4 plan.

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1 4 plan

2 2.0 Plan “the point of planning is not to follow the plan but to
Gain a better understanding of what needs to be done Communicate with the key stakeholders Plan point penting dalam keberhasilan proyek Beberapa pertanyaan penting dalam Plan: What is to be done? When should it to be done? Who should do it? Dimulai “as soon as” project manager menyetujui proyek. Planning mengakomodasi semua tahapan proyek pengembangan – dimulai dari requirement s.d maintenance

3 Perspektif Planning fokus pada: Produk Planning
Effort (and cost) estimation Risk management Schedulling Produk Planning Statement of works Project organization Management issues Technical consideration Project closing

4 2.1 Statement of Works Formal dokumen yang dibuat oleh pemilik project yang mengundang potential vendor untuk menawarkan pengerjaan suatu project SoW : berisi diskripsi project, tetapi tidak memuat detail desain dan implementasinya SoW  memiliki kriteria penerimaan (acceptance criteria) untuk mengukur penyelesaian proyek SoW  berbasis “performance based” Pemilik proyek menjelaskan apa yang diinginkan  kuantitif Vendor memberikan respon bagaimana bisa memenuhi keinginan tsb Keuntungannya; Pemilik proyek tidak perlu memikirkan metode dan cara untuk menyelesaikan keinginan tsbn Dapat mengkomparasi dan memilih penyedia berbasis solusi terbaik

5 2.2 Project Charter Transformasi dari SoW menjadi PC  pada level operational Harus merefleksikan perspektif pemilik proyek dan vendor PC digunakan untuk mendapatkan komitmen awal dengan mengidentifikasi Partner dan external stakeholders Project management framework Roles, responsibilities, accountabilities & activities Management commitment (comm & control) Empowerment framework (training & tranfer of knowledge)

6 PC - detail Scope & objective Approach & deliverables of the project
Communication plan Control mechanisms Responsibilities of team members

7 2.3 Project Organization Model Pengembangan Organisasi
Kunci : kemampuan beradaptasi dengan situasi Project team : structure, person, roles & responsibility Problem escalation

8 2.4 Management Issues Project tracking & control
Reporting Checkpoints & milestone Assumptions, constraints, & dependencies Risk management Project estimates Size estimates Time estimates Project Schedule & Deliverables

9 2.5 Technical Attention Development tools Security
H/W & s/w requirements Configuration management Change control process Testing strategy Quality assurance (defect prevention)

10 2.6 Project closing Project organization Scope verification
Performance evaluation Close out analysis & review  lesson learned & project databases Scope verification Technical audit  memenuhi technical requirement Financial audit Administrative work Project acceptance & handover Transfer of files Licenses Documentations Payment statement

11 Full Doc - PM Executive summary Project description
General description Objectives Contractual Requirement Resource Requirement Equipment Material People Schedules Master Detailed Milestone chart Delivery meetings

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