Dendiadi Rahadi Ramlan Tuti Feryanti Vivi Meilaendri English For Communication Anggita, S.Pd, M.Pd.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Dendiadi Rahadi Ramlan Tuti Feryanti Vivi Meilaendri English For Communication Anggita, S.Pd, M.Pd."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Dendiadi Rahadi Ramlan Tuti Feryanti Vivi Meilaendri English For Communication Anggita, S.Pd, M.Pd

2 Definition of Social Media Social Media is a means of social interaction online in Internet. Communi cate Send Message Build Networks Social Media InteractShareect

3 Users of Social Media Children Teens Adult

4 Development of Social Media in Indonesia Indonesian is the most popular using access internet. As of the third quarter 2017, 49 percent of the total population were active with social media users.

5 Examples of Social Media Facebook is one of the social networking sites on web. Whatapps are application that allow to exchange messager using Internet data packets. Instagram is an application that allows to share photos and videos to different social networks. Video about Social Media

6 How to use Social Media Download and Instal applications at Play Store on your Handphone/Android

7 Open the app in your handphone/android

8 Registration your identify

9 Login with your username and password on App

10 You can use it now Afterthat, logout

11 add

12 Positif Side

13 Negatif Side

14 Suggestion from government’s The government’s hope for social media is the news that has been assured of truth, not a hoax. So there’s no misunderstanding or interruptions from the government’s work.


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