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PERUBAHAN VS PERBAIKAN Center for Continuous Improvement, Today is better than yesterday, tomorrow is better than today

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2 PERUBAHAN VS PERBAIKAN Center for Continuous Improvement, Today is better than yesterday, tomorrow is better than today 31/12/2010

3 Perubahan  Di dunia ini tidak ada hal yang tetap kecuali perubahan  Perubahan bisa berarti menjadi lebih baik atau menjadi lebih buruk  Perubahan menjadi lebih baik adalah perbaikan  Perubahan menjadi lebih buruk adalah kemunduran  Stagnasi adalah identik dengan kemunduran

4 Perubahan dalam dialektika Islam  Sabda Nabi :  Barang siapa yang hari ini lebih baik dari pada hari kemarin berarti orang yang beruntung  Barang siapa yang hari ini sama dengan hari yang kemarin berarti orang yang rugi  Barang siapa yang hari ini lebih buruk dari pada hari kemarin berarti orang yang celaka

5 Sifat sifat Nabi Muhammad 1. Shiddiq ( Right / Truth-carrier) 2. Amanah ( Trustworthy ) 3. Fathonah ( Smart / Intelligent/Brilliant ) 4. Tabligh ( Announcer / Communicator )

6 Muhammad The Best Influencer  The Qur-aan translator toward all aspect of the Muslim have to do daily or the other important moments through his behaviour, his words and his agreed to “his closer- friends words and behaviour”.  The Grand teacher  The Authorized law maker  The Innocent ( Sinless ) Person

7 Improvement mechanism  The things claimed as the truth or the circumstance should be  The person / group who want the truth or the circumstance should be is implemented  The power of the person or group who want the improvement be realized  The process of the improvement  The result of improvement

8 Improvement in JNE  What is the circumstances should be  Who are the conductors will drive the improvement  When the improvement must become  Why the improvement is needed  How the improvement must be conducted  How long the improvement has been reached

9 The Agent of improvement in JNE  Directors, Commissioner  External Partners  The middle managements who care to keep JNE stable and grow fast  The groups of employees who want to grow their carrier but they have the same perspective about ideal things they want to be in JNE

10 The resistancer of improvement  The status quo persons with comfort zone  The stake holders who afraid to unexpectable impact to their vested interest  The ignorant who don’t know and who do not want to know what happened

11 The Agent of improvement  Must be consider 4 atributes of Nabi Muhammad, they must be intelligent ( Fathonah ), Trustworthy ( Amanah ), Right ( Shiddiq ) and Communicative ( Tabligh )  FAST or TRIC  Professional and Integrity holder  Be patient to hold the process and take the result  Must be work with group not work alone


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