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Presentasi berjudul: "INFLECTIONAL CATEGORIES OF NOUNS"— Transcript presentasi:

Dede Fatinova Eris Risnawati Laura Bandung, 12 November 2015


3 2 commonest Categories of Nouns Inflection
Inherent Categories of Nouns 2 commonest Categories of Nouns Inflection number gender Kata benda tidak lepas dari infleksi bilangan dan jenis kelamin 9/16/2018 3

4 Number Dalam English nouns, ‘number’ adalah kategori yang mesti ada, karena dia akan menunjukkan apakah benda tersebut singular atau plural. English Singular (one) : book (sg) Plural (more than one): books (pl) Dalam bahasa inggris bikangan merupakan kategori yang mesti ada karena ia akan menandakan plural atau jamaknya. Contoh (dalam Bahasa Arab): ولد ولدان أولاد Sanskrit / Greek (tripartite Distinction) One Two More than two 9/16/2018 4

5 Di bahasa Jepang, number bukanlah hal yang mesti di tunjukkan.
Hon ‘book or books’ (one or more than one) In Japanese the enumerator or classifier selected depend on whether one is counting people, cars, animals Yuuzin o san-nin syootaisita (I invited three friends) San-dai no sidoosya de ryookoosita (we travelled in three cars) Adanya keterkaitan antara kebernyawaan dan number. ‘hon’ (buku) merupakan benda tak bernyawa, maka keterangan jumlah boleh tidak di cantumkan. Nin untuk animated, dai untuk inanimated Orang : angka biasa +nin barang: angka biasa+dai 9/16/2018 5

6 Gender Nouns diklasifikasikan berdasarkan gender. Nouns – Masculine
Feminine Neuter : Nouns referring to inanimate entities. Nouns referring to animate individuals. Der Onkle Der Alkohol Das kind Das hous masculine Neuter Braptfanne : fryingpan, kind: child, hous : rumah Secara gramatikal jenis kelamin disini tidak memerlukan jenis kelamin dari yang sebenarnya Die Tante Die Bratpfanne Feminine 9/16/2018 6

7 Swahili Swahili noun classes: Nouns are assigned to different classes, depending on whether they to human / animate individual. Classification system does not have semantic (sex) gender basis. Singular Plural m- (class 1) Human m- (class 3) Heterogen membership ki- (class 7) inanimate things N- (class 9) animals / nasal wa- (class 2) Human mi- (class 4) Heterogen membership vi- (class 8) inanimate things N- (class 10) animals / nasal Sub saharan african language Swahili pun mempunyai sistem klasifikasi, tapi bukan menurutkan gender, lebih ke kelas 9/16/2018 7

8 mtu (person) mganda (bundle) kikapu (basket) Ndege (bird)
m- tu (class 1) m- ganda (class 3) ki- kapu (class 7) N- dege (class 9) watu (person) miganda (bundle) vikapu (basket) Ndege (bird) wa- tu (class 2) mi- ganda (class 4) vi- kapu (class 8) N- dege (class 10) 9/16/2018

9 Agreement Categories of Nouns
Classic Noun Agreement The adjective and numeral get a class and number agreement maker taken from the menu of prefixes Noun + numeric + adjective One small child M-toto m-moja m-dogo singular Ki-tabu ki-moja ki-dogo One small book Wa-toto wa-tatu wa-dogo Three small children plural Kategori persetujuan kata benda Kata sifat dan kata bilangan memiliki sebuah kelas dan persetujuan kata bilangan diambil dari prefiks yang ada untuk memodifikasi bentuk dari kata benda. Vi-tabu vi-tatu vi-kubwa Three big books M-toto ‘child’ (class 1, sg) ki-tabu ‘book’ (class 7, sg) wa-toto ‘children’ (class 2, pl) vi-tabu ‘books’ (class 8, pl) 9/16/2018 9

10 Agreeing In Gender And Number With The Noun
Feminine Masculine Singular La Petit(e) Fille Chante Le Petit garçon Chante Plural Les Petite(s) Fille(s) Chantent Les Petit(s) garçon(s) chantent Subject-Verb Agreement in Number Subject NP is singular, the verb must be also singular Subject NP is plural, the verb must be also plural 9/16/2018

11 La/Le petite/petit: singular subject e: singular ending
Singular Subject NPs : La Petite fille chante Le petit garϛon chante La/Le petite/petit: singular subject e: singular ending Plural subject NPs: - Les petites filles chantent - Les petits garϛons chantent Les petits: plural subject ent: plural ending Verb : chant(e) singular, chant(ent) plural =sing Chante = Chant (er), Chantent = chant (er)+ ent 9/16/2018 11

12 Configurational Categories of nouns
The property that we will focus on is 'CASE' because its great importance (Blake, 2001) 'CASE' is used at least two different senses Oblique Case Gramatical Case

13 Grammatical Case Case yang digunakan untuk menandai fungsi sebuah kata benda exp. sebagai subjek atau objek tergantung pada posisi dalam kalimat tersebut a. Agricol-a (nom.) Puell-am (accus.) Videt Subject Object Farmer girl sees 'the farmer sees the girl' b. Agricol-a (nom.) Videt Puell-am (accus.) Subject Object Farmer sees girl 'the farmer sees the girl'

14 Nominative-accusative case system
Case agreement systems imposed by verbal fall into one or two categories Nominative-accusative case system kasus yang menandai nomina atau sejenisnya sebagai subjek kasus yang menandai nomina sebagai objek langsung Fido barked Mary saw S Vintrn Vtr O She slept him

15 Ergative-absolutive case system
Dimana subjek dari verba intransitive berlaku sama (zero marking) dengan objek dari verba transitive, tapi subjek dari verba intransitive tidak berlaku sama dengan subjek verba transitive a. ŋuma (S) banaga+nju (V) 'father returned' Father return+noun future (intransitive verb) c. ŋuma (O) yabu+ŋgu (S) buŗa+n (V) Mother saw father Father mother see+non future (transitive verb) d. Yabu (O) ŋuma+ŋgu (S) buŗa+n (V) Father saw mother Mother father see + non future (transitive verb) b. Yabu (S) banaga+nju (V) 'Mother returned' Mother return+non future (intransitive verb)

16 Genitive ‘s ‘s case is used to mark possession
One noun is the head and the other noun is modifier which adds some further specification to the head head noun Lita's ring Fido’s vet has retired ‘s makes the referent of dress more specific than say a dress Vet is not owned by Fido, the vet is associated with Fido ‘s a doctor – patient relationship

17 Oblique Case It marks not the syntactic function of a noun but rather its semantic function. Typically, oblique cases mark location/direction. “ga” location without motion (adessive = at, on, by, next, to) Gabada balima-ga wamba-nha The moon(S.abs) sky(Loc.) be up-PRES “The moon is in (on) the sky.” Ngiyamba B. “gu” motion to Nadhu yana-nha galin-gu I (S.nom) go-PRES water-ALLATIVE “I am going to the water.”

18 Arun chopped the tree down with an axe Location
dalam bahasa inggris preposisi lebih digunakan sebagai penanda konsep, berikut dibawah contoh konsepnya. Instrument Arun chopped the tree down with an axe Location Mr.Abdul is at the station Direction Rizky is travelling to the station Beneficiary Jaka sent a ticket to Edwin Temporal Cahya arrives at noon.



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