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Studi di Belanda
Beberapa alasan studi di Belanda, diantaranya:
Holland atau sebutan resminya Netherlands adalah negara yang berorientasi internasional dan inovatif yang terletak di tengah benua Eropa. Beberapa alasan studi di Belanda, diantaranya: Masyarakat yang multikultur dan terbuka Lingkungan studi yang internasional Pendidikan dan riset yang berkualitas dan beraneka ragam Terletak di tengah benua Eropa Value for money
Budaya Mahasiswa Komunitas pendidikan tinggi Belanda berupaya menjadi bagian dari masyarakat dan tidak ingin terpisah dari masyarakat sekitarnya. Komunitas pendidikan tinggi Belanda berupaya menjadi bagian dari masyarakat dan tidak ingin terpisah dari masyarakat sekitarnya. Universitas/institut tersebar di seluruh negeri, dan hanya sedikit di antaranya yang memiliki kampus. Bisa juga gedung-gedung satu universitas tersebar di berbagai lokasi. Akan tetapi kehidupan mahasiswa tetap dapat dijumpai. Di lingkungan setiap universitas/institut terdapat jaringan perhimpunan mahasiswa untuk melakukan aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan studi, olahraga, ataupun kegiatan rekreasi. Perhimpunan ini dikelola oleh mahasiswa sendiri, bahkan beberapa perhimpunan memiliki orientasi internasional. Mereka juga memiliki cafe-cafe, restoran, dan tempat- tempat pertemuan favorit lainnya. Secara umum dapat dikatakan bahwa komunitas pendidikan tinggi Belanda ingin menjadi bagian dari masyarakat dan tidak terisolasi.
Sistem Pendidikan Belanda
Pendidikan tinggi Belanda telah diakui reputasinya di dunia. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mereka yang pernah studi di universitas atau institusi pendidikan tinggi Belanda memiliki kinerja yang sangat baik di manapun mereka berada. Untuk negara kecil seperti Belanda, orientasi internasional, termasuk pendidikan dan pelatihan merupakan keharusan untuk dapat bertahan di tengah arus dunia yang semakin internasional. Pendidikan internasional berbahasa Inggris Belanda merupakan negara non berbahasa Inggris pertama yang menawarkan program studi berbahasa Inggris. Lebih dari 1400 program studi internasional untuk berbagai bidang ditawarkan oleh pendidikan tinggi Belanda. Kurikulumnya intensif pada level yang lebih tinggi, lebih maju, berorientasi pada praktek dan dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan sesuai harapan mahasiswa yang mencari pengetahuan khusus. Program-program studi ini menggantikan teori dengan praktek di dunia kerja yang sebenarnya atau situasi simulasi kerja. Sebagian besar program-program studi tersebut dirancang untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana (S1), master, PhD atau doktor, diploma atau bersertifikat.
Sistem pendidikan Belanda
Di Belanda tersedia dua jenis pendidikan tinggi reguler yang utama: universitas dan University of Applied Sciences. Universitas melatih para mahasiswanya untuk menggunakan ilmunya secara mandiri. University of Applied Sciences, yang di Belanda dikenal dengan sebutan Hogeschool, lebih berorientasi ke praktek; para mahasiswa langsung diarahkan untuk meraih jenjang karir di bidangnya. Belanda juga memiliki lembaga Institut Pendidikan Internasional yang sudah sejak lama menawarkan program-program yang dirancang khusus bagi mahasiswa asing.
Institusi Universitas Riset (Universiteit)
Ada 14 universitas riset yang didanai pemerintah di Belanda, tiga diantaranya memiliki spesialisasi di bidang teknik, satu di bidang pertanian, dan satu institusi lain merupakan Universitas Terbuka. Universitas Ilmu Terapan Program studi yang ditawarkan oleh universitas ilmu terapan (hogescholen) berorientasi pada penerapan praktis ilmu pengetahuan. Institut Pendidikan Internasional Sejak lebih dari 50 tahun lalu Belanda telah menawarkan bentuk pendidikan tinggi yang berbeda atau yang dikenal dengan “Pendidikan Internasional”.
