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Chapter 5 Regulating Stress, Anxiety, and Arousal

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1 Chapter 5 Regulating Stress, Anxiety, and Arousal
Christy Agung Yunita


3 Arousal of mind and body in response to demands made on them
STRESS Schafer (dalam Anshel, 2003) Arousal of mind and body in response to demands made on them Lazarus & Folkman (dalam Anshel, 2003) Stress is a particular relationship between the person and the environment that is appraised by the person as taxing or exceeding his or her resources and endangering his or her well-being

4 Shaffer (dalam Anshel, 2003)
Positive Stress Shaffer (dalam Anshel, 2003) Stress can be helpful as well as harmful. Positive stress can provide zest and enjoyment, as well as attentiveness and energy for meeting deadlines, entering new situations, coping with emergencies, achieving maximum performance, and meeting new challenges.

5 ANXIETY Kondisi emosi negatif ditandai dengan perasaan gugup, kuatir dan takut yang diikuti oleh aktivasi atau arousal dalam tubuh (Weinberg & Gould dalam Jarvis, 1999)

6 ANXIETY A-State A-Trait
Kondisi cemas berdasarkan situasi dan peristiwa yang dihadapi Level kecemasan yang secara alamiah dimiliki seseorang Somatik Kognitif Fisiologis Psikologis


8 Penilaian Kognitif ANXIETY Penyebab Skill Level

9 ANXIETY Teknik Psikologis MAS, STAI, CSAI-2, SCAT, SAI
Teknik Fisiologis Alat ukur Teknik Perilaku SCAT


11 AROUSAL Anshel, 2003 Physiologically as the intensity of behavior on a continuum from sleep to extensive excitement Seringkali disamakan dengan drive, activation, readiness, atau excitation (syarat untuk mencapai performa yang optimal)

12 Drive Theory & Inverted-U Hypothesis

13 Respon kognitif dan respon tubuh atas kondisi lingkungan
STRESS ANXIETY AROUSAL Respon kognitif dan respon tubuh atas kondisi lingkungan (positif/negatif) Sekarang Refleksi dari perasaan negatif terhadap kekhawatiran atau ketakutan Masa depan Diukur melalui somatik (fisiologis) & kognitif (psikologis) Emosi : Merasakan ketakutan Proses rangkaian fisiologis mulai dari tidur sampai high excitation Detak jantung, kemampuan pernafasan, banyaknya keringat, dan pengukuran fisiologis lainnya Aspek emosi : perasaan positif & negatif


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