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2 Knowing and recognize waste type in around us
PURPOSE OF STUDY Knowing and recognize waste type in around us Hal.: 2 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

3 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
INTRODUCTION Accretion sum up human being population have, developing of IPTEK and Industrialization affect to duplicate namely always there [is] positive impact and the negativity Positive impact improve prosperity of human life. Negative impact specially of quality of environment. Hal.: 3 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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THE MEANING OF WASTE Waste is all substance which castaway or thrown from sources of activity of human being and also nature process which not yet / do not have economic value. Hal.: 4 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

Pursuant To Fundamental Law of management of Environment of No. 4 Year 1982: Event entry of or including of mortal, energy, and or the other, dissimilar component into environment, or change of environmental arrangement by human being activity or by process shake hand so that the environmental quality get down to certain storey, level causing environment become less or cannot function again as according to its allotment. Hal.: 5 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

Rate Polutan exceed normal amount in environment Polutan be at the environment imprecise time. Polutan be at the environment imprecise place. Hal.: 6 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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WASTE IDENTIFICATION PURSUANT TO ITS TYPE: Solid Waste Follow the example of: solid particle [released] in smokestack and current, solid detergent, metal and also the other waste. Liquid Waste Follow the example of: oil, sulphate acid, dissolve mercury in other water and also. Hal.: 7 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

Gas Waste follow the example of: carbon dioxide ( CO2), carbon monoksida ( CO) [is] secretory the than muffler of motor vehicle, smokestack, ammonia Energy Waste it happen of effect of energi Sound for example the happening of noise of effect of machine yield sound which ossify. Hal.: 8 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

Air Pollution Example : CO2 And CO of rest of combustion at machine motorize. Poisonous Gas H2S and a lot of met in district of vulcano. Water Pollution Example : Detergen, heavy metals, or the mercurial compound Land Pollution Example: Plastic, plastic bottle, glass, rubber of sintesis and can Hal.: 9 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

Physics Example : plastic, can, glass bottle and rubber Chemical Example : CO2, CO, Hg, Pb Biology Example : bacterium e-coli, virus, bentos and plankton Hal.: 10 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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SOURCE OF WASTE Hospital: Medical waste Solid : band, gauze, hypodermic, ampoule. Liquid: dissected water rinse and autopsy Radioactivity: discard from radiology room. Medical xenon waste Solid: paper, pigswill. Liquid: dirt from closet, washing water. Hal.: 11 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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SOURCE OF WASTE Industry Solid waste: paper, plastic, etc. Liquid waste: at palm oil factory, textile, paper,etc. Gas waste: smoke of from flue Limbah udara dari cerobong asap Sumber: Suparwoto,2008 Hal.: 12 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

13 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
SOURCE OF WASTE Agriculture and Breeding Solid waste: rest of agricultural produce, livestock pigswill. Liquid waste: rest of pesticide, livestock dirt. Gas waste: result of combustion of opening of new farm ( COBALT, N2O and NOX) Penyemprotan pestisida Sumber: Suparwoto,2008 Hal.: 13 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

14 Sumber: www.isroi.worldpress.com Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
SOURCE OF WASTE Household: Solid waste: can, plastic, bottle, etc. Liquid waste: washing water. Limbah rumah tangga Sumber: Hal.: 14 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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MATERIALIZED OF WASTE Public Waste: 1. Organic garbage: garbage which is easy degradation by decomposer bacterium naturally. Example: pigswill, skin fruit, etc. 2. Inorganic waste: garbage which cannot be degradation by decomposer bacterium and nature needs the degradation stripper time. Example: bottle, plastic, stereofoam, etc. Hal.: 15 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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MATERIALIZED OF WASTE Special waste 1. Garbage: wet garbage coming from place of food processing. Example: pigswill, cake, fruit skin 2. Rubbish: flammable drought garbage coming from home doorstep, office and commerce. Example: wood, paper, cloth, plastic. Hal.: 16 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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MATERIALIZED OF WASTE 3. Ashes : garbage coming from objects left behind from combustion process. Example: dusty 4. Street cleaning: garbage coming from street: Example: foliage and stick. Hal.: 17 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

18 MATERIALIZED OF WASTE 5. Dead animal: garbage coming from animal which has died. Example: mouse carcass 6. Abandoned: garbage coming from motor vehicle wreck. Example: secondhand tire, car carcass. Limbah rongsokan mobil Sumber: Hal.: 18 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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MATERIALIZED OF WASTE 7. Industrial wastes: garbage coming from industrial discard. Example: cable, yarn. 8. Demolotion wastes: garbage coming from crushing a building. Example: debriss, wood cutting. Hal.: 19 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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MATERIALIZED OF WASTE 9. Hazardous wastes: dangerous garbage from home pain, agriculture, and chemistry industry that is also is categorized dangerous disposal and poisonous. Example: rest of chemicals, ex- syringe, pesticide bottle. Limbah rumah sakit Sumber: Hal.: 20 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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MATERIALIZED OF WASTE 10. Water Treatment residue: garbage from drinking water company. Example: packaging of damage plastic. 11. Liquid waste: discard waste water coming from home doorstep, industry, white colars of which is not is applied again. Example: water closet waste, industrial disposal. Hal.: 21 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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PRACTICE 1.Waste is… a. Rest of production d. Out of condition material b. Office discard e. Goods that is is not has value c. Result goods from production 2. If not in management carefully, waste will cause... a. Floods c. Contamination e. Death b. Disease d. Greenhouse effect 3. Organic garbage is… a. Compost d. Leaf b. Garbage which can be elaborated e. Plastic c. Garbage which cannot be elaborated Hal.: 22 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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PRACTICE 4.Night soil is including waste… a. Radioactive waste b. Medical liquid waste c. Medical solid waste d. Medical non liquid waste e. Nonmedical Solid waste 5. Source of contamination of breeding comes from… a. Fertilization b. Livestock dirt c. Rest of fodder d. Organic garbage from area of e. Rest combustible paddy crop Hal.: 23 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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CONGRULATION, YOU RIGHT Hal.: 24 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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SORRY, YOU WRONG Hal.: 25 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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COMPILER SENO HARTONO, S.T.P M. RIYANTO, S.T.P SMKN 33 JAKARTA Hal.: 26 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait


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