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization as soon as possible 13.a.1 Mobilized amount of United States dollars per year between 2020 and 2025 accountable towards the $100 billion commitment Parliamentary pushback: conditions for international financial support should not be rigidly performance-based, but should include provisions for closely monitored and supervised up-front assistance. Lessons learned from ICCTF (multi-donors national channel): operationalization much slower than expected, very little international funding. Newest member on the block: Tropical Landscapes Finance Facility (TLFF)  TLFF Secretariat supported by UNEP/ICRAF. US$ 1–5 billion loan fund (TLLF)  long-term loans for energy access to rural households & land restoration. US$ 100 million grant fund (TLGF)  technical support & early stage costs for renewable energy & sustainable agriculture.

14 Sinkronisasi SDGs–kebijakan nasional Funding climate action
Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation and fully operationalize the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization as soon as possible 13.a.1 Mobilized amount of United States dollars per year between 2020 and 2025 accountable towards the $100 billion commitment Estimation of NDC funding demand: Project-based: Estimation of demand based on the roadmap for GHG emissions reduction at the project level, without factoring interconnectivity between sectors. Sectoral-based: Estimation of demand taking into account interconnectivity between sectors. Options for NDC funding: State National/Regional Budget Grants (bilateral/multilateral) Other legitimate sources (philanthrophy, CSR)

15 Sinkronisasi SDGs–kebijakan nasional Women, youth, local, marginalized
Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing States, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities 13.b.1 Number of least developed countries and small island developing States that are receiving specialized support, and amount of support, including finance, technology and capacity-building, for mechanisms for raising capacities for effective climate change-related planning and management, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities Indonesia’s NDC indicators are still being revised in order to adequately identify, involve, and mobilize small and medium enterprises as well as the informal sector for climate change adaptation and mitigation  currently too focused on large-scale industries. Illustration: the plasting recycling industry employs 300,000 people, outside of the hundreds of thousands of scavengers; 134 member enterprises of the Indonesian Plastic Recycling Association (ADUPI) are able to recycle 400,000 tons of plastic annually for domestic demand as well as export  the government should capitalize, connect, and build capacity for climate action. A circular economy (reuse, refurbish, remanufacture, recycle  zero waste) should replace the prevailing linear economy (take, make, dispose  wasteful).

16 Materi RPP Perubahan Iklim
Bentuk aktivitas penurunan emisi dari deforestasi dan degradasi hutan serta pengelolaan hutan berkelanjutan, konservasi dan peningkatan cadangan karbon hutan termasuk melalui pembayaran berbasis hasil. Bentuk dan pengaturan pengembangan kerja sama sukarela antarnegara dalam rangka penurunan emisi termasuk melalui mekanisme pasar dan nonpasar. Bentuk kegiatan adaptasi untuk memperkuat ketahanan, dan mengurangi kerentanan terhadap perubahan iklim; Bentuk kegiatan untuk mengurangi dan mengatasi kerugian dan kerusakan (loss and damage) akibat dampak buruk perubahan iklim. Bentuk penyediaan sumber pendanaan dari negara maju; Bentuk peningkatan aksi kerja sama seluruh negara dalam hal pengembangan dan alih teknologi, penguatan pendidikan, pelatihan, kesadaran publik, partisipasi publik, dan akses publik terhadap informasi mengenai perubahan iklim. Bentuk pelaksanaan secara berkala inventarisasi Gas Rumah Kaca secara nasional lima tahun.

17 How do we move forward? Tanggapan terhadap materi RPP Perubahan Iklim
Perlu antisipasi dan strategi dampak Tanah Objek Reforma Agraria (TORA) 9 juta ha dan Perhutanan Sosial 12,7 ha terhadap NDC Indonesia sektor LULUCF/FOLU (penurunan laju deforestasi)  perkuat komitmen, regulasi, dan pengawasan di sektor kehutanan (mengambil lessons learned dari pengalaman buruk karhutla akibat pengawasan dan pencegahan yang buruk) Perlu studi banding intensif terhadap strategi kebijakan negara mitra dalam pengendalian perubahan iklim, untuk dikontekstualisasikan dengan situasi dan tantangan nasional  contoh: skema carbon pricing di California, AS (jenis emissions trading system/ETS) & Environmental Protection Tax Law di Tiongkok per 1 Januari 2018 (jenis carbon tax) Pemerintah perlu menekankan ulang posisi diplomatis (diplomatic stance) terkait syarat dan ketentuan bantuan pendanaan luar negeri untuk pengendalian perubahan iklim  mendorong klausul untuk bantuan muka (up-front assistance) alih-alih hanya berdasarkan performa (performance-based) Perlu regulasi yang sanggup mengikat dan mendorong agar pencapaian NDC Indonesia mengesampingkan ego sektoral dan bersifat lintas kementerian/sektor secara riil di pelaksanaan serta realisasi  sinkronisasi antar-national focal point, SDGs-NDC-peraturan turunan Selain inventarisasi GRK secara nasional setiap lima tahun, diperlukan pemutakhiran serta analisis Climate Budget Tagging yang pernah diprakarsai tahun 2014 Komisi VII DPR RI meminta pemerintah konsisten memasukkan NDC ke dalam RPJMN agar pelaksanaannya bisa efektif

