 This application will helps you to improve your speaking skills in English. It improve your communication skill in daily communication, travel, shopping,

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Presentasi berjudul: " This application will helps you to improve your speaking skills in English. It improve your communication skill in daily communication, travel, shopping,"— Transcript presentasi:


2  This application will helps you to improve your speaking skills in English. It improve your communication skill in daily communication, travel, shopping, work, weather. You can learn how to speak English like a native speaker through dialogue lessons.

3  To improve students skills such as :  Pronunciation  Speaking  Writing  Fluently  Listening

4 Nearly 200 topics covering all aspects of life Daily communication Welcome to English Ask for time, weather, location, money, phone, mail Famous idiom, or use. Hundreds of common sentences The full explanation, the difficulty in communication in English Real sound, clear vivid Learn English conversation form Learn basic grammar Common English phrases : they are classified in detail and easy to use Practice the most authentic live conversation

5  This application is Online  Does not have picture  Cannot be open on webside

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