Effect of Temperature and Biomass Water Ratio to Yield and Product Characteristics of Hydrothermal Treatment Biomass Department of Chemical Engineering.

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1 Effect of Temperature and Biomass Water Ratio to Yield and Product Characteristics of Hydrothermal Treatment Biomass Department of Chemical Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada 1 Cyrilla Oktaviananda; Ria Fauzia Rahmawati; Agus Prasetya; Ahmad Tawfiequrrahman Y.

2 Research background Abundant biomass waste, direct use as fuel  very local and low heating value Improvement?  easier to handle higher heating value Bio-chemical: fermentation, anaerobic digestion Thermo-chemical: incineration, pyrolysis, gasification, hydrothermal treatment 2

3 Why hydrothermal treatment? Wet process Moderate temperature (200-350 o C); while 450-550 o C for pyrolysis and 900-1200 o C for gasification Water: solvent, reagent, catalyst 3 HYDROTHERMAL TREATMENT HYDRO-CHAR BIO-OIL

4 Purpose of the research 4 1. To optimize hydrothermal treatment process conditions (temperature and biomass-water ratio) 2. To characterize the solid product of hydrothermal treatment (water content, ash content, fixed carbon, volatile matter, and heating value)

5 Schematic Diagram of Experimental Apparatus 1.Heater 2.Presure Release Valve 3.Presure Gauge 4.Pengaduk 5.Reactor Cap 6.Autoclave 7.Gas inlet 8.Thermocouple 9.Electrical wires 10.Temperature controller 11.N 2 gas holder

6 Sawdust is used for this research. A slurry of 15 g of sawdust and 150 mL of water was loaded into autoclave. A stream of N 2 gas was used to purge air from the autoclave and to maintain an initial internal pressure of 1 MPa. The autoclave was heated to the target temperature. The target temperature, ranging from 200 to 300 o C, was automatically adjusted. Once the target temperature was reached, the sample was held for a further 30 min before the autoclave was cooled to ambient conditions. The slurry of hydrochar and water was filtered using vacuum pump. The solid part was dried in an oven at 105 o C to yield the final solid product (hydrochar). The experiments repeated for biomass-water ratio 1:20 (7.5 g of biomass and 150 mL of water), 2:20, and 3:20. Experiments were conducted at 250 o C and residence time 30 min. 6 Experimental Procedure

7 Raw MaterialsParameters(wt%) Sawdust Hemicellulose5,11 Cellulose49,33 Lignin29,49 7 Lignocellulosic Content of Raw Materials Result and Discussion

8 8 Temperature and pressure profile of the experiments (sawdust treated by hydrothermal treatment) 1. 200 o C 2. 240 o C 3. 270 o C 4. 300 o C Initial Pressure: 10 kg/cm2 = 0,98 MPa = 9,67 atm

9 9 Hydrochar Yield

10 Proximate analysis 10 VariationProximate Analysis Water content Ash content (d.b) Volatile Matter (d.a.f) Fixed CarbonHeating value (cal/g) (d.a.f) Raw Materials12,25751,0863,897522,7654489,207 Treated Temperature 200 o C4.0940.50070,35224,8245218,800 240 o C4,3770,76068,27126,5325557,024 270 o C4,6040,79865,21230,3245776,404 300 o C3,0730,58561,23435,0665958,225 Treated B/W ratio 1:203,1980,69167,29128,7755569,741 2:203,2200,28466,21130,1894973,277 3:203,1610,63866,49829.6595257,757

11 11 Filtration step to separate hydrochar and liquid phase Retention Time (min) CompoundsChemical Formula Molecular Weight 1,84Methyl Ketone C3H6OC3H6O58 1,87Anthracene C 18 H 12 Cl 4 O 2 400 2,04Butane C 4 H 10 58 2,20Acetic Acid C2H4O2C2H4O2 60 4,47Furfural C5H4O2C5H4O2 96 39,891,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid C 24 H 38 O 4 390 Identified Compounds in Liquid Product

12 Conclusion Hydrochar produced by hydrothermal treatment of lignocellulosic biomass has been proved to have higher energy density and improve its handling and storage properties. The best process conditions were conducted at 300 o C temperature and 1:20 biomass-water ratio. 12

13 Thank you 13

14 Cellullose Hemicellulose Lignin

15 1.Masukkan campuran biomassa dan air ke dalam autoclave. 2.Purge udara di dalam autoclave dengan gas N 2 sebanyak 3 kali. 3.Panaskan hingga suhu yang diinginkan. 4.Jika suhu yang diinginkan telah tercapai, tahan hingga residence time tertentu. 5.Matikan dan dinginkan autoclave. 6.Pisahkan hasil padatan dan cairan. Experimental Procedure

16 Hydrochar with treated temperature 16 200 o C 240 o C270 o C 300 o C 330 o C

17 17 Heating Value of Hydrochar

18 18 Spectra of FT-IR Analysis raw materials and hydrochar from sawdust treated temperature

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