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Diterbitkan olehirma joffi Telah diubah "5 tahun yang lalu
Irma Febviardi 1801072045 1A D3 Akuntansi
Impact Game On Children Positive Impact Negative Impact How To Resolve Example Game
1. Game Asah IQ
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1. Adding Friends. 2. Making the Mindset Faster 3. Improve foreign language skills. 4. Reducing stress. 5. Train patience. 6. Train dexterity.
1. Addiction 2. Lazy. 3. Lack of sleep. 4. Having financial losses. 5. Radiation that makes the eyes less healthy. 6. Lazy Bathing
1) Reduce playing time 2) Choose a game that can be played with family 3) Match games with rest and physical activity 4) Give conditions before playing the game 5) Switch the game to a useful game 6) Detect and support his hobbies other than games 7) Turn on his social life in the real world 8) Find out and support his future dreams
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