18 How do we move forward? Menggarisbawahi sinkronisasi multisektoral
Dalam sinkronisasi SDGs dengan NDC tertera tentang kebutuhan adanya UU, PP, dan Permen, karena NDC sifatnya multisektoral Salah satu indikator SDG 13 Climate Action adalah indikator 13.2: Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning  “integrasi” yang dimaksud mengacu pada rangkaian regulasi/produk hukum yang bersifat: mengikat secara multisektoral di K/L (horizontal), serta mengikat dari tingkat pusat hingga ke perangkat daerah (vertikal) UU Paris Agreement memberikan landasan hukum untuk peraturan pelaksana lainnya; posisinya sebagai UU merupakan pondasi hukum untuk integrasi aksi perubahan iklim yang mengikat secara multisektoral PP sebagai peraturan pelaksana turunan diperlukan sebagai penekanan aksi spesifik daripada UU ratifikasi yang mengedepankan komitmen awal PP kemudian perlu di-follow up dengan pengeluaran Permen di masing-masing K/L teknis terkait dengan mengacu kepada PP dan UU, agar sinkronisasi/“integrasi” yang dimaksud dalam SDGs berlangsung efektif dan pelaksanaannya tidak berbenturan Rapat khusus membahas sinkronisasi tersebut perlu digalakkan antar-K/L dengan mempertimbangkan national focal point yang sudah ada untuk masing-masing subsektor

19 How do we move forward? Menata ulang produk hukum
UU yang sudah ada dan memiliki korelasi dengan perubahan iklim (seperti UU Energi, UU Ketenagalistrikan, UU Migas, UU Minerba, UU Geotermal, dll.) perlu di-review kembali  apakah in line dengan NDC? Apabila ada yang tidak selaras, UU tersebut perlu direvisi. Di masing-masing K/L teknis terkait juga perlu ada upaya pembenahan regulasi yang sudah ada dengan mengacu pada konsep sinkronisasi SDGs–NDC  regulasi yang ternyata tidak selaras dengan sinkronisasi multisektoral untuk komitmen pengendalian perubahan iklim perlu ditata ulang Situasi ideal: disusun UU Perubahan Iklim yang secara khusus membahas semua sektor relevan sebagai benchmark sekaligus landasan hukum bagi target-target pencapaian nasional

20 How do we move forward? Lessons learned dari AS dan Tiongkok
California, AS: Carbon pricing atau Cap-and-Trade Program menerapkan ambang batas kolektif emisi karbon (“cap”) terhadap sumber-sumber yang menyumbang 85% emisi California (termasuk BBM, fasilitas industri, pembangkit listrik, dan utilitas gas bumi). Ambang batas tersebut mengecil sebanyak 3% per tahun hingga 2020, dengan tujuan mengurangi emisi hingga tahap tahun 1990. Setiap sumber yang merupakan bagian dari program tersebut wajib memegang izin polusi (pollution permit atau “allowance”) yang setara dengan emisi yang mereka hasilkan. Karena jumlah izin polusi terbatas dan berharga, para pencemar berusaha mengurangi emisi agar mengurangi jumlah izin polusi yang perlu mereka pegang. Tiongkok: Per 1 Januari 2018, Tiongkok mensahkan Environmental Protection Tax Law yang memajaki pencemar (suara, udara, air, limbah padat)  sejenis carbon tax Pemerintah pusat menerapkan batas atas untuk pajak tersebut kemudian memberikan kewenangan bagi pemerintah daerah untuk mengatur besaran pajaknya di masing-masing daerah Pajak ini tidak berlaku untuk perorangan, melainkan badan usaha, lembaga publik, dan operator bisnis lainnya Pemerintah pusat akan mengalokasikan hasil pajak tersebut kepada pemerintah daerah sebagai insentif untuk melawan polusi

21 How do we move forward? Kapitalisasi potensi pasar teknologi lingkungan
Indonesia berada pada tingkat ke-7 dari 50 negara dalam 2015 Top Markets Study. Pada tahun 2016 pasar teknologi lingkungan kita dinilai sebesar US$6,3 miliar (International Trade Association, 2016).

