Bahan Kajian Riset Pemasaran

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1 Bahan Kajian Riset Pemasaran
Perilaku Konsumen Bahan Kajian Riset Pemasaran

2 What is Marketing? Kotler’s social definition:
“Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.”

3 Many Things Can Be Marketed!
What is Marketing? What is Marketing? What is Marketing? Many Things Can Be Marketed! Places Properties Organizations Information Ideas Goods Services Experiences Events Persons

4 Customer Behavior Suatu tindakan yang langsung dalam mendapatkan, mengkonsumsi serta menghabiskan produk dan jasa, termasuk proses keputusan yang mendahului tindakan tersebut. (Engel, 1994) Perilaku konsumen : perilaku yang tampak (jumlah pembelian, waktu, karena siapa, dengan siapa dan bagaimana konsumen melakukan pembelian) dan perilaku yang taknampak (persepsi, ingatan terhadap informasi, perasaan kepemilikan konsumen)

5 Kepuasan pelanggan Kepuasan konsumen adalah tingkat perasaan konsumen setelah membandingkan dengan harapannya. Faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhinya : mutu produk dan pelayanannya, kegiatan penjualan, pelayanan setelah penjualan dan nilai-nilai perusahaan.

6 Macam Kepuasan dan Macam Pelanggan
Kepuasan : kepuasan fungsional (diperoleh dari fungsi suatu produk yang dimanfaatkan)dan kepuasan psikologis (diperoleh dari atribut yang bersifat tidak berwujud dari suatu produk menaikkan gengsi, menciptakan citra pribadi tertentu) Pelanggan : pelanggan eksternal dan pelanggan internal.

7 Mempertahankan Pelanggan
CRM – Customer relationship management It costs 5 to 10 times MORE to attract a new customer than it does to keep a current customer satisfied. Marketers must be concerned with the lifetime value of the customer.

8 CRM CRM – Customer relationship management . . .
“is the overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction.”

9 CRM Key Concepts Attracting, retaining and growing customers
Customer value/satisfaction Perceptions are key Meeting/exceeding expectations creates satisfaction Loyalty and retention Benefits of loyalty Loyalty increases as satisfaction levels increase Delighting consumers should be the goal Growing share of customer Cross-selling Attracting, retaining and growing customers Building customer relationships and customer equity

10 Customer relationship management
Customer relationship levels and tools Target market typically dictates type of relationship Basic relationships Full relationships Customer loyalty and retention programs Adding financial benefits Adding social benefits Adding structural ties Customer equity The total combined customer lifetime values of all customers. Measures a firm’s performance, but in a manner that looks to the future.

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