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Pendekatan Lingkungan Holistik bagi Keselamatan, Keselamatan dan Gizi Anak Usia Dini Silvie Mil, SE, M.Pd.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Pendekatan Lingkungan Holistik bagi Keselamatan, Keselamatan dan Gizi Anak Usia Dini Silvie Mil, SE, M.Pd."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Pendekatan Lingkungan Holistik bagi Keselamatan, Keselamatan dan Gizi Anak Usia Dini
Silvie Mil, SE, M.Pd


3 Holistic Approach A holistic approach is the sensible way to deal with the interrelantionship of safety, nutrition and health in the well-being of young childrean. Those who provide nonparental early childhood education should consider the environment of every child in care. Growth, health, development and safety are the result of each child’s environment

4 Non Parental Early Childhood Education need to care
Teachers Family child care provider Nannies Other non parental caregivers WHY??? Because Children who are unhealthy or whose physical well-being at risk may have difficulty performing cognitive task,social and emotional development

5 Facts about the importance of safety, nutrition and health in holistic manners:
The whole child has been fragmented  EC Educators must have the knowledge, training and skills to support Good quality ECE where family inovolved can help reduce the effect of problem children (poverty, violence, ability to achieve their whole potential Good quality ECE as a basic standard Only 10-15% day care have high quality Children experinecing a greater number of at risk difficulties than previously reported Issues nutritionns and feeding of children can affect of child well –being ect

6 The Environment


8 Physical environment Mother’s health, child’s heatlh:
Genetics: bahan dasar yang mengontrol sifat makhuk hidup Heredity: pewarisan watak dari induk ke keturunan Metabolize: proses kimiawi yang terjadi dalam tubuh Clean, safe, healthy home Safe, atraactive, school, neigbourhood Community facilities, how many available, safe and attractive

9 The social and emotional environment
Relationship with parent: Attachment As primary caregiver Relationship with the immidiate and extended family Relationship with teachers, peers and neighbors Sense of belongings (slef esteem, confidence to operate in the greater community

10 The economic environment
Family could afford children Economic/work status of parents Economic status of neiborshood services available for asisstance Economic status of greater community services for asistance available

11 78% of poor children had at least one parent worked
40% of the homeless are families Homeless children at high risk for mental health difficulties Children health problems related to poverty: Low birth rate Accidental death Lead poisoning Asthma Lack of immunizations: deathdue to childhood diseases Iron deficiency anemia Socia-emotional difficulties

12 The cultural environment
Ethnicty Cultural practices of family Neighborhood ethnicty of cultural practices, school, churche, neighborhoods Sense of belonging/acceptance, ethnicty and cultural practical greater community

13 The child’s cultural enviroment
Framework of beliefs Perspectives Practices in daily life: Food choices Child care practices Characteristics of family health attitudes


15 Promosi, proteksi dan pencegahan Penyakit






21 ECERS-R Rating Scale Categories that apply to safety, nutrition and health
Indoor space and its arrangements Furniture for ruitine Space for privacy Meals/snacks Diapering/toileting Health and safety practices Promoting acceptance of diversity General supervision of children Staff-child interaction Provisions for children with disabilities Provisions for parents Provisions for personal need of staff

22 PENDEKATAN HOLISTIK ( aspek fisik, stimulasi mental, emosional, dan sosial ) TERPADU

TUJUAN UMUM Terselenggaranya pelayanan pengembangan anak usia dini holistik-integratif menuju terwujudnya anak usia dini Indonesia yang sehat, cerdas, ceria dan berakhlak mulia KHUSUS Terpenuhinya kebutuhan esensial anak usia dini secara utuh meliputi kesehatan & gizi, pendidikan dan pengasuhan sesuai segmentasi umur Terlindunginya anak dari perlakuan yang salah, baik pada tataran keluarga maupun lingkungan

Pelayanan yang holistik Pelayanan yang berkesinambungan Pelayanan yang tidak diskriminatif Perluasan distribusi pelayanan Partisipasi masyarakat Berbasis budaya yang konstruktif Good Governance

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