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Diterbitkan olehRoedy Soewardiyanto Telah diubah "5 tahun yang lalu
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ® Guide 6 th Edition) Project Risk Management Dr. Mohammad Ichsan, PMP, PMI-SP Yudha Perdana Damiat, PMP, PMI-SP
5 Project management process groups 10 Project management knowledge areas 49 Project management processes PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Table 1-4, Page. 25 PROCESS GROUPS & KNOWLEDGE AREAS Fundamental Project Management2
Please refer to your PMBOK 6 th pages 395 – 457 Objective: Increase the probability & impact of positive (+) risk Decrease the probability & impact of negative (-) risk All project have risks due to conflicts, changes and constraints. Unmanaged risk may cause deviation from project plan. Project risks must be taken in a controlled manner while balancing risk and reward. There are 7 processes in Project risk management PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Fundamental Project Management3
Non-Event Risk Project Resilience Integrated Risk Management TRENDS IN PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Fundamental Project Management4
Plan Risk Management Identify Risks Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis Plan Risk Responses Implement Risk Responses PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Planning Process Group Monitoring and Controlling Process Group Monitor Risks Executing Process Group Fundamental Project Management5
Includes process of defining how to conduct risk management activities Risk management process should begin when a project is authorized and completed early in the project If project scope changes significantly, risk management plan must be reviewed for its effectiveness and relevance PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Figure 11-3, Page. 402 PLAN PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Fundamental Project Management6
11.1 Plan Risk Management Inputs Project charter Project management plan Project documents EEF OPA Tools & Techniques Expert judgment Data analysis Meetings Outputs Risk management plan PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Fundamental Project Management7
Risk management plan includes, but not limited to: Risk Strategy Methodology Roles and responsibilities Funding Timing Risk categories → usually expressed in RBS Stakeholder risk appetite → expressed as measureable risks Probability and impact matrix Refer to pages 405 to 408 PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Fundamental Project Management8
PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Figure 11-4, Page. 406 RISK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE Fundamental Project Management9
PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Table 11-1, Page. 407 PROBABILITY & IMPACT DEFINITIONS Fundamental Project Management10
Brings together information so project team can respond appropriately to the identified risk Considers both individual risks and sources of overall project risks Participants in identifying risk includes PM, PM team, risk specialist, customers, end-users etc. Involvement of PM team will bring a sense of ownership and responsibility This process is iterative PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Figure 11-7,Page. 410 IDENTIFY RISK Fundamental Project Management11
11.2 Identify Risks Inputs Project management plan Project documents Agreements Procurement documentation EEF OPA Tools & Techniques Expert judgment Data gathering Data analysis Interpersonal and team skills Prompt lists Meetings Output Risk register Risk report Project documents updates PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Fundamental Project Management12
Content of risk register may include but not limited to: List of identified risk Each risk must have unique ID Must be described in details Potential risk owners Each risk must be assigned to a risk owner List of potential risk response If a risk has a potential risk response, it must be recorded and confirmed. Risk register must be reviewed throughout the project Refer to pages 417 PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Fundamental Project Management13
Assess individual risk based on their probability to occur Assessment is done subjectively using the perception of risks by the team and other stakeholders It helps to focus on high- priority risks PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Figure 11-9, Page. 410 PERFORM QUALITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS Fundamental Project Management14
11.3 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis Inputs Project management plan Project documents Agreements Procurement documentations EEF OPA Tools & Techniques Expert judgment Data gathering Data analysis Interpersonal and team skills Risk categorization Data representation Meetings Outputs Risk register Risk report Project documents updates PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Fundamental Project Management15
PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Figure 11-5, Page. 408 PROBABILITY & IMPACT MATRIX Fundamental Project Management16
PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Figure 11-10, Page. 426 Bubble chart is a representation of a hierarchical chart with MORE than 2 parameters A bubble chart displays 3 dimensional data: Bubble → a risk X-axis → a value (“detectability”) Y-axis → a value (“proximity) A bubble chart has a control limit set where it shows a risk is acceptable or NOT DATA REPRESENTATION TECHNIQUE Fundamental Project Management17
Numerically analyze the effect/impact of risk Usually requires a software or expert for analysis It uses information from “Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis” This process is not mandatory for all project. PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Figure 11-12, Page. 429 PERFORM QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS Fundamental Project Management18
