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4 plan
2.0 Plan “the point of planning is not to follow the plan but to
Gain a better understanding of what needs to be done Communicate with the key stakeholders Plan point penting dalam keberhasilan proyek Beberapa pertanyaan penting dalam Plan: What is to be done? When should it to be done? Who should do it? Dimulai “as soon as” project manager menyetujui proyek. Planning mengakomodasi semua tahapan proyek pengembangan – dimulai dari requirement s.d maintenance
Perspektif Planning fokus pada: Produk Planning
Effort (and cost) estimation Risk management Schedulling Produk Planning Statement of works Project organization Management issues Technical consideration Project closing
2.1 Statement of Works Formal dokumen yang dibuat oleh pemilik project yang mengundang potential vendor untuk menawarkan pengerjaan suatu project SoW : berisi diskripsi project, tetapi tidak memuat detail desain dan implementasinya SoW memiliki kriteria penerimaan (acceptance criteria) untuk mengukur penyelesaian proyek SoW berbasis “performance based” Pemilik proyek menjelaskan apa yang diinginkan kuantitif Vendor memberikan respon bagaimana bisa memenuhi keinginan tsb Keuntungannya; Pemilik proyek tidak perlu memikirkan metode dan cara untuk menyelesaikan keinginan tsbn Dapat mengkomparasi dan memilih penyedia berbasis solusi terbaik
2.2 Project Charter Transformasi dari SoW menjadi PC pada level operational Harus merefleksikan perspektif pemilik proyek dan vendor PC digunakan untuk mendapatkan komitmen awal dengan mengidentifikasi Partner dan external stakeholders Project management framework Roles, responsibilities, accountabilities & activities Management commitment (comm & control) Empowerment framework (training & tranfer of knowledge)
PC - detail Scope & objective Approach & deliverables of the project
Communication plan Control mechanisms Responsibilities of team members
2.3 Project Organization Model Pengembangan Organisasi
Kunci : kemampuan beradaptasi dengan situasi Project team : structure, person, roles & responsibility Problem escalation
2.4 Management Issues Project tracking & control
Reporting Checkpoints & milestone Assumptions, constraints, & dependencies Risk management Project estimates Size estimates Time estimates Project Schedule & Deliverables
2.5 Technical Attention Development tools Security
H/W & s/w requirements Configuration management Change control process Testing strategy Quality assurance (defect prevention)
2.6 Project closing Project organization Scope verification
Performance evaluation Close out analysis & review lesson learned & project databases Scope verification Technical audit memenuhi technical requirement Financial audit Administrative work Project acceptance & handover Transfer of files Licenses Documentations Payment statement
Full Doc - PM Executive summary Project description
General description Objectives Contractual Requirement Resource Requirement Equipment Material People Schedules Master Detailed Milestone chart Delivery meetings
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