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Metode Assessment Level IL up

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1 Metode Assessment Level IL up
Oleh Abdul Halim Koordinator QA 2019

2 Background Perusahaan dengan posisi IL merupakan band TERTINGGI di Indonesia. Perlu dipastikan bahwa posisi ( band) tersebut memenuhi PERSYARATAN. Diperlukan MEKANISME QA yang lebih tajam dan sistematis. Dibentuk DOBLE QA untuk perusahaan yang berubah posisi dari EIL to IL, atau dari IL to BM.

3 Scoring guidence line

4 Chareakteristic Band IL up
70%, 75%, 80%, or 85% • • • • An effective, systematic approach, responsive to multiple requirements in the item, is evident. The approach is well deployed, with no significant gaps. (D)Fact-based, systematic evaluation and improvement and organizational learning, including innovation, are key management tools; there is clear evidence of refinement as a result of organizational-level analysis and sharing. (L) The approach is integrated with your current and future organizational needs as identified in response to the Organizational Profile and other process items. (I) P 70%, 75%, 80%, or 85% • • • • Good-to-excellent organizational performance levels are reported, responsive to multiple requirements in the item. (Le)Beneficial trends have been sustained over time in most areas of importance to the accomplishment of your organization’s mission. (T)Many to most trends and current performance levels have been evaluated against relevant comparisons and/or benchmarks and show areas of leadership and very good relative performance. (C) Organizational performance results are reported for most key customer, market, process, and action plan requirements. (I) h

5 Integrated Approaches (70–100%)
Operations are characterized by repeatable processes that are regularly evaluated for change and improvement in collaboration with other affected units. The organization seeks and achieves efficiencies across units through analysis, innovation, and the sharing of information and knowledge. Processes and measures track progress on key strategic and operational goals.

6 Memahami skor 70% up di Hasil
70%, 75%, 80%, or 85% • • • • Good-to-excellent organizational performance levels are reported, responsive to multiple requirements in the item. (Le)Beneficial trends have been sustained over time in most areas of importance to the accomplishment of your organization’s mission. (T)Many to most trends and current performance levels have been evaluated against relevant comparisons and/or benchmarks and show areas of leadership and very good relative performance. (C)Organizational performance results are reported for most key customer, market, process, and action plan requirements. (I) Reported Most key Cust, market, process, and Action plan Beneficial Trend have been sustained in Most Area L T C I Good-to-excellent reported, Multiple Req Many to Most very good .

7 FEW (5-15) SOME (>15-30) MANY (>30-50) MOST (>50-80) NEARLY ALL (>80-<100) ALL (100)

7.5a(1) Kinerja Keuangan 1 7.5.1.Pendapatan (Rp M) 7.5.2.Pendapatan Bisnis Personal (Rp M) 7.5.3.Pendapatan Bisnis Home (Rp M) 7.5.4.Pendapatan Bisnis Enterprise (Rp M) 7.5.5.Pendapatan Bisnis Wholesale (Rp M) 7.5.6.Pendapatan Bisnis Digital Service (Rp M) 7.5.7.Pendapatan Enterprise Connectivity (Rp M) 7.5.8.Pendapatan DC & Cloud (Rp M) 7.5.9.Pendapatan IT Services (Rp M) Pendapatan BPO (Rp M) Pendapatan Device (Rp M) Pendapatan Adjacent Services(Rp M) Pertumbuhan Usaha (%) Pertumbuhan Bisnis Digital Service (Rp M) CAPEX to Revenue Ratio (%) EBITDA (Rp M) EBIT (Rp M) Laba Bersih (Rp M) Collection Period (Average in Days) Likuiditas (%) Debt to Equity Ratio (%) Days Cash on Hand (hari) Asset Utilization (%) Cash and Cash Equivalen (Rp M) 7.5a(2) Kinerja Pasar 1 Porsi Penguasaan Pasar Fixed Broadband 2018 (%) LIS Pasar Fixed Broadband (SSL) Porsi Penguasaan Pasar Mobile Broadband 2018 (%) LIS Pasar Mobile Broadband (SSL) Porsi Penguasaan Pasar Seluler 2018 (%) LIS Pasar Seluler (K SSL) LIS Triple Play Services (SSL) Porsi Penguasaan Pasar Triple Play (%) LIS Triple Play Services - Benchmark (K SSL) Winback Pelanggan (SSL) Kapitalisasi Pasar (Rp M) Share Kapitalisasi Pasar (%) Peringkat Market Capitalization (Peringkat) Revenue Share (%) Revenue Share Layanan Voice Seluler (%) Revenue Share Layanan Mobile Broadband (%) Revenue Share Layanan Fixed Broadband (%) Revenue Share Layanan Wholesale (%) Revenue Share Layanan Interkoneksi Internasional (%) Revenue Share Layanan Transit Domestik (%) Revenue Share Layanan Satelit (%) Revenue Share Layanan Digital (%) Pemenangan Tender Pelanggan Enterprise (jumlah) Pemenangan Tender Pelanggan Business (jumlah) Pemenangan Tender Pelanggan Government (jumlah) Note: Warna Merah POOR

9 The Integration Insight

10 Tim Doble QA Tim A ( Integration): Abdul Halim, Arif K, Dudung P
Tim B( Kelayakan Skor & Komen): Firmanto P, Teddy J, Imn S

11 Metode doble QA Focus on Integration Focus on Kelayakan SKOR dan KOMEN
Tim A Focus on Integration Applicant (BUMN) Tim B Focus on Kelayakan SKOR dan KOMEN

12 Kertas Kerja QA Integration (form)
Kertas Kerja QA kelayakan SKOR & KOMEN (isian) Contoh FBR aplicant




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