11.4 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis Inputs Project management plan Project documents EEF OPA Tools & Techniques Expert judgment Data gathering Interpersonal and team skills Representation of uncertainty Data analysis Outputs Project documents updates PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Fundamental Project Management19
PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Figure 11-10, Page. 426 Simulation technique uses a model to simulate risk effect/impact Usually uses Monte Carlo analysis that uses a computer software It can analyze project cost, schedule or both Typical outputs include histogram and S-curve Refer to page 433-434 for more details DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE Fundamental Project Management20
MONTE CARLO ANALYSIS – SAMPLE 1 Fundamental Project Management21
MONTE CARLO ANALYSIS – SAMPLE 2 Fundamental Project Management22
MONTE CARLO ANALYSIS – SAMPLE 3 Fundamental Project Management23
~ 30% ~ 87,23 days MONTE CARLO ANALYSIS – SAMPLE 1 Cumulative Distributed Function using Software @Risk Fundamental Project Management24
PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Figure 11-14, Page. 434 Sensitivity analysis is also called “Tornado Diagram” Useful to determine which risk have the most potential impact Represents the calculated correlation coefficient of the quantitative risk elements Items are arranged by descending strength of correlation Refer to page 434 for more details DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE Fundamental Project Management25
DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE Change in Output Statistic for Construction / Cost RankNameLowerUpper 1Task2 Cost / Cost/Use$2,742,338.03$2,994,061.77 2Task5 Cost / Cost/Use$2,803,892.99$2,902,159.55 3Task7 Cost / Cost/Use$2,819,224.63$2,887,687.48 4Task3 Cost / Cost/Use$2,823,206.05$2,882,799.84 5Task8 Cost / Cost/Use$2,825,789.50$2,873,711.86 6Task4 Cost / Cost/Use$2,829,046.81$2,874,587.55 7Task 7 / Duration$2,834,509.98$2,873,799.87 8Task6 Cost / Cost/Use$2,831,475.75$2,867,267.61 9Task1 Cost / Cost/Use$2,836,288.06$2,868,111.87 10Task 4 / Duration$2,832,407.43$2,862,591.33 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS - TORNADO DIAGRAM USING SOFTWARE @RISK Fundamental Project Management26
PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Figure 11-15, Page. 435 Decision tree is used to support the best selection of several actions Each path is associated with cost and individual risk Each end-points represents the outcome of a particular path Usually the largest number at end-point is chosen Refer to page 435 for more details DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE Fundamental Project Management27
Develop options & strategies for a course of action to address project risk Each risk response must have “owner” Each risk response is often allocated for “time” and “cost” → contingency reserve Risk response must be realistic, cost-effective and agreed by all Refer to page 437 to 439 PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Figure 11-7, Page. 438 PLAN RISK RESPONSES Fundamental Project Management30
11.5 Plan Risk Responses Inputs Project management plan Project documents EEF OPA Tools & Techniques Expert judgment Data gathering Interpersonal and team skills Strategies for threats Strategies for opportunities Contingency response strategies Strategies for overall project risk Data analysis Decision making Outputs Change request Project management plan updates Project documents updates PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Fundamental Project Management31
EscalateAvoidTransfer Mitigate Accept See pages 442-443 5 WAYS DEALING WITH THREATS Fundamental Project Management32
EscalateExploitShare Enhance Accept See pages 444 5 WAYS DEALING WITH OPPORTUNITIES Fundamental Project Management33
The same risk response strategies used for “individual” project risk can be used for “overall” project risk Opportunity Exploit Share Enhance Accept Threat Avoid Transfer Mitigate Accept See pages 445-446 7 STRATEGIES FOR OVERALL RISK Fundamental Project Management34
Process of implementing risk response plan Risk response plan must be agreed by all Implementing risk response is the most common problem → risk are monitored but no action is taken. Therefore, risk owner must give the required effort Refer to pages 449 and 450 PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Figure 11-19, Page. 449 IMPLEMENT RISK RESPONSE Fundamental Project Management35
11.6 Implement Risk Responses Inputs Project management plan Project documents OPA Tools & Techniques Expert judgment Interpersonal and team skills PMIS Outputs Change requests Project documents updates PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Fundamental Project Management36
Monitor the implementation of agreed-upon response plan Monitor identified and new risks Continuous monitoring of risks in the risk register are crucial Risk audits are useful to determine the effectiveness of risk response plan PMBOK® Guide 6 TH Edition ©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. Figure 11-21, Page. 454 MONITOR RISKS Fundamental Project Management37
11.7 Monitor Risks Inputs Project management plan Project documents Work performance data Work performance reports Tools and Techniques Data analysis Audits Meetings Outputs Work performance information Change requests Project management plan updates Project documents updates Organizational process assets updates PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Fundamental Project Management38
QUIZ TIME!!! 10 Questions Quiz 10 minutes Fundamental Project Management39
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