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Angular js training institute in indore www.consoledude.com
About ● Console dude is job oriented training platform in indore,it is a subsidiary organisation of pi technologies. Console dude has strong faith in excellence which motivate them to upskill with practical and real time scenario. ● As we know that IT Companies requires candidates who can work on latest technologies,Therefore trainers at Console Dude provides the functional knowledge of technology to students to make them ready to face challenges of IT industry
Introduction ● Angular is the best javascript frameworks which changed the way of developing web applications. It offers a clear and refined way to manage the code for creating web apps. ● With AngularJS, designers can use HTML as the template language and it allows for the extension of HTML's syntax to convey the application's components effortlessly.
Working and features ● The AngularJS framework works by first reading the HTML page, which has additional custom tag attributes embedded into it. ● Angular interprets those attributes as directives to bind input or output parts of the page to a model that is represented by standard JavaScript variables ● It is framework of JavaScript and it have own event handing directives. It is open source and it is free for every one
Conclusion ● It does not need any other plugins or frameworks. Moreover, there are a range of other features that include Restful actions, data building, dependency injection, enterprise-level testing, etc ● Angular gives a capability to create Single Page Application in a very accurate and maintainable way and based on MVC design which helps you to properly adapt your web application
Contact Us 3rd Floor, Plot no. 34. Scheme No.53, Ratnalok colony, Near power house C/o Pi Technologies, Vijay Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010 9993281602 / 9691426068 info@consoledude.com
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