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Applying the principles of art and graphic design in visual communication for multimedia Explain the rules of ethics and aesthetics art graphics (“nirmana”)

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Presentasi berjudul: "Applying the principles of art and graphic design in visual communication for multimedia Explain the rules of ethics and aesthetics art graphics (“nirmana”)"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Applying the principles of art and graphic design in visual communication for multimedia Explain the rules of ethics and aesthetics art graphics (“nirmana”)

2 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 2Isikan Judul Halaman Explain the rules of ethics and aesthetics art graphics (“nirmana”) The Graphic Designers Graphic designers are designing a product prototype for printing in bulk. To produce a professional design software designers need the support of which Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, Flash and many more.

3 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 3Isikan Judul Halaman Explain the rules of ethics and aesthetics art graphics (“nirmana”) How to learn the basics of grammar or form “nirmana”, among others: 1.Practice the art of artistic sensitivity is high. 2.Practice technical skills, creative art work. 3.Practice of art work through the correct procedures. 4.Knowledge of how to train stages copyrighted work of art. 5.Practice the language form. 6.Train and assess the work of art shows. 7.Appreciate works of art to train other people

4 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 4Isikan Judul Halaman Explain the rules of ethics and aesthetics art graphics (nirmana) Preparation Tools and Materials: Design "nirmana" with the usual manual techniques using tools and materials, such as paper, ink, pen, brush, pencil, paint color, period, ruler, eraser, glue and other. The design technology is “nirmana” with the use of tools and materials, such as Computer (software Corel Draw and Photoshop), printer, ink, and paper

5 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 5Isikan Judul Halaman - SMK NEGERI 2 CIKARANG BARAT The and

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