Gelar Program pendidikan tinggi Belanda memberikan gelar Bachelor bagi mereka yang berhasil menamatkan pendidikan setingkat sarjana dan gelar master bagi yang menamatkan pendidikan paskasarjana. Universitas riset dan universitas ilmu terapan keduanya memberikan gelar yang sama; namun untuk program pendidikan internasional hanya memberikan gelar pada tingkat paskasarjana dan tidak di tingkat sarjana. Bachelor (S1) Menyelesaikan program bachelor di universitas riset membutuhkan waktu tiga tahun penuh (180 kredit). Lulusannya akan memperoleh gelar Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science (BA/BSc), tergantung dari disiplin ilmu. Sementara di universitas ilmu terapan membutuhkan masa studi selama 4 tahun penuh (240 kredit). Gelar yang diperoleh dari lulusan universitas ilmu terapan mengindikasikan bidang studi yang di ambil (contoh, Bachelor of Engineering, B Eng)
Master (S2) Program master di universita riset membutuhkan 1, 2, atau terkadang 3 tahun ( kredit). Lulusannya akan memperoleh gelar Master of Arts atau Master of Science (MA/MSc). Gelar master untuk applied arts dan sciences membutukan kredit. Lulusannya akan memperoleh gelar yang mengindikasikan bidang studinya (contoh, Master of Architecture, M Arch). Doktoral atau PhD Program doktoral ditawarkan oleh universitas riset dan memakan waktu empat tahun. Salah satu institut pendidikan internasional (IE) diperbolehkan memberikan program doktoral, institusi lainnya harus mempersiapkan mahasiswa-nya untuk mendaftar program doktoral di universitas riset. Seluruh universitas riset dapat memberikan gelar PhD berdasarkan lowongan. Informasi lengkat mengenai PhD di Belanda dapat di lihat di website
PhD Candidate Research Assistant (AIO) Sandwich PhD candidates Staff
Guest Phd candidates External PhD candidates
PhD Categories Research Assistant (AIO) PhD candidates are temporary employees of University, usually for a period of 4 years. This category was in the past known as AIO or OIO, the Dutch abbreviation for Research Assistant. Sandwich PhD candidates Have a grant and in general only spend the initial and last 6-8 months of the 4-year PhD Programme in NL. The first period is spent elaborating on the proposal, studying literature and following courses. The last period is spent finishing the thesis. In the intermediate period the PhD candidate performs research in the country of origin. Need to have the support of both their home institute and supervisor at University. The actual research takes place in the PhD candidate’s own country under local supervision. During this period, contact with the supervisor in NL is by and annual visits. Research proposal should preferably be linked to the applicant's country of origin, or of interest to research organisations in the applicant's country of origin. The preliminary research proposal must demonstrate that the applicant is competent in independent scientific research and has the qualities necessary to be enrolled in the PhD programme. University will evaluate: Financial support of the home-institute Academic supervision of the home-institute The curriculum vitae of the supervisor in the home country
Staff Already employees of University and are given the opportunity to conduct PhD research. This category of PhD candidates will not be charged any fees. Registration at the Central Student Administration is also not necessary. Guest PhD candidates Guest PhD candidates are PhD candidates who perform their research at University but are not employed by University. This category of PhD candidate has to pay a tuition fee and departmental fees. When applying to the PhD Programme, the PhD candidate must be able to demonstrate at an early stage that he/she has secured appropriate financial support as well as commitment from the relevant department / institute in NL. External PhD candidates PhD candidates in this category are not employed by University and conduct (or have conducted) their research at an institute other than University. The link with University is primarily via the supervisor. These PhD candidates do not pay a University Fee and are not entitled to an education budget. If the PhD candidate follows an education programme, it is paid for by the PhD sponsor.
Application for a PhD Position Step 1:
Choose a Graduate School of Wageningen University which can facilitate your PhD research. The research subject must fit in the research programme of the Graduate School. Contact that Graduate School and send the documentation listed below. Letter motivating the application. Preliminary research proposal (about two A4), that includes a problem definition, research questions, the proposed methodology linked to the research questions and up-to-date literature references. References from at least two supervisors/professors, with information regarding your performance on the Masters programme and the prospects for finishing a PhD in the area of application. Curriculum Vitae, including information on education, research experience and list of publications.
PhD candidates from non-Anglophone countries are required to submit an internationally recognised Certificate of Proficiency in the English Language (TOEFL or British Council, IELTS). This certificate is not a requirement for PhD candidates who have completed their higher education with English as the language of instruction. Requirements: IELTS: 6.5 , with a minimum of 6.0 for each (academic) module. TOEFL: 580 points for the written TOEFL, 237 points for the computer based TOEFL and points for the Internet based TOEFL. Test results must be dated within 24 months prior to an application to the PhD Programme. Photocopy of a diploma of higher education; minimum requirement: equivalent of a Masters degree. Also include transcripts of academic records. If not in English or Dutch, an additional official translation is required. Photocopy of your (valid) passport. Information on the funding you have arranged. Wageningen University and the Graduate Schools will usually not assist in finding funding sources. By arranging your own funding you get much better chances of being accepted.
Step 2 The Graduate School evaluates your qualifications and checks if your proposal fits it’s research programme. After a positive evaluation, your application is forwarded to a prospective Supervisor (Professor within a Chair group) from University for further evaluation. Evaluation criteria are: education level (at least at MSc) experience as an independent researcher the publications already written the scientific quality of the preliminary proposal the originality of the preliminary proposal the strategic fitting of research topic in the area of interest of the Supervisor and in the research field of Supervisor's research group the capacity and expertise that the Graduate School and research group have available fluency in English the available funding for Sandwich PhD candidates: the CV of the Supervisor in the home country. You cannot proceed further until the application has been approved by a Supervisor. This may take some weeks as Wageningen University receives many PhD applications. If you and a Supervisor have a mutual wish for a new PhD project; proceed with the steps in the Timetable.
NFP Admission Letter of acceptance from Wageningen University: An applicant must have been admitted at a Dutch university or institute. Wageningen University however, cannot formally admit a PhD candidate before the actual start of the PhD programme (i.e. after having evaluated the PhD candidate's qualifications). At this time the needed docuements are not available. This impasse can be overcome by providing an applicant with a provisional letter-of-acceptance. A professor of Wageningen University can write this letter. This letter must state the following: Acceptance of the PhD candidate under the condition that he/she can live up to the qualitative requirements of Wageningen University and fulfil the financial obligations at the start of the PhD programme Support of the research proposal The PhD degree will be pursued according to a Sandwich model Guarantee that the PhD candidate will receive a PhD degree upon successful completion of the research and defence of the dissertation If the candidate is awarded the fellowship, the secretary of the Dean Wageningen Graduate Schools can start arranging the formal admittance to the PhD Programme, and the central Student Administration can provide help with the visa and arrange suitable housing. Of course a complete file of the candidate is necessary.
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