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ROCKETMAIL SIGNUP, LOGIN AND HOW TO RAGISTER NEW ROCKETMAIL ACCOUNT In this post, we will be sharing tips on Rocket mail signup and how to create an account on Rocket mail. Before we go into that, the official site of the Rocket mail web services is www.rocketmail.com which will definitely direct you to www.yahoo.com. Reason for this is, the service was acquired by Yahoo! Rocket mail was among the first free web email services in the 1990’s. Rocket mail along with Hotmail, were the first set of free web email services launched in 1996, but Rocket mail would not last for long as it was later acquired by another company. Though free, you would still need your device(s) to be connected to the internet.
Rocket Mail and all you should know Yahoo acquired Rocket mail in 1997 (no need to panic), and all existing Rocket mail users were allowed to keep their Rocket mail user ID. This is same as it is in the banking sector. Bank feat another bank, and the depositors of the acquired bank automatically become customers of the new bank. How to Login Into old Rocket Mail Account? Existing Rocket mail users were allowed to keep the Rocket mail usernames and profiles. To log into their existing account, they can only login through https://login.yahoo.com. However, it is needed to include the full email address in the ID section, i.e. johnjared@rocketmail.com, johnjared@ymail.com instead of just the user ID which is supposed to be johnjared.
Rocket Mail Signup, how to create a new Rocket Mail Account. Now, to {creating|to making} a new Rocket mail account will only mean creating a new Yahoo mail account which can be done by clicking the link below: You will got to fill in your full name (first name and last name), your distinctive username which you can create or select from the available choices given by yahoo, your gender (i.e. male or female), your date of birth (which will be discussed in the next paragraph), an active phone {number|telephone
number|number|signal|signaling|sign} as the email activation code will be sent to this explicit number that you have given for verification purposes, your country and state. After filling out the forms with the suitable data and last the verification process, your email will be created immediately. A Few Things to note. You must be above 13 years of age (depending on your region and country) before you can create a personal email on Yahoo.
Persons below 13 would need their parents or guardians to create a Yahoo! family account and add the child or children to the account. The parent(s) or guardian should certify that they {are|they're} on top of eighteen years of age and are the legal guardian of the child/children listed on the Yahoo! family account. Adding kid|a toddler|a baby} to your Yahoo! Family Account gives your child permission to access several areas of the Service, including, email, message boards and instant messaging (and several others). Please remember that the Service is designed to appeal to a broad audience. Accordingly, as the trustee, it is your responsibility to determine whether or not any of the Service areas and/or Content are appropriate for your kid.
You can scan more regarding the terms by clicking this link: https://policies.yahoo.com/us/en/yahoo/terms/directory/registration/index.htm?redire ct=no. I am terribly sure you may find this very perceptive and helpful in terms of rocket mail signup and how to create a new rocket mail account. If you have any concerns or questions regarding rocket mail, do not hesitate to ask using the comment session. https://passwordrecoverysupport.us/reset-rocket-mail.https://passwordrecoverysupport.us/reset-rocket-mail Our team members assure users to get rid of from all tech problems on a single call. Since they are available 24*7 so users can contact with them as per their requirements at our toll free number:- 1-877-637-1326
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