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Roy Thomson - Grammar of edit
Information Motivation Countinuity Sound
David Bordwell dan Kristin Thomson Film art an Introduction Sixth Edition
Dimensi grafis (grafis, bentuk, warna, gerak) Dimensi ritmis (suara, metode pemotongan, gerak, durasi shot) Dimensi spasial (establish shot, eksistensi spasial) Dimensi temporal (urutan, durasi film).
Sentot Sahit Fungsional Struktural Proporsional
Gabriella Oldham First Cut
Editing menyeimbangkan, memanipulasi, membuang, menambahkan, memendekkan, memanjangkan, membingungkan dan akhirnya menjernihkan apa yang akan terlihat, terdengar, dan dirasakan dilayar.
Proses pasca produksi yang masih menggunakan banyak peralatan editing profesional, player, recorder, monitor, ECU ( editing control unit ) Non Linear Editing Proses editing dengan menggunakan software dan hardware ( komputer )
Player / VTR ECU KASET Monitor
Bagan Editing Linear Monitor Monitor Player Recorder E C U
Non Linear Editing Proses pasca produksi yang telah menggunakan seperangkat alat digital sebagai alat perekam, pemotong sekaligus untuk menggabungkan audio video hingga hasil akhir. Seperti Komputer Editing
Bagan Editing Non Linear
Komputer Editing Player / Kamera Recorder
Capture Proses capture video (capturing) adalah proses memindahkan hasil rekaman yang disimpan dalam kaset MiniDV (tape) dll, dari kamera ke dalam komputer untuk dijadikan sebuah file dengan format digital (avi, mov dll). Istilah Digitized karena proses yang merubah analog (kaset video) menjadi file digital yang dikenal oleh komputer. Untuk melakukan capturing, membutuhkan software dan hardware.
Capture Proses capture video (capturing) adalah proses memindahkan hasil rekaman yang disimpan dalam kaset MiniDV (tape) dll, dari kamera ke dalam komputer untuk dijadikan sebuah file dengan format digital (avi, mov dll). Istilah Digitized karena proses yang merubah analog (kaset video) menjadi file digital yang dikenal oleh komputer. Untuk melakukan capturing, membutuhkan software dan hardware.
Assembling Tahap ini merupakan tahapan setelah logging dan capturing. Editing Assembly dilakukan untuk melihat gambaran secara umum materi yang kita miliki. Dalam editing assembly, belum ada musik serta voice over serta efek. Yang jelas, dalam assembly edit sudah terlihat cerita di dalamnya. Pada hasil assembly edit memang belum bisa untuk presentasi, tapi sutradara sudah bisa melihat gambaran umumnya. Editor sudah bisa membayangkan tema apa yang bisa dibuang atau tidak terpakai.
Transscript Proses mencatat kembali hasil dari wawancara untuk dilakukannya paper edit.
Paper Edit (dalam editing dokumenter, proses ini sangat diperlukan) Ada dua naskah dalam dokumenter, yang pertama adalah pre- shot script yakni script yang dibuat oleh penulis naskah sebagai panduan shooting di lapangan. Dan yang ke dua, dinamakan pro-shot script, yakni naskah yang dibuat setelah shooting selesai. Pro-shot script dinamakan juga paper edit. Semua transcript dari wawancara dituangkan ke dalam paper edit, yang berfungsi untuk menyusun struktur cerita yang adakan di rekonstruksi.
RoughCut / Offline editing
Roughcut alias motong kasar tapi ini merupakan tahapan sebenarnya dalam editing. Editor sudah membuat kontruksi cerita sesuai dengan post-script yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya. Dalam proses editing non naratif / dokumenter, penambahan draft narasi atau voice over sudah mulai di lakukan. Pada proses roughcut ini, akan terjadi banyak diskusi antara editor dan sutradara sampai dicapainya struktur yang paling di inginkan.
Fine Cut / online editing
Ini merupakan proses editing akhir sebelum karya tersebut benar-benar akan direlease. Pada tahapan ini editor sudah membuat struktur final dengan durasi hampir persis pada durasi sebenarnya, menambahkan musik ilustrasi, serta e.fek (jika diperlukan).
