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2 Organizational Strategy, Competitive Advantage, and Information Systems.

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Presentasi berjudul: "2 Organizational Strategy, Competitive Advantage, and Information Systems."— Transcript presentasi:

1 2 Organizational Strategy, Competitive Advantage, and Information Systems

2 Business Processes A business process is:
an ongoing collection of related activities that create a product or service of value to the organization, its business partners, and/or its customers. Sebuah  urutan aktivitas kerja yang spesifik di seluruh ruang dan waktu dari awal, akhir, dan jelas mengidentifikasi input dan output : struktur untuk melakukan tindakan. (Davenport, 1993)

3 Inputs: Materials, services, and information that fl ow through and are transformed as a result of process activities Resources: People and equipment that perform process activities Outputs: The product or a service created by the process


5 Cross-Functional Processes
No single functional area is responsible steps executed in a coordinated, collaborative way Procurement & Fulfillment Crossfunctional processes


7 Information Systems & Business Processes
IS’s vital role in three areas of business processes Executing the process Capturing and storing process data Monitoring process performance

8 Executing the Process IS’s help Execute the Process by:
Informing employees when it is time to complete a task Providing required data Providing a means to complete the task

9 Capturing & Storing Processes generate data
Dates, times, product numbers, quantities, prices, addresses, names, employee actions IS’s capture & store process data (transaction data)

10 Monitoring Process Performance
IS evaluates information to determine how well a process is being executed Evaluations occur at two levels Process level Instance level Monitoring identifies problems for process improvement

11 Business Process Reengineering, Business Process Improvement, and Business Process Management

12 Measures of Excellence in Executing Business Processes
Customer Satisfaction Cost Reduction Cycle and fulfillment time reduction Quality Differentiation Productivity

13 Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
A radical redesign of an organization’s business processes to increase productivity and profitability Reengineering adalah pemikiran ulang secara fundamental dan disain ulang proses bisnis untuk mencapai perbaikan dramatis dalam masa kritis,pengukuran kinerja  kontemporer, seperti biaya, kualitas pelayanan, dan kecepatan.(Hammer & Champy, 1993)


15 Business Process Improvement (BPI)
An incremental approach to move an organization toward business process centered operations Focuses on reducing variation in process outputs by identifying the underlying cause of the variation

16 Dasar Pemilihan Proses Untuk Diperbaiki
Adanya keluhan-keluhan atau masalah dari pelanggan Proses-proses berbiaya tinggi Proses dengan waktu siklus yang panjang Ada cara/proses yang lebih baik Tersedianya teknologi baru Arahan manajemen untuk menerapkan metoda baru

17 DEFINISI BPI Kerangka sistematis yang dibangun untuk membantu organisasi dalam membuat kemajuan yang signifikan dalam pelaksanaan proses bisnisnya. BPI memberikan suatu system yang akan membantu dalam proses penyederhanaan (streamlining) proses-proses bisnis, dengan memberi jaminan bahwa pelanggan internal dan eksternal dari organisasi akan mendapatkan output yang jauh lebih baik.

18 Business Process Management (BPM)
A management system used to support continuous initiatives for core business processes over time Important components of BPM: Process modeling Web-enabled technologies Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)

19 BPM Manajemen Proses Bisnis (BPM) adalah sebuah pendekatan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi melalui pembangunan otomatisasi proses dan ketangkasan untuk mengelola perubahan. BPM membantu perusahaan dalam mengawasi dan mengontrol seluruh elemen pada proses bisnis, seperti karyawan, pelanggan, pemasok, dan workflow.

20 Business Pressures, Organizational Responses, and Information, Technology Support

21 Business Pressures Market Pressures Technology Pressures
Societal/Political/Legal Pressures


23 Market Pressures Globalization Changing Nature of the Workforce
Powerful Customers

24 Globalization The integration and interdependence of economic, social, cultural, and ecological facets of life, made possible by rapid advances in IT. Globalisasi adalah proses integrasi internasional yang terjadi karena pertukaran pandangan dunia, produk, pemikiran, dan aspek-aspek kebudayaan lainnya. (Wikipedia)

25 Powerful Customers Increasing consumer sophistication & expectations
Consumer more knowledgeable about Products and services Price comparisons Electronic auctions Customer Relationship Management

26 Changing Nature of the Workforce
Workforce is Becoming More Diversified Women Single Parents Minorities Persons with Disabilities Customer Relationship Management

27 Technology Pressures Technological Innovation & Obsolescence
Rapid development of both New and Substitute Products & Services Information Overload Vast stores of data, information, & knowledge Difficulties in managing data for decision making

28 Societal/Political/Legal Pressures
Social Responsibility Compliance with Government Regulations Protection against Terrorist Attacks Ethical Issues

29 Porter’s Competitive Forces Model

30 Strategies for Competitive Advantage

31 Organizational Value Chain

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