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ID Creator : ERWIN JOKO SUSANTO, S.Pd Subject : English Literature Grade / Semester : 11 th / 1 st Based Competency: 3.2 and 4.2 Topic : Past Perfect,

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2 ID Creator : ERWIN JOKO SUSANTO, S.Pd Subject : English Literature Grade / Semester : 11 th / 1 st Based Competency: 3.2 and 4.2 Topic : Past Perfect, Present Perfect and Future Perfect Multiple Choices Other exercises Basic Competence 3.2. Apply social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of transactional and interaactional text which involves the act of giving and soliciting information regarding the necessity to perform an action / activity in the future, present, or past, in accordance with the context of its use. (Note the language element of past perfect; present perfect; and future perfect) 4.2. Compose the text of oral and written transactional interactions involving the act of giving and soliciting information regarding the necessity of carrying out an action / activity in the future, present, or past tense, taking into account the correct and contextual function of the social, textual structure, and linguistic elements Topics/Materials Past Perfect Present Perfect Future Perfect GRAMMAR CARD Hi guys, English tenses are not difficult to master if we understand the concept of time. Unlike Bahasa Indonesia, in English, the concept of time is very crucial to consider so that we can use the correct verb forms. Even, past perfect, present perfect and future perfect.

3 8/2/2019GRAMMAR CARD ERWIN JOKO SUSANTO 2 Study these situations: Peter has gone to Italy. Let’s have lunch together. No, thanks. I’ve just eaten a hamburger. It is the summer holidays.

4 8/2/2019GRAMMAR CARD ERWIN JOKO SUSANTO 3 Have eaten and has gone are examples of the Present Perfect Simple The Present Perfect Simple form is have/has + past participle. Regular past participles end in –ed, but others are irregular verbs. I/you/we/theyhave eaten I’ve eaten he/she/ithas gone he’s been I’ve just eaten a hamburger. (?) Have you eaten? (+) Yes, I have. ( -) No, I have not./I haven’t. (?) Has he gone to Italy? (+) Yes, he has. ( -) No, he has not/he hasn’t. Peter has gone to Italy.

5 8/2/2019GRAMMAR CARD ERWIN JOKO SUSANTO 4 8/2/2019GRAMMAR CARD ERWIN JOKO SUSANTO 4 The present perfect is made from a subject (She, he, John), ‘has’ or another subject (They, we, I, you) ‘have”and the past participle (the third form of the verb). PositiveNegativeQuestion I have known I haven't knownHave I known? You have known You haven't knownHave you known? He/she/it has known He/she/it hasn't knownHas he/she/it known? We have known We haven't knownHave we known? You have known You haven't knownHave you known? They have known They haven't knownHave they known? Subject + has/have +Verb3 Subject + has/have +not+Verb3 Has/Have+Subject+Verb3+.......+? SENTENCE

6 8/2/2019GRAMMAR CARD ERWIN JOKO SUSANTO 5 The auxiliary verb is 'to have'. When we make the present perfect we use the present simple form of 'to have': I/you/we/they have. he/she/it has. The form is often shortened to: I 've, she 's, we 've, etc. She has gone for a break. She's gone for a break. We use the auxiliary to make negatives, questions and short answers. I haven't done it before. Has she done it before? Yes, she has. No, she hasn't. There are some adverbs of time that are commonly used with the present perfect. Just - This means it happened recently, not a long time ago She's just gone for a break. Never - This means it has not happened, not even once. I've never given mouth to mouth. Already - This emphasizes that something has happened before now I have already called the doctor. She is coming.

7 8/2/2019GRAMMAR CARD ERWIN JOKO SUSANTO 6 The truth about the watches Police 1:Could you just sign here please? Tim: Yeah, sure. Can I do anything else to help? Police 1: I think we have everything we need. ______ (1) your boss, I mean, your ex-boss, for some time, and ____ (2) that he was involved in a counterfeiting ring. With the statement_____ (3), the CCTV evidence, and Mrs Hall's statement too, I think _____ (4) enough to secure a conviction. Tim: Mrs Hall? Police 2: Janet Hall: the rather posh customer who bought a watch from you just before Christmas. She recognised almost immediately that it was a fake, so she came to us straight away. But she was adamant that you couldn't have been responsible. She said something about some lost money that you returned to her. Tim: Oh yeah, that. But when you interviewed me the other week you really seemed to think that _____ (5) the watches. Police 2 :Just doing our job, sir. LIstening you've just given us We've been watching we've got we've long suspected I'd stolen Instruction: Chooce the right option in the box to complete the missing blank in the dialog by listening to the recording

8 8/2/2019GRAMMAR CARD ERWIN JOKO SUSANTO 7 Emergency Alice:Oh it's so quiet tonight! You could hear a pin drop. Gives me a chance to catch up on my reading. Man:Quick, quick! Get a doctor! Alice:She's just gone for a break. What's the matter? Man:I don't know. It's my son. He's stopped breathing. Alice:Oh no! Wait a minute, I'll just phone for the doctor. Man:There's no time. You have to give him mouth to mouth. Alice:But I ______ (1) it before! Man:You _______ (2) it before? Alice:No, not for real. Wait while I find the phone. Man: No! No, you must do it now! LIstening Instruction: Chooce the right option in the box to complete the missing blank in the dialog by listening to the recording haven't done

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