SIMILES. The comparison is carried out using the words ‘like’ as etc. Example : 1. as free as a bird. The word ‘free’ is compared with the word ‘bird’

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2 The comparison is carried out using the words ‘like’ as etc. Example : 1. as free as a bird. The word ‘free’ is compared with the word ‘bird’ using the word ‘as’. Example : 1. The little felt as free as a bird Simile is comparison of two unlike things that have a common quality, they may be alike in at least one way.

3 1.Similes can be used to compared the state of an object or person or the action or a person something else Example He is as fit as a fiddle 2.This simile compares the health or state of person with a fiddle Example : 1. She sing like a nightingale 2.This simile compares the health or state of person with a fiddle Example : 1. She sing like a nightingale VERB SIMILE The simile compares the action of ‘singing’ with a nightingale

4 3.Similes can also be used to compare the qualities of a person with something else. Example : She as gentle as a lamb 4. Similes can often be hyprbolic in meaning. This means that the comparison can be fantastic in nature or can be exaggerated Example : Saurov runs as fast as lightning

5 We have learned about similes. Let us read some more examples. 1.The Joko was as sliperry as an eel ( simile comparison a quality ) 2.This berad is as dry as dust ( simile comparing the state of an object ) 3. Billy eats like a pig ( simile comparing the actions of a person ) 5. Those two fight like cats and dogs (simile comparing the action of two people) We have learned about similes. Let us read some more examples. 1.The Joko was as sliperry as an eel ( simile comparison a quality ) 2.This berad is as dry as dust ( simile comparing the state of an object ) 3. Billy eats like a pig ( simile comparing the actions of a person ) 5. Those two fight like cats and dogs (simile comparing the action of two people)

6 We often come across similes in our day to day life. It is important to learn how to identify similes. The following teach us how to identify similes : 1.Look or listen for the word ‘as’ or ‘like’. 2. See if the words ‘as’ or ‘like’ are being used to compared two thing. 3.Visualise the comparisen 4.Finally, try to link the two things being compared using the visual image The following teach us how to identify similes : 1.Look or listen for the word ‘as’ or ‘like’. 2. See if the words ‘as’ or ‘like’ are being used to compared two thing. 3.Visualise the comparisen 4.Finally, try to link the two things being compared using the visual image


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