Picture Locked Inilah tapahan dimana kata sepakat antara editor, sutradara dan produser dicapai. Yang sebelum kita harus pahami bahwa karya audio visual adalah karya kolektif.
Mastering Melakukan printing karya audio visual kedalam kaset (video) sebagai tempat penyimpanan akhir.
Linear Editing 1. In-Camera Editing: The perfect blend
Video shots are structured in such a way that they are shot in order and of correct length. This process does not require any additional equipment other than the Camcorder itself, but requires good shooting and organizational skills at the time of the shoot. Making sure your subject appears consistent and faces the same way is even more important when you're not going to be editing your video. Here, the fishermen pulling in their nets in India and the close-up of the boy have to be shown from the same side
1. In-Camera Editing: Video shots are structured in such a way that they are shot in order and of correct length. This process does not require any additional equipment other than the Camcorder itself, but requires good shooting and organizational skills at the time of the shoot. Left - The 180 degree rule is equally important when your subject is moving. This elephant has to be shown to be moving from right to left if you pause your camcorder and re-frame, otherwise he'll look as if he's suddenly changed direction Above - Choose a nice, calm scene to close your video for the day. This way, the first shots you shoot the next morning won't clash too much with the previous day's action
1. In-Camera Editing: The 180° Rule
Video shots are structured in such a way that they are shot in order and of correct length. This process does not require any additional equipment other than the Camcorder itself, but requires good shooting and organizational skills at the time of the shoot. keeping the camera position within a field of 180°.
Cutaways 1. In-Camera Editing:
Video shots are structured in such a way that they are shot in order and of correct length. This process does not require any additional equipment other than the Camcorder itself, but requires good shooting and organizational skills at the time of the shoot. Cutaways the interruption of a continuously-action by inserting a view of something else. It is usually followed by a cutback to the first shot, but not always.
Jump-Cut 1. In-Camera Editing:
Video shots are structured in such a way that they are shot in order and of correct length. This process does not require any additional equipment other than the Camcorder itself, but requires good shooting and organizational skills at the time of the shoot. Jump-Cut a transition between two shots which appears to "jump" due to the way the shots are framed in relation to each other.
2. Assemble Editing: Video shots are not structured in a specific order during shooting but are rearranged and uneeded shots deleted at the time of transfering (copying). This process requires at the least, a Camcorder and VCR. the original footage remains intact, but the rearranged footage is transfered to a new tape. Each scene or cut is "assembled" on a blank tape either one-at-a-time or in a sequence. A Roll--Editing from a single source, with the option of adding an effect, such as titles or transitioning from a frozen image the start of the next cut or scene.
2. Assemble Editing: A/B Roll Editing
- Mix the two inputs (A and B) out to R - Lets you fade between sources and use other effects
3. Insert Editing: New material is recorded over existing footage.
This technique can be used during the original shooting process or during a later editing process. Since the inserted footage is placed over the unwanted footage some of the original footage is erased.
Assemble and Insert Edits
Assemble Editing Assemble editing is kind of like putting together a railroad train. Just as box cars are made up one behind the other into a train, assemble editing makes up a video tape by putting one edit behind another until the end of the project is reached. Insert Editing Suppose instead of an entire train of box cars, however, we decide -- after the train has been made up – that we want to replace a box car with a hopper car full of grain. We have to remove the box car and insert the hopper car into the box car's place in the line up. You can remember the difference beween assemble and insert edits this way: We assemble edits to make up a video piece. Once the edits have been assembled, we must insert changes into the piece. When we insert something new, it is at the expense of something that is already on the tape.
Linear Editing
Digital Editing In digital editing, the images from the source tape are "digitized," literally made into digits, translated into "1"s and "0"s by a computer. Digital editing involves moving around bits of digital information. There is no copying involved, and therefore virtually no loss of image quality. Because of the time required to learn to use digital editing equipment, it really isn't practical for do-it-yourself editors. Digital editing is not a do-it-yourself editing option
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