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Prof. Dr. H. Sutarto Hadi, M.Si, M.Sc NIP Dr. RONY RIDUAN, S.T., M.T. NIP TUGAS MATA KULIAH EPIDOMILOGI Skrining: Hubungan Penyakit Diare dengan Sanitasi Lingkungan Dr-Ing. Yulian Firmana Arifin, S.T., M.T NIP Prof. Dr. Qomariyatus Sholihah, Dipl.hyp, ST., M.Kes NIP M. Rasyad H1E Suci Handayani H1E Riryn Herdiyanti S. H1E Yuni Safaria DL H1E KEMENTRIAN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL UNIVERSITAS LAMBUNG MANGKURAT FAKULTAS TEKNIK PROGRAM STUDI S-1 TEKNIK LINGKUNGAN BANJARBARU 2015 Nova Annisa, M.Si, NIP
Background Test screening required as a preliminary screening test diarrheal disease in hospitals Banjarbaru From the data of the Regional Hospital Banjarbaru obtained as many as 444 people suffering from diarrhea in 2015. Knowing the definition of screening understanding Screening Knowing the screening test on diarrheal disease in general. Formulation of the problem The goal Screening test method Knowing the cause of diarrheal disease. Knowing how to prevention and control of diarrheal diseases. Cause of Diarrhea Diarrhea prevention
Literature review understanding Screening Rajab, Wahyudin
understanding Diarrhea Diarrhea Prevention Behavior Mujiyono Nasili Diarrhea Risk Factors Wiku Adisasmito
The state of the river in the village guntung paikat
PHOTOS FIELD Photo taken in the dry season The state of the river in the village guntung paikat October :30 The state of the river in the village guntung paikat
Data penyakit Diare 2015 pada RSUD Kota Banjarbaru
From the results of the data is smooth paikat is one area that has diarrhea patients every month. Presentation of the number of patients is not as much in the area of Runway Ulin and Banjarbaru due to differences in area and number of residents. Factors based on sex, age, place
Contoh Akan dilakukan sebuah skrinning pada semua umur yang menderita diare. Jumlah seluruhnya adalah 444 orang, yang true positive 300, true negative 50 dan false negative masing-masing 50 orang, sedangkan yang false positive berjumlah 44 orang.
Jadi, yang positif dan benar sakit adalah 300 orang berdasarkan tabel
Sensitivitasnya = Predictive Value (+) nya = Spesifitasnya = Predictive Value (-) nya = Prevalansi penyakit= Prevalansi penyakit yang muncul dari tes positif = Akurasi dari tes=
Screening is an application of the test / tests on people who are asymptomatic with the purpose of classifying them. Screening methods in general, is characterized by the onset of severe abdominal pain which causes urination bersar (BAB) in excess with increased frequency of BAB in 1 day more than 4 times and the objec watery stool (diarrhea / loose stools). Diarrhea caused by infection of the digestive tract because of the bacteria Escherichia coli, Salmonella thyposa, Vibrio cholerae (cholera), and other bacteria and pathogenic excessive amount such as pseudomonas. Diarrhea can tackle by medical means by prescription or taking ORS, besides mineral drink water to prevent lack of fluids (dehydration). SUGGESTION Should supervision and counseling on the surrounding environment by the government to the public to better maintain cleanliness in order to avoid berbagia disease.
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