22 How do we move forward? Mendorong green budgeting & UU EBTKE
LULUCF Legal Reform, Peatland and Forest Governance, One Map, Moratorium, Information Systems Licensing, Peatland water canal • Maintain and enhance forest carbon stocks through conservation, sustainable forest management and / or rehabilitation and restoration of degraded forest land; and • Provide benefits to increasing environmental services, biodiversity, and the welfare of local communities / indigenous peoples. POWER • Enhancing energy security & mitigating CO2 emissions: to secure strategic reserve, to improve efficiency in energy production & use, to increase reliance on non fossil fuels and to sustain the domestic supply of oil/gas (slower growth in fossil fuel-demand in oil/gas imports and in emissions). • Proposed energy technology use, diffusion and deployment, increasing clean energy technologies. • High Efficiency Power Generation: Clean Coal Technology, CHP Technology, etc. • Energy Efficiency in Industrial sector & Equipments. TRANSPORTATION • The Adoption of European emission standards (Euro 4 on 2021 and Euro 5 on 2025) • Switching Modes of Transport • Low Sulfur Fuel and Low Emission Vehicle Policy (case study) -  Diesel Fuel quality improvement:low sulfur (Beijing, Kunming, Guangzo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, India, Brazil) -  Use of alternative Fuel: Non – Oil (New Delhi) -  Tightening New Vehicle Emission Standards (Several cities in China, India and Santiago) -  Adoption of high taxes for high- emission passenger vehicles (New Delhi, India) -  Scrapping Policy: Switching to Euro 4 car (Beijing) HOUSE SUPPORT 1. Budget Support • Green Budget Initiative • Increasing Budget for adaptation and mitigation program and other Environment Function (currently at 1%); • Inclusion of green infrastructure indicator into macroeconomic framework in preparation of State Budget; • Fiscal Transfer; • Fiscal Support 2. Legislation Support • Climate Change Law • Renewable Energy (Electricity) Law • Circular Economy Law

23 Peran parlemen Mensahkan UU Paris Agreement pasca-COP 21 in record time Pengawasan, legislasi, dan anggaran terkait green economy dan green development Menjadi ujung tombak untuk studi banding kebijakan dan strategi negara mitra melalui kunjungan dan komunikasi bilateral Komisi VII DPR RI bekerja sama dengan mitra pemerintah untuk merealisasikan program-program dapil yang mendidik dan membangun kapasitas manusia terkait isu-isu perubahan iklim Membentuk Kaukus Ekonomi Hijau untuk dorong kolaborasi dan green legislation

24 The Green Economy Caucus Promoting green legislation, collaboration
The GEC consists of members from 3 Parliamentary Commissions (Commission VII, Commission XI, and Commission I) and 5 different parties (Golkar, PDIP, Gerindra, HANURA and PAN). CAPACITY BUILDING FOR PARLIAMENTARY SUPPORT RATIFICATION OF PARIS AGREEMENT IN RECORD TIME OVERSEEING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NDC ACROSS THE MINISTRIES INITIATIVES & UNDERTAKINGS COP 21: Parliamentary Forum at Pavilion Indonesia; SSE Leaders Luncheon on Climate Change; Parliamentary Meeting with Nordic States Bali Clean Energy Forum 2016 Dialogue Series: Paris Agreement and the Way Forward for Indonesia National Waste Day Innovative Finance Forum: Sustaining Indonesia’s Tropical Landscape GLOBE 1st Climate Change Summit, London Climate Parliament Gathering, Shanghai, China REDD+ Workshop with UNORCID: Capacity Building for Legislative Staff Members (4 batches) Climate Asia Report Launch

25 The Green Economy Caucus Promoting green legislation, collaboration
The GEC with Andrew Mitchell (Global Canopy Programme), Pavan Sukhdev (GIST Advisory), and Setya Novanto (Chair of the Golkar Party Parliamentary Faction). On February , the Green Economy Caucus signed an MoU with GLOBE International. GEC members, Dewi Coryati and Mercy Barends, elaborate during a legislative Q&A session. GEC members, Aryo Djojohadikusumo and Satya Widya Yudha at the Parliamentary Forum in Pavilion Indonesia, COP 21.

26 The Green Economy Caucus Promoting green legislation, collaboration
Chairmen of Commission VII and Chairman of the GEC ratify the Paris Agreement along with heads of various state ministries in a public session at the House of Representatives. The GEC at the launching of the Tropical Landscapes Finance Facility (TLFF) with UN body leaders, government, parliament, key sector players. (left) The GEC in collaboration with AirQualityAsia at inaugural meeting on air quality. (right)


28 Backup slide Peta emissions trading & carbon tax

29 Backup slide Skema reforma